Miley Cyrus implies that being gay is a choice, suffers backlash from Twitter

Miley Cyrus implies that being gay is a choice, suffers backlash from Twitter

Miley Cyrus is facing swift backlash for some questionable comments she made on her Instagram story over the weekend about being gay.

“I just always thought I had to be gay because all guys are evil, but it’s not true,” she said, referring to her current coupling with Cody Simpson. “You don’t have to be gay, there are good people with dicks out there – you’ve just got to find them.”

She added: “I’ve only met one,” an apparent swipe at ex-husband, Liam Hemsworth.

While she was clearly joking, the Twitterverse lit up with criticism that the singer was perpetuating the very real and damaging myth that being gay is a choice.


Cyrus came out as queer in 2016, identifying as pansexual “when I figured out what it was.” She said, “I saw one human in particular who didn’t identify as male or female. Looking at them, they were both: beautiful and sexy and tough but vulnerable and feminine but masculine. And I related to that person more than I related to anyone in my life.” She also claimed that she struggled with gender and sexuality since she was young, saying, “My whole life, I didn’t understand my own gender and my own sexuality. I always hated the word ‘bisexual,’ because that’s even putting me in a box. I don’t ever think about someone being a boy or someone being a girl.”

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  1. Mandy
    October 22, 06:58 Reply

    So she chose to be pansexual, is that it? All that queer identification was just a choice for her, just her playing around? What an unserious silly girl.
    Even this Liam Hemsworth she’s taking this swipe at, wasn’t he the same person she who when they were together, she was always going on and on about how he was a great husband with a bomb dick. Now apparently being with him made her think she had to be gay?

    Please, Miley Cyrus, shut the fuck up.

  2. Mitch
    October 22, 07:56 Reply


    Der idiota!

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