Orlando Shooting: What We Know and Don’t Know

Orlando Shooting: What We Know and Don’t Know

A gunman who claimed allegiance to the Islamic State killed 50 people and wounded 53 more when he opened fire in a crowded gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla., early Sunday. It was the worst mass shooting in American history.

Who Is the Suspect?

  • The gunman was Omar Mateen, 29, an American citizen whose parents were from Afghanistan. He claimed allegiance to the Islamic State in a 911 call he made at the time of the attack, law enforcement officials said. He lived in Fort Pierce, Fla.
  • The Orlando Police Department said Mr. Mateen was born in New York. Court records indicate he was married and divorced.
  • The F.B.I. investigated Mr. Mateen for possible terrorist ties in 2013 and 2014 but did not believe him to be a threat. The 2014 investigation centered on a possible link between Mr. Mateen and Moner Mohammad Abusalha, an American from Florida who became a suicide bomber for an extremist group in Syria.
  • The global security company G4S, based in Britain, said Mr. Mateen had worked for it as a guard since 2007. A co-worker said he had repeatedly complained to the company that Mr. Mateen used racial, ethnic and sexist slurs and talked about killing people.
  • The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said Mr. Mateen had legally bought both weapons used in the attack, a handgun and a long gun, in Florida within the last week.

What Happened?

  • Mr. Mateen opened fire inside the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, a popular gay club, at about 2 a.m. He was armed with an AR-15-style assault rifle and a handgun.
  • Mr. Mateen shot about one-third of the people in the packed club. Hundreds of panicked clubgoers escaped and fled into the streets
  • Mr. Mateen holed up inside the club during the attack and effectively held dozens of people hostage. Some of them hid in a restroom and frantically texted friends and family for help.
  • Mr. Mateen was killed by a police SWAT team when it raided the building at about 5 a.m. with an armored vehicle and stun grenades. One police officer was wounded, and at least 30 people were rescued.

Who Were the Victims?

  • The City of Orlando set up a special web page where it is releasing the names of victims. It has released 21 names so far.

How Does This Compare With Other Mass Shootings?

  • More people were killed in Orlando than in any previous mass shooting in the United States. The 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech killed 32 people, while 26 people were killed in the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.
  • This is the second mass shooting in the United States linked to sympathizers of the Islamic State since December, when a married couple killed 14 people in a rampage in San Bernardino, Calif. The Orlando shooting was the worst terrorist attack on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001.
  • President Obama called the attack “an act of terror and an act of hate” and said the American flag would be flown at half-staff at the White House, embassies and military facilities. “In the face of hate and violence, we will love one another,” he said.
  • The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the massacre in a statement released over an encrypted phone app. The group said the attack “was carried out by an Islamic State fighter,” according to a transcript provided by the SITE Intelligence Group, which tracks jihadist propaganda.

What We Don’t Know

  • Law enforcement officials have not said whether Mr. Mateen had any direct link to the Islamic State, such as training or any sort of direct communication. The statement by the Islamic State did not provide details about its relationship with Mr. Mateen.
  • It is possible he was “self-radicalized” — that is, claimed allegiance to the Islamic State but had no direct tie — like the husband and wife team behind the San Bernardino attack last year.
  • The authorities have not released the names of most of the victims.
  • The police in Santa Monica, Calif., arrested a heavily armed man who said he was in the area for the gay pride parade in West Hollywood, but they did not know of a connection between him and the Orlando attack.

Another Thing We Know

Olamide is a douche-bag!IMG-20160612-WA008

Next The Pope didn’t acknowledge the homophobic nature of the Orlando shooting

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  1. Francis
    June 13, 16:54 Reply

    I read his popsy is running for Afghanistan presidency

  2. You-Know-Who
    June 13, 17:02 Reply

    May their souls rest in peace! I’m still recovering from the shock…

  3. Queen Blue Fox
    June 13, 17:08 Reply

    This is really sad
    on a second Note Olamide should be flogged till he bleeds out for such an insensitive post!

  4. Kenny
    June 13, 17:09 Reply

    RIP to the dead, I pray for strength for their loved ones. It’s disheartening.

  5. Brian Collins
    June 13, 17:22 Reply

    I am very horrified. I have been watching CNN and crying all afternoon. It is horrible that one can do this to his fellow humans.

  6. pete
    June 13, 17:40 Reply

    What will it cost people to imbibe the live & let’s live mantra. There’s a global outrage & even hypocrites are joining the fray.

  7. Canis VY Majoris
    June 13, 17:50 Reply

    Is this a terrorist attack or a hate crime? I wonder if the same question was asked about the Black Church Shooting in Charleston.

    • ambivalentone
      June 13, 20:28 Reply

      Where do u even begin to draw the line between terrorism and hate?

  8. chuck
    June 13, 17:53 Reply

    Imagine if Nigeria had lax gun laws too. This is how they’ll be executing kids at Caliente

  9. Duke
    June 13, 18:49 Reply

    I have been feeling sad after this news! In some way, it touched me and sometimes i want to have a disconnect from the story but at the same time want update and need something to be done. Very sad indeed.

  10. Delle
    June 13, 22:08 Reply

    It’s so saddening that in a place where people should naturally seek comfort and freedom, a tragedy such as this should occur. Such devastating news.

    Just deleted all of Olamide’s songs on my phone, btw!

    • ambivalentone
      June 14, 07:22 Reply

      That you even liked him and his lousy songs ab initio sef…*shudders*

      • Delle
        June 14, 10:46 Reply

        Aswear! I’ve been mentally scolding myself ever since. #mosthatedNigerianartiste

  11. Kainene
    June 13, 23:31 Reply

    Seeing this just broke my heart and soul.

  12. Mr. Fingers
    June 13, 23:42 Reply

    PEACE. May their souls rest in peace.

    We do know for sure that there are a lot of gay dudes on the down low in the hip hop world.

    They just like acting though, ghetto and street but na dem chop preek pass. Idiots.

  13. Law
    June 14, 08:45 Reply

    Olamide is a closeted btm…. Quote me anywhere…. Bastard for putting that up.
    On a lighter note. Its really sad that this happened. My mum cried wen she saw the exchange of text btw a woman and her son before he was shot. May they rest in peace. #standwithorlando

  14. posh6666
    June 14, 09:04 Reply

    The pics up there is so heartbreaking…The funny thing is a lot of rugged street boys like Olamide are usually on the downlow and are actually macho Mary’s who love to take extra large dicks.

  15. Handle
    June 14, 09:18 Reply

    What we know:
    He used gay dating apps, especially Jack’d and had been going to the gay club for almost three yrs before the incident.

    Former classmate say he was gay, went to gay clubs with him and asked him out on a romantic date in 2006.

    No connection ISIS had any part in carrying out this attack or coordinated it.

    What we don’t know:
    Whether he was a closeted gay man suffering from IH.

    If calling 911 abt ISIS was a cover up for his struggles as a gay Muslim.

    Footnotes: http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-orlando-nightclub-shooting-20160613-snap-story.html

  16. HERO
    June 14, 21:34 Reply

    May the souls of our Brithers have eternal peace!!!

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