More Backlash On Kim Burrell Over Her Homophobic Sermon

More Backlash On Kim Burrell Over Her Homophobic Sermon

He sings a duet with her in Hidden Figures and is about to appear alongside her on national television, but right now Pharrell Williams is distancing himself from Kim Burrell, the singer and preacher who was caught on tape calling gay people “perverted.” He never mentioned Burrell by name but his Instagram message was an obvious reference to the controversy over the video.

“I condemn hate speech of any kind,” wrote Williams. “There is no room in this world for any kind of prejudice. My greatest hope is for inclusion and love for all humanity in 2017 and beyond.”

Burrell is also getting a round of backlash from the likes of activist Deray McKesson, who said he hopes for the many queer people around her to quit. That’s despite a sort of clarification Burrell posted on Facebook, claiming she was talking about sin broadly and never said all gay people were going to hell.

Here’s the line that directly addresses same-sex love from the Burrell sermon: “That perverted homosexual spirit, and the spirit of delusion and confusion, it has deceived many men and women,” said Burrell. “You as a man, you open your mouth and take a man’s penis in your face — you are perverted. You are a woman and will shake your face in another woman’s breast, you are perverted.”deray tweet 1deray tweet 2deray tweet 3deray tweet 4

The Ellen DeGeneres Show hasn’t issued any statement on its plans for how to handle Burrell as a guest on the upcoming show. Other celebs from the Hidden Figures film, though, have been adding their strongly worded disapproval of the sermon.

“I agree,” wrote actress Octavia Spencer while sharing Williams’ statement on Instagram. “We are all God’s children equal in his eyes. Hatred isn’t the answer. Intolerance isn’t the answer.”

Taraji P. Henson hasn’t shared a statement yet. But Janelle Monáe, another of the stars of Hidden Figures and a well known figure in music herself, had strong words.

“I shouldn’t even have to post this as you guys should already know where I stand,” wrote Monáe. Monáe said “I unequivocally repudiate ANY AND ALL hateful comments against the LGBTQ community. Actually I’m tired of that label. We all belong to the same community, a shared community called humanity.” Monáe didn’t exactly offer advice on how to handle Burrell’s track being included in the movie but she called for speaking out. “We cannot sit Idly by nor will we speak silently when we are confronted with such violence against members of our community,” she wrote, adding that sometimes “I want to slap a lot of people” when she hears their bigotry.

Monáe specifically condemned religious-based bigotry, the kind of which Burrell spewed in her sermon. Burrell later claimed the sermon was intended for “church people” and not the wider internet.

“My advice: If your religion is causing you to spew out words of hate, judge, or look down on others because of who one loves then you need to change it,” wrote Monáe. “And fast.”

Here’s is Monáe’s complete post, which includes the image shared by Williams:

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  1. MagDiva
    January 03, 07:35 Reply

    “We all belong to the same community, a shared community called humanity.” #simple ??

  2. Mitch
    January 03, 08:11 Reply

    Janelle Monae be giving me life as always.

  3. Kenny
    January 03, 08:49 Reply

    I really want to see how Ellen will handle this. Hopefully the show will go on and Kim will be placed on the spot.

  4. Delle
    January 03, 09:57 Reply

    I’m Janelle Monae right now. A glass cup, broken into different sizes, is lying helplessly on the floor as a result of my punch. I had no one to punch my anger into, so I punched it.

  5. Jazo
    January 03, 10:00 Reply

    She should be forgiven. She’s sorry. People should note they don’t earn points by bringing other people down.

    Homosexuality is natural and Evolution ordained. Prehistoric Cavemen paintings in Italy depict sodomy and fellatio. Same sex attraction in all its spectrum is as old as Humankind itself.

    The world should get that and just move on.

    • Francis
      January 03, 12:54 Reply

      And you’re quite sure she’s sorry because……..

      Ain’t nobody got time for any quarter ass apology. She meant ever word of what she said and some of her followers are backing her up as par it’s in the great Bible ???

      If na Africa she utter this nonsense, you best believe she won’t be tendering any apologies. She would be applauded sef. Once their source of income is threatened they start acting contrite. Mschew. #BurnBitch

      • Delle
        January 03, 16:43 Reply

        Francis, I owe you a harmattan hug

        • Francis
          January 03, 17:01 Reply

          Unfortunately you fit catch something if you deliver that hug right now *sniffs* ?

  6. Simba
    January 03, 11:11 Reply

    Why I love the west.. They don’t forget, nor play.. Ur either homophobic or Not

  7. Jide
    January 03, 19:19 Reply

    OAN: Does that Derey guy look like a Yoruba dude or is it just me?

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