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Photo Of The Day XLVIII

The BITCH! :/

Gallery 17 Comments


This one clearly lost his way to the mosque.

Gallery 10 Comments

Photo Of The Day XL

LOL. Who here is guilty of this ‘deception’?


  1. enKAYCEd
    June 11, 04:13 Reply

    Hahahahahahah! You had to do this?
    Loooool. The bottom will also get going if they can get the top that gets going.

  2. pete
    June 11, 04:14 Reply

    pinky, an advocate of role equality

  3. Dennis Macaulay
    June 11, 04:50 Reply


    Fix this Jesus!

    I saw a school in portharcourt here announcing their victory in some national competition, and they wrote on their signange

    WE ARE TOPS!!!

    I nearly died of laughter

    • pinkpanthertb
      June 11, 04:52 Reply

      Chai! The whole lot of them?! Wow. Seems the market for Tops has experienced a boon. bottoms, oya o, head on over to Port Harcourt and start shopping.

    • Mitch
      June 11, 07:37 Reply

      Hell to the N O!

      We are TOPS!

      Seriously? Some thirsty hoes would be getting their thirst up, I assure you.

  4. chestnut
    June 11, 06:52 Reply

    Hahaha! Don’t you know what it means,Pinky? Here’s the interpretation:
    “When the goin gets top”: means when two ppl get into bed only to discover that it’s a ‘double-top’ situation,
    “The top gets going”: the two tops will now have to wear their clothes again,and start GOING home… I hope I’ve been able to clear ur confusion?

  5. Mitch
    June 11, 07:35 Reply

    Chisos! Whoever tha f*ck made that up? Talk about implication!

    And Dennis, what was that your tutor said about adverts not having any homosexual or sexually deviant content? Seems to me he missed a spot

  6. Mitch
    June 11, 07:39 Reply

    Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Chestnut ooooooooo. I carry nyash for you biko

  7. Masked Man
    June 11, 08:40 Reply

    “Started from the bottom and is still a bottom”

    That’s should be the slogan for bottoms.

  8. Diablo
    June 11, 09:54 Reply

    Your feefle? Eyah, that explains why you’re so ‘ashame’

  9. Mitch
    June 11, 12:04 Reply

    Diablo, you really are diabolic!


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