Obama will bring up gay rights issues despite Kenya’s threats

Obama will bring up gay rights issues despite Kenya’s threats

A White House spokesperson has said the President has every intention of discussing gay rights on his trip to Kenya – despite the country’s warnings not to.

On Monday, anti gay protesters in Kenya took to Twitter to warn the US President to avoid the subject of homosexuality and gay rights during his upcoming visit to the country later this month.

“Spare us the gay talk,” one user commented, while another tweeted: “That gay vibe should remain in America.”

The social media campaign to dissuade President Obama from discussing pro-gay issues followed earlier anti-gay protests that took place in the country’s capital of Nairobi.

During the protest, Kenyan MP Irungu Kangata said, “We are telling Mr Obama when he comes to Kenya this month and he tries to bring the abortion agenda, the gay agenda, we shall tell him to shut up and go home.”

Fellow legislator Jamleck Kamau added: “Anybody who tries to come and preach to this country that they should allow homosexuality, I think he’s totally lost. And I would also like to add, our son from the U.S., Barack Obama, when he comes here, to simply avoid that topic completely because Kenyans will not be happy with him if he comes to bring the issue of homosexuality in this country.”

However, it seems President Obama, who is due to arrive in the country in four week’s time to open the Global Entrepreneurship Summit, intends to do nothing of the sort.

Speaking on Monday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said: “I’m confident the president will not hesitate to make clear that the protection of basic universal human rights in Kenya is also a priority and consistent with the values that we hold dear here in the United States of America.”

Obama has used previous trips to Africa to urge governments to decriminalise homosexuality.

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  1. pete
    July 17, 06:00 Reply

    African countries leaving substance to chase shadows.

  2. law
    July 17, 07:33 Reply

    When are we ever going to get it right in Africa?

  3. Max
    July 17, 07:36 Reply

    Africa, the only continent in the world where people are stubborn as mules when it comes to change.

    • Khaleesi
      July 17, 08:50 Reply

      What do you exepct? Its etched deep in their DNA just like stubbornness is engraved in a mule’s genetic makeup, they r simply following their pig-headed design …

  4. Mwaniki
    July 17, 07:42 Reply

    I hope he can find a way of not coming across as moral-lecturing; that is usually counter-productive.
    I’m quite sure the homophobes will be unhappy with whatever he says about gays anyway. I just want them to have as little fodder as possible for their hateful responses.

  5. kacee
    July 17, 08:22 Reply

    African countries are the same, instead of focusing on other serious matter like electricity,health,water,roads here they are putting their nose in another people’s business and their personal life mtchewwww rubbish

  6. Diablo
    July 17, 08:24 Reply

    I don’t think the US should impose the issue and topic of gay rights on countries who would rather not. It’s like two elephants fighting, and we gays are the grass under their feet. All it does is increase hostilities towards gays. It took the US over a century to have equal gay rights, they should extend the same patience with African countries overnight.

    • pete
      July 17, 08:41 Reply

      where have the US tried to impose the issue?

    • Khaleesi
      July 17, 08:52 Reply

      Gay rights are human rights and a global power ought to speak up for these rights whereever they r being trampled upon …

  7. pete
    July 17, 08:40 Reply

    Obama is coming for the global entrepreneurship summit. why people choose to bother over minor details, I can’t understand. instead of worrying if their neoliberal institutions are going to worsen your economies & if the partnerships signed or about to be signed are mutually beneficial, they are worried about what two consenting adults do in their bedrooms.

  8. Khaleesi
    July 17, 09:02 Reply

    Thank you Pres Obama! This is one of the things i admire about the US (not that it doesn’t have its flaws and all). Gay rights are an inseparable part of human rights and must be spoken up for at every opportunity. Note that Pres Obama is not asking for the legalization of same sex marriages rather he is demanding the ‘decriminalisation ‘ of gays. However, blinded as always bt ignorance and opium; Africans may never see things from this angle …

  9. Sinnex
    July 17, 10:16 Reply

    What if…just what if…Africans invest half the time they use in campaigning against Homosexuality to fight for quality leadership and provision of basic social amenities…Africa would have been a good place to grow, raise children and enjoy life.

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