‘Looking’ Star Russell Tovey And Those Comments About Effeminate Gay Men
On Sunday, Looking star Russell Tovey spoke to the UK’s The Guardian about his life, career, etc. In the interview, Tovey made some comments about presenting as more traditionally masculine that ruffled some feathers online.
“I feel like I could have been really effeminate, if I hadn’t gone to the school I went to,” said Tovey. “Where I felt like I had to toughen up. If I’d have been able to relax, prance around, sing in the street, I might be a different person now. I thank my dad for that, for not allowing me to go down that path. Because it’s probably given me the unique quality that people think I have.”
In response to the backlash that his comments received, Tovey took to Twitter to put out an apology of sorts.
“I surrender. You got me. I’m sat baffled and saddened that a mis-fired inarticulate quote of mine, has branded me worst gay ever” read the first part of his Twitter mea culpa.
Tovey was branded by some – who took his honest reflection about his own upbringing and career as hate speech – as a misogynist and/or self-hating gay who spouted “femmephobia.”
What many failed to take notice of was what he said immediately after the statements that set off a firestorm.
“I get told, a lot, that I’m kind of carving my own path. That there are not many actors who are out and are able to play straight, and gay, and everyone’s OK with it.”
Tovey is happy that he has a wide variety of roles and opportunities available to him. He’s also comfortable in his own skin. I don’t think he meant to put anyone down. His comments were at worst slightly inelegant and poorly-articulated.
But if you can’t handle it, here’s his apology. Enjoy.
In other news, who else here has been watching ‘Looking’? *in the voice of KD Empire stans* That show gives me life! 😀
March 07, 06:05Meaning?
All gays r effeminate?
The school you went to nipped your budding effeminacy in the bud?
Who you r is who you r! Environments can suppress it but in d end it is still in you nd would definitely rear its head.
Effeminate guys in naija go to worst school nd r still who they r. Even grow tougher skins!
If not that u r white nd not in Naija, I would say your comment was politically motivated!
Ntii Nchii!
March 07, 06:30Are you saying environment has no role to play in the make-up of an individual?
March 07, 06:59Make up of an individual, yes..but it works in some aspects.. Not all
March 07, 07:07Tanx Max!
He said it like it should work for everybody! Ppl r not same. Onyx on LIB 4 example has being bashed from all angles but he has not changed! He is still as flamboyant as the peacock he is. Someone else might have succumbed. Environment works……….just not on everyone.
March 07, 07:09Environment moulds…everyone, just more subtly in some than others. And Onyx is not an example. The environmental factor comes into play in the developmental stages of a human being.
March 07, 09:44Read the man’s apology and move on. That’s what the post wants us to do.
March 07, 19:21I wonder oooo….dem too like talk for this blog.
March 07, 06:52Been looking for season 1,can’t find it tho.
March 07, 07:00Smh for him..
March 07, 07:25You ve forgotten that environment plays a huge role in the socialization and personality development of an individual.
March 07, 07:26Mtchewww. I have no strength today biko.
Bane Salazar
March 07, 07:35Looking is ok.
But that show apparently is going no where with a dying plot. If you want a great show (if you don’t know about it already) watch these three British interrelated tv series: Cucumber, Banana and Tofu. In that order.
Thank me later.
March 07, 07:37A dying plot?! A DYING PLOT?! Wait, Looking might get cancelled? *heartbroken*
March 07, 08:36I got the cucumber and banana part. Tofu???
March 07, 08:15I wrote a long ass comment and when the page refreshed, I couldn’t find it again. I am too lazy to write a new one. My new comment is now : OK.
March 07, 08:28Gay men get offended at everything!
March 07, 08:37Nah. America is the land of political correctness with the UK a close second
March 07, 08:58Boring piece of crap….
Not tryna be racial., but white gay folks don’t tickle my interest….* No offence to the white folks on here
Saw the first episode of s01, and I just slept off…
March 07, 09:50You better emulate Tovey and start drafting your apology for white folks.
March 07, 12:11I thought I was the only one. I eventually pulled myself to see all the episodes I had downloaded. It was a waste of data.
March 07, 09:04Femmephobia? Okay.
As a kid I used to wear my mum’s shoes and I’d tie a towel around my waist and sashay around the house much to the bewilderment of my poor brothers. I found it hard to not put a wig on my head when I got the chance and sometimes looked for new and creative ways ways to turn a wrapper into a dress or gown. Then I entered the hostel and that’s subconsciously got snuffed out of me. Maybe I outgrew it, maybe it was environment. What’s my point? Well I dunno… I just felt like talking. Lol.
The guy didn’t mean any harm jor. People need to calm down. I’m glad I get to walk down the street like a dude and release my inner inner Sasha fierce when I’m in the comfort of my room or friends. It’s made life easier for me.. I however do not think it puts me above femme peeps and I’m sure thats what the guy meant.
March 07, 15:49This is close to my missing comment and I approve.
March 07, 11:12while his speech may be disgusting and annoying, i feel like he was just being very honest.
Life just doesnt come easy for u when ur effeminate. Besides some of us are still dealing wit our internalized homophobia. Tovey is simply a product of his environment.
In other news, pls dont ever buy a tecno fone. The typing sucks. Took me 30mins to type this. mtsxhew
March 07, 11:53What a world! Every statement u make must please people! How about pleasing youself?
March 07, 12:04Looking….. An excuse to air gay men. I couldn’t even make out a storyline or anything. The genre read “comedy”. I was bored to death. There’s nothing comic about it. The only fun parts are where they get to screw and then CRAPPY CONVERSATIONS. No suspense, no drama… Pulease….. I rather watch animal porn. And yea, the casting director should be fired! Nobody to stare at and jus thirst after. PP, don’t eat me up, this is jus my opinion.
March 07, 12:08Looking is a nice series but really not that intresting.have also been thinking it might get cancelled its just a movie to watch when u have had a long day and need a slow movie with like minded characters..for those wanting to download it http://www.fztvseries.mobi
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