Meet the grandfather who came out at 95 years old

Meet the grandfather who came out at 95 years old

A 96-year-old grandfather has proven that it is never too late to come out and be true to yourself.

Roman was married to his wife for 67 years, had two children and five grandchildren.

But he kept a secret all this time: ever since he was five years old, he knew he was gay.

“Certain things I want the world to know, I was born and was all my life gay,” Roman says in the moving video.

Coming out a year ago, he will now be the subject of a documentary called On My Way Out. It will be filmed by Roman’s grandson, Brandon Gross.

Popular gay YouTuber Davey Wavey interviewed Roman about his late-in-life coming out.

“There’s a sense of history in understanding how far we’ve come, and the struggles that this man must have experienced,” he told the Huffington Post.

“There’s gratitude for the LGBT people who marched and rallied and bleed and sweat so that today’s world is different ― and that fewer people feel compelled to live in the shadows or closets. Whether you are queer or not, listening to Roman stirs something in all of us…And at a time when the world often feels divisive and divided, it’s good to be reminded of our common humanity.”

As Roman says in the video: “I want to go to sleep [and] have somebody close to me…Not for any other reason but to be sure that someone cares.”

Next Justin Timberlake expresses support for LGBTQ youth during amazing acceptance speech

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  1. ambivalentone
    March 07, 08:27 Reply

    Wawu!!! 90 years of all that? I wonder if he’s a bible thumper and we’d av the PURRRFECT role model. #GodlyLifeGoals

  2. Khaleesi
    March 07, 09:44 Reply

    this is so moving … it might sound weird but no matter how deep the layers of deceit that have been laid down, at some point there comes a need to live openly and freely …. he’ll go to his death unburdened by the weight of secrecy …

  3. Mandy
    March 08, 06:01 Reply

    Never too late to own your truth. ???? Wehdone grandpa

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