Photo: Whisper pulled one on me

Photo: Whisper pulled one on me

Whisper is a social media app where you sign on, take on an anonymous identity and say anything you want to say. No names, just pseudonyms. And you can ‘whisper’ anything and everything. Sort of like an online diary cloaked in anonymity. And after you are done typing out your words, Whisper will assign a picture that best relates to your words and then, you post.

So, post-breakup, I have been venting a lot there, whispering my darkness on my way to healing. A couple of days ago, I whispered: ‘Some people suck at being people.’

And below is the picture Whisper attached to my words. I saw it and I couldn’t help the bubble of laughter that followed suit.Screenshot_2015-03-06-10-33-16

I can’t with the thirsty hoes at Whisper. I just can’t.

Previous ‘Looking’ Star Russell Tovey And Those Comments About Effeminate Gay Men

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  1. Ade
    March 07, 06:17 Reply

    Tell me I was the first

  2. KryxxX
    March 07, 06:18 Reply


    Ntoorrrrrrrrrrr Pinky!

    They suck @ being ppl but excel @ getting you thirsty!

  3. Peak
    March 07, 06:37 Reply

    I’m sure pinky started doubting his statement as soon as he saw the pic attached to it

  4. Dennis Macaulay
    March 07, 06:42 Reply

    Never heard of whisper! Oh I have a lot to say. Is it on android or iOs?

  5. Mitch
    March 07, 07:01 Reply

    Thirst much, huh Pinky.
    Shaa, the boy is fynnnnnnnne!

  6. mchenrie
    March 07, 07:34 Reply

    I doubt this dude would suck at anything though. Lol

  7. Ace
    March 07, 08:17 Reply

    They detected either your sluttiness or subtly recommended a cure for it.

      • Pearle
        March 07, 15:29 Reply

        Wow! Saw this on whisper in the wee hours, I got tempted to steal + tweet it, looking back now thank God I didn’t, @PP would have just come for my head. Lovely post, #WhisperOn

  8. Andrevn
    March 07, 09:26 Reply


    Dude is so fyn i guess his sexiness far outshines his ”people” skills…

    FGM I see you brandishing your wand everywhere.

    it’s ok ,
    just continu….

  9. Gad
    March 07, 09:59 Reply

    The pix is a hint that you are not anonymous to whisper. Be guided.

  10. chestnut
    March 07, 10:24 Reply

    Um…ok,Pinky,I know this post is “on a lighter note”, so forgve me for being a bit “deep”: I know it’s not easy to move on from a relationship u had some hope in, but I’m kinda surprised to learn that u had to “vent” over it.I don’t know whether ur ex is the person whom u describe as incapable of being a (proper) person, but if he’s d one u refer to…well,I thought the issues he/u guys had at d time were sort of beyond his/anyone’s control…

  11. A-non
    March 07, 17:40 Reply

    Pinky broke up with his boo?

    The colours and designs in which these lastma vests I put on are on the increase.

    *boards lastma van headed to lastma HQ*

  12. Legalkoboko
    March 08, 08:48 Reply

    The people at Whisper simply sock . See kind of wicked joke they crack at the expense of a grieving divorcee. Wicked!


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