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Gallery 22 Comments

Man Crush Sunday: Flavour

And unto us is risen a very delicious-looking Flavour. 😀  Happy Easter, KDians.

Gallery 18 Comments

Photo Of The Day XXXIX

LMAO! I can’t. I just can’t.

Gallery 15 Comments

Photo-toons II

Lol. Oh this kid is so getting whupped.


  1. ambivalentone
    November 22, 06:23 Reply

    I still wonder at who took the picture. What was he looking for? What is he getting at? It haf sha work because I can’t stop thinking things. Na to stretch hand rub Aliko head/squeeze im lap remain and I can see his hands itching too☕

    • Pink Panther
      November 22, 07:20 Reply

      Peter be acting selense like: “Honey, you won’t believe what happened in the market today.”

  2. shuga chocolata
    November 22, 06:27 Reply

    Alike sure looks like my Shuga daddy, when he is giving me advice and I listening ? with rapt attention.

  3. Lorde
    November 22, 07:00 Reply

    Idk, but this photo screams “gay for pay”(first thing that came into my mind)

  4. Mandy
    November 22, 07:22 Reply

    He’s there pushing his market, you people are here talking. Abeg Peter, you go gurl! 🙂

  5. Delle
    November 22, 08:46 Reply

    The funny thing is his caption on IG the next day, ‘that look when you don’t give a F’ and I’m like Yass Baby!
    Not everyone can pull off that posture.

    There’s been gay stories trailing Peter though.. .

    November 22, 09:13 Reply

    Money has it way of bringing out the feminine part of every man!

    I can’t stop starring at the pishure since I saw it on Instagram

  7. posh6666
    November 22, 09:53 Reply

    When you are trying so hard not to feel intimidated and remain a man but fail woefully…

  8. posh6666
    November 22, 09:56 Reply

    LMAO see the way He arched Those hands.. Jesus Kristi! Sister Peter is a diva!

  9. Canis VY Majoris
    November 22, 11:30 Reply

    Really KD! If public stupidity is oozing off IG, ya’ll can do better. I don’t see what is funny about the picture and why its been tagged ‘gay’.

    Now there are gay rumors about Peter *rme*…so cliché.

    • posh6666
      November 22, 11:48 Reply

      LMAO you will be fine in Jesus name Amen. ….

    • Delle
      November 22, 12:36 Reply

      Camdan swirrat, no one is dissing him

    • ambivalentone
      November 22, 12:38 Reply

      Wait! U actually think its THIS picture that’s causing the gay rumors? Oh, the picture might not scream ‘funny’, but the comments do. Lighten up

    • BIBI G
      November 22, 18:02 Reply

      Oh drama queen have some tea and shut up

  10. simba
    November 22, 11:51 Reply

    hmmmmm… money pass 6 packs….with orobo and biggy belle..u can top any 6 pack…just have some billions…

  11. Peak
    November 22, 14:34 Reply

    I was going to let this slide and stew in disappointment, until a friend who equally found the post and comments as equally distasteful, gave his not so flattering spat on the hypocrisy that KD has become.

    I happened on this platform 2 years ago and fell in love with it at the 1st jump. It was a place where I could let loose and go all out without fear or judgement. It was a safe haven where people could tell their stories and reach out to unseen thousands while doing so. Even in the face of some in house bullies and detractors, you’d always have a feeling that someone out there who knows nothing about you would always jump in to defend u. But we have slowly laid that culture to waste and let pettiness and hypocrisy become the general manager.

    It’s appalling to see a platform that is suppose to uphold and protect LGBTQ life and culture, holding court with other homophobic tabloid blogs. Since when have we stooped to the level of vampirism where we tear down men who are supposedly gay or have “gay tendencies” ? (clearly having feminine qualities equates to being gay, no?). The same class of people who have shut down the theories that a man being intouch with his feminine side doesn’t necessarily mean they are gay are here acting a fool. This post has no place on KD period!
    A friend and a KDian showed me this picture on sunday morning and told me to be on the look out. That gaymen would be the 1st to correlate the pose to being gay. True to prediction, the 1st set of people to see the homosexuality in the pose were people who seemed gay themselved and had no problem using the word “faggot” on another. The said friend, equally said that the picture would end up on other platforms and would blow up on linda ikeji. He was particular about linda and how she would make an innocent post about Peter meeting Aliko in his new home with the above picture as the lead photo and leave her commenters to ring the gay alarm. So imagine my disappointment when I came only to find out that KD has reduced herself to the bootlegged version of the highly abhored lindaikejiblog.

    What is the purpose of this post? Are we suppose 2 laugh at effeminacy? Is that allowed now? If anything, the post would be more digestible if it said something in line of “a straight man being intouch with his feminine side”, much like Beckham being applauded for being in tune with his femine side.and not this buffoonery. Are LGBTQ progressive contents so sparse that we are slowly morphing into a tabloid blog that exploits our own for gossip and laughs? A look at the mess that was the post about Ebuka being fingered as the otherman in the Yoye Banks fiasco, where we had all the gossip accountants and merchants falling over each other to announce their wealth of receipts and invoices along with their tea spilling counterparts. It’s all fun and games when we are tearing others down and putting their business in the street until the same is being done to us. Don’t get me wrong, I am here for all kinds of tea, but such tea has no place on KD! That what grouo meets, whatsapp and BBM chat grouos are for! We should have a fucking standard! Something we stand for and uphold and not where petty rumors and gossips that outs men and women that we are suppose to protect in this unsafe environment all in the name of making light of things and having a quick laugh.

    What I find even more gut wrenching is how the comment section is littered with vomitus of the “effeminate warriors” of the blog. Tomorrow we will have to sit through a wailing session about the struggles, sufferings, marginalisation and denegration of effeminate guys, whereas you all are catering and watering the very substance that is used against you. Tomorrow we would be expected to sit through the tedious lecture of stereotypes and over generalizations when we are clearly having a wonderful time pinning the gay label on a man for just assuming a feminine posture in a photo without a thought to it being a bad camera angle or try not to sexualise it. We accuse the straight folks of oversexualizing everything when we are no different from them. The hypocrisy of this blog is one of the many factors crippling the blog and it’s comment sections.

    I have no personal issues with the admin nor the men fooling around in the comment section (in case ur thought are running astray). But this is my attempt at checking the excesses of the admin. Do better! You can’t be an activist and still be pandering, exalting and giving pedastals to gossips that have a way of hurting people in the end. Issues like this should be relegated to BBM and WhatsApp groups where they belong and not a platform that is suppose to sensitise people on LGBTQ life and living as well as other thought provoking issues.


    • posh6666
      November 22, 16:21 Reply

      Lool see epistle oh! Honestly is life this serious? You and any other person that feels this post is wrong need loads of sugar in ur lives.. .

      Nobody means any disrespect to him, it’s just a pics which was caught at a funny angle and people are allowed to laugh when something is funny and nothing more..Stop trying too hard you hear?

    • ambivalentone
      November 22, 16:55 Reply

      It hurts? I am dying oooo.??? And see person talking about hypocrisy and setting standards. You like gossip and tea, but not this kind? Pray tell, what kind do you like? Are you scared in one unguarded camera moment, your homosexuality will be bared for all to see, despite your efforts at hiding in a marriage? Oh boohoo. I sure as hell won’t be sad when in the unfortunate circumstance that you marry, ur story is splashed all over for vultures like moi to feed on. Oh happy happy day.
      But I still read through the comments. Perhaps, I shall see where Uncle Peter was insulted.
      BTW, this was quite lengthy. I am sure it’d av done better as a stand-alone post. Tomorrow definitely. It has gotten lost in the multitude of cat-calls and encouragements not untinged with envy.

      • Chuck
        November 25, 12:36 Reply

        Lol. The MGM defender thinks we should have standards.

    • BIBI G
      November 22, 18:04 Reply


      Shut up
      Have some tea
      And keep shut
      Wasting ure time writing epistles

    • Mandy
      November 22, 18:59 Reply

      What a sleep-inducing epistle. So to be activists, we can’t have a chuckle again? Is it today we started sharing laughs about celebrities and sexuality speculations on KD? This has been happening since way back when KD started.
      Oga, abeg take a chill pill and sit your ass down somewhere arctic. your class captain duties too much biko.
      And seriously, make KD great again? A Trumpeter, I see.

    • Mitch
      November 22, 19:58 Reply

      Peak, as much as you are angry, please write something educational for us to read and learn. You’d be making more impact that way than bitching this way.

      Oh and, I too found this distasteful but the mark of maturity is to learn when to turn a blind eye. A lesson you could do with immensely

    • Delle
      November 22, 20:39 Reply

      Lol. Enough said.
      *flies back to IG*

  12. Jide
    November 22, 19:05 Reply

    Lool Peak… Really it’s not that serious. You’re the one escalating this joke with your lengthy analysis. Do you ever rest? Please, don’t give yourself a heart attack.

  13. BlurryFace
    November 22, 22:39 Reply

    Peter looks sexy tho mm. whichever pose it is.

  14. […] in the wake of my “epistle”-like comment which mirrored my feelings and interpretation of  the post that was nothing but a “joke”. Mistakes are supposed to be a common and a natural phenomenon […]

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