Outrage over Donald Trump’s decision to roll back federal protections for trans students

Outrage over Donald Trump’s decision to roll back federal protections for trans students

The internet, including celebrities, have hit out at Donald Trump for his decision to revoke federal protections for trans students.

On Wednesday, the Education and Justice Departments said they would no longer instruct schools to allow trans students to use facilities that correspond with their gender identity, effectively reversing a policy put in place by the Obama administration that extended civil rights laws to cover transgender people. Obama officials had extended Title IX provisions, which have outlawed discrimination based on sex since 1972, to also protect gender identity.

Following this news, Trump’s Press Secretary Sean Spicer explained that “certain issues like this are not best dealt with at the federal level”, giving a boost to states that want to pass anti-trans laws.

Since the announcement, a growing number of celebrities have taken to social media to criticize the decision. Patricia Arquette, sister to deceased trans actress and activist Alexis Arquette, said that the decision could lead to increases in bullying which can result in an increase of trans students killing themselves.

“Now we can add the Secretary of Education and President 2 list of bullies,” she said.patriciaarq

Ellen, who received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Obama before he left office, effectively issued a call to arms to ensure all supporters of the LGBT community continued to fight for trans students.ellen1ellen2

Former Matilda star, Mara Wilson, who came out as bisexual last year, said: “Do not sleep on Transgender rights rollbacks, especially if you are LGBQ. One of the most vulnerable populations NEEDS SUPPORT.”marawilson

Actors Chris Evans and Mark Ruffalo also expressed their disapproval of the president’s decision.ChrisevansMarkruffalo

Kathy Griffin made the very reasonable point that in society, it’s not trans students that are the threat. She said: “Oh yeah! Because #trans students are the REAL threat. Jesus.”kathygriffin

Apple, one of the biggest companies in the US, hit out at the decision. A statement said:

“Apple believes everyone deserves a chance to thrive in an environment free from stigma and discrimination. We support efforts toward greater acceptance, not less, and we strongly believe that transgender students should be treated as equals. We disagree with any effort to limit or rescind their rights and protections.”

Long-time republican and transgender activist, Caitlyn Jenner, also spoke out. Following the announcement, Jenner, who has been told by Trump himself that she could use any bathroom she wanted at his Trump Tower in New York City, released a video statement on various social media platforms.

“I have a message for the trans kids of America: You’re winning. I know it doesn’t feel like it today or every day, but you’re winning,” Jenner said. “Very soon we will win full freedom nation-wide and it’s going to be with bipartisan support. You can help by checking out the National Center for Transgender Equality and letting Washington hear you loud and clear.”

After a few words aimed at “bullies,” Jenner ended her statement by speaking directly to President Trump: “I have a message for President Trump from one Republican to another. This is a disaster. And you can still fix it. You made a promise to protect the LGBTQ community. Call me.”

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  1. Simba
    February 24, 06:55 Reply

    Outrage over Outrage… Demonstrations over another. Who are the people that voted for him?
    LMAO @Caitlyn Jenner.. Miss Republican, don’t worry they are coming for u.

    • Pink Panther
      February 24, 07:51 Reply

      Are you minding her? Shey her eyes are now clearing. Nonsense.

      • Francis
        February 24, 07:57 Reply

        I surprise to hear her voice sef. Maybe there’s something that needs promotion in the horizon

  2. Dennis Macaulay
    February 24, 07:36 Reply

    …But Hillary’s emails ???

    Abeg all of them should collect a giant L

  3. Delle
    February 24, 08:45 Reply

    Call me? As per you and Trump now have picnics by the roadside?
    Sigh. I wish this was just her affected. Nonsense.

    Trump ebido go, okwaya? The trans community need our support.

  4. sinnex
    February 24, 08:48 Reply

    LMAO @Caitlyn Jenner. All I could do was to stare at her boobs. It looks like they were about to explode.

  5. ambivalentone
    February 24, 11:04 Reply

    loool. the reality that she might be travelling miles to her shitting is beginning to dawn on Cat

  6. Bain
    February 24, 13:50 Reply

    Caitlin,nne go and sit down…

  7. Chandler B.
    February 24, 18:24 Reply

    Call you? Did Caitlyn just ask Trump to call her? Even the facial expression accompanying the ‘call me’ tells tales of something else. Lol

    Trump and Caitlyn, una wehdone oh.

  8. Pankar
    February 25, 20:44 Reply

    Call me ke ? Fooled you rather

  9. Pankar
    February 25, 21:55 Reply

    Call me ke ? Fooled you more like

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