Morning Humour: Marriage Request Feedback

Morning Humour: Marriage Request Feedback

Oftentimes, after putting up posts on behalf of community members, we get feedback. In the case of marriage contracts, the feedback usually ranges from brief thank-yous to updates on how the new relationships are going, whether moving forward and moving on from each other.

However, the feedback below is a first – where the guy who requested for queer women interested in getting married got a swarm of responses from gay men instead. Lol.

Check it out:

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  1. Mitch
    August 10, 10:06 Reply

    Boys are not smiling!
    Everybody is hustling man.


  2. Mandy
    August 10, 15:18 Reply

    I wonder if this one is the abroad gay. Na that one we go rush into sugar daddy hustle, even when we don see say na wife him dey find.

  3. Peace
    August 12, 12:10 Reply

    Lmaoo times are hard biko. We all wanna relazz and be taken kiaroff!

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