So It Is A Tyson Beckford vs. Keith Carlos beef
Who knew celebrities could be as catty as you and I? Remember when you had that social media spat with that friend or acquaintance, and you had enough of seeing him or her on your Timeline. What else is there left to do? You hit the Block button.
Well apparently celebrities have such mortal imperfections as well. Remember Keith Carlos, the male model who won Tyra Banks’ America’s Next Top Model? Well, he must have pissed off Tyson Beckford so much that the dude blocked him on Instagram. So the other dude be trying to say hello, to find himself unable to access Tyson. Lol. Check on it below.
‘You can learn from me too…’ Am I the only one who thinks that’s a not-so-subtle shade? Lol. Kai! Keith Carlos, you really tried it. What I’d give to be a fly on the wall of the room when this beef between you and Tyson is getting discussed.
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December 22, 05:58Sweetie, forget about Tyson, what’s the Birthday, I know one or two things about being born-again..
December 22, 06:35Wait, what? Pinky,u really need to come get ur man,lol.Who knew Tyson was such an insecure lil alley-cat.let it go grandpa! ur time has passed; allow younger guys to enjoy d spotlight.
Funny that they’re both hot models who look alike and share d same birthday; guess I can see why Tyson feels…”replaced”. LMAO
December 22, 06:38Hehehehee. You’re right o, they do sorta look alike. Add to that the same birthday and, oh yea, I can totally see why Tyson would lock up and lock down.
December 22, 14:04Chestnut! You hit the nail smack on the head! ! Grandma Becky is petrified that her time has gone – she’s been around for like eva! I started hearing about her when i was in primary school! Now she sees this fine young thang come up to remind her of glory days long gone as well as threaten to steal her shine, bitch went into blind panic mode, and lashed out irrationally – thats what happened
Dennis Macauley
December 22, 07:03LOL
December 22, 07:16*Just passing….lol
December 22, 07:47Pinky, did you say “getting discussed”?…God is watching you o. We both know what you want to see behind closed doors
December 22, 07:58Hahahahahsaa see me see troblem o
December 22, 07:54Something had to have happened between this two, I found it seriously hard to believe that Tyson would be so immature, I get that Keith Carlos is the new hot thing, but blocking him cause of it, stretches belief.
What do I know though. Tyson may just be a green-eyed biatch for all we know.
December 22, 08:01Lol. No need to reach here; I don’t think anything sexual happend btwn them (I think Keith is straight), and I don’t think Keith offended Ms. Becky. In any way; he seems like a very polite, non-assuming young man, who tries not to offend anyone. I think it’s just insecurity (“niqqah, u’re stealing my spotlight AND my birthday and u want to Famz on IG? Nah bitch,fall back!”…hehehe)
Dennis Macauley
December 22, 08:03Wait Ms Becky?
December 22, 08:08…*sips tea*…
December 22, 08:08Chestnut, are we going to have a problem, you and i?
December 22, 08:36(Ewoooo…I forgot Pinky would see this o!) Em…pinky dear,it was just a typo o; I mistakenly typed “S” instead of “R”..and, em, “Y”,instead of “Ford”. It was an honest mistake,Pinkford (see? I did it again!) *flees*
December 22, 11:38Hahahahahahahaaa your yeye dey smell chestnut
Dennis Macauley
December 22, 09:03****Dials Scarface****
Do you wanna come over to my place for tea?
December 22, 08:18Hmmm. And I wasn’t even referring to anything sexual when I said something must have happened between them. Or was I?? Is my mind so dirty that My subconscious is making dirty puns without me knowing?? Choi.
December 22, 11:35Lmao. You need salvation, Deola
December 22, 13:19They share same birthday? Dafuq! Is it just me or are these two guys looks just like brothers?
December 29, 12:28Lol! He probably feels threatened….. Chai Grandpa….