Random Questions XV

Random Questions XV

Have you ever woken up one day and decided to break off your relationship because the sex was either not good or nonexistent? Or are you the type to power on with the love of your life, bad sex be damned, just as long as the emotional connection is intact?

Sound off in the comments.

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  1. Ken George
    October 09, 06:11 Reply

    Its uncommon for the sex to be bad if the emotional and psychological connection is intact. That said, i believe sex is a very important part of a relationship. And no relationship can function without it.

  2. Canis VY Majoris
    October 09, 06:24 Reply

    Sex is necessary; but hardly what sustains a relationship to endure.

  3. trystham
    October 09, 07:05 Reply

    I think it depends on the basis of the initial connection and how strong that was. If it was a very strong emo connection, sex be secondary.

  4. Johnny
    October 09, 08:49 Reply

    Sex must be good. If bad leads to cheating, boy finds one bad fucker, then boy leaves his boyfriend.

  5. Deet
    October 09, 14:21 Reply

    Emotional connection is more valuable than sex. If you’re close enough you’ll be able to tell your partner what to do and vice-versa. Love really does conquer all.

  6. quinn
    October 09, 21:45 Reply

    Sex is good. but I’d rather the emotional connection

  7. Omiete
    October 09, 23:09 Reply

    I get how that can be a deal breaker, but if you’re in a relationship with the one you love and the sex is bad biko fix it…. every one can learn how to be good in bed.

  8. Cleopatro
    October 12, 10:59 Reply

    I for one can do without the sex…I think.

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