Photo Of The Day: Animal Loving

Photo Of The Day: Animal Loving

kd 4During my service year, I saw my neighbour’s male pig, very horny little thing, banging away at another male one in the sty. It made for some amusement to us corpers who were watching. Yes, all of us – straight and perhaps gay – were amused by the animal homosexuality. But for our fellow man, what we have is violence. One of life’s cruel ironies, no?

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Photo: The cops are here!

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From The Net 8 Comments

Bests Of Online Hookups IX

LOL! You just know this one that is getting propositioned is an Igbo man.


    • daniel
      September 23, 06:18 Reply

      *wakes up fully* Before facts began to surface that animal homosexuality existed, the homophobic folk used to accuse us of being the only specie to exhibit same-sex relationships, when we showed them the facts that we weren’t actually the only creature to exhibit such relationships, their accusations shifted from being ‘even animals don’t do it, so y should u?’ To ‘if animals that don’t have sense do it, should u a man with 6 senses do it?’ These people don’t seem like they’ll be having tea and biscuits with us, we just have to learn to be ourselves and stop trying to make excuses for ourselves. They don’t make excuses for being straight, they just be it.

      • chestnut
        September 23, 06:28 Reply

        U aint never lied! It’ll be hard to convince a homophobe that what he believes is anything but d absolute truth! Just the way we still hav rich, “enlightened” and well-travelled racists (like Donald Sterling, Paula D )

  1. Rapu'm
    September 23, 05:32 Reply

    Great. But even if it were exclusively human, it won’t make any difference. Interesting though. And your corper mates sef, hahaha. They were watching animal porn? Okay oh.

  2. GB_SHOW!
    September 23, 05:41 Reply

    Hehe…keep consoling urselves o, abi hw una take knw say d pigs b male??? it’s an established fact dat homosexualtiy is from d cells an not by choice, stop stressing it biko!

    • pinkpanthertb
      September 23, 05:43 Reply

      Um, did you just seriously ask how we knew the pigs were male? Like its rocket science to know which animals are male and which are female?

  3. chestnut
    September 23, 06:24 Reply

    Lol…ur fellow corpers back then prolly didn’t express any outrage at d sight cos animals aren’t really a “threat” to humans (in terms of sexuality), and thus,shouldn’t be taken seriously. But to them,human homophiles (see what I did there…hehehe;I like d word jor,sue me!) should be feared/punished because every gay gay “wants to bust ur ass” or “convert u”…smh.
    That pix up there tho…the lions; too cute! But d elephants; Scary! I mean,hav u seen an elephants “kporindo” on discovery channel before?U would know that an elephant has not just one,but TWO trunks!

  4. Dennis Macauley
    September 23, 07:03 Reply

    Male penguins even have a “wedding”. I saw it on animal planet, where a male penguin picks a stone and places in front of another male penguin and they become partners for life! How romantic! The kind of stuff Pink Panther is made for
    *runs away*

  5. infamousdiaries
    September 23, 07:48 Reply

    The lions and birds stole my heart. Such cuteness. Now Daniel, where tf have you been? I’ve been worried sick.

    • Rapu'm
      September 23, 08:21 Reply

      Lol, are people now falling in love on KD? Where have I been since? Chai, Daniel, Infamous is looking for you oh.

      • infamousdiaries
        September 23, 08:27 Reply

        Its not like that and even if love is involved, its agape, i.e if this is the Daniel I know and love…

      • daniel
        September 24, 06:14 Reply

        Well, if people can fall in love on LIB, on Ono Bello, why not here? Well, infamousdiaries, I’m not quite sure I’m that Daniel.. Clues?

  6. s_sensei
    September 23, 09:25 Reply

    All these animals are going to hell. That’s for sure. The Judgement of God is upon them!

  7. Khaleesi
    September 23, 11:23 Reply

    Nigerians are largely a bigoted and homophobic bunch, I’ve long since given up hope on them changing, at least not in the next 70 – 100yrs… evidence if same sex relationships amongst animals wont change them, not even evidence of same sex relations among the angels in heaven can shed some light into their dark, twisted, hate – choked hearts … so … whatever! ! ***re-touches bright red lipstick b4 the mirror & walks away***

    • King
      September 24, 01:44 Reply

      You had to bring in gay Angels???…smh. .

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