Some more things to know about anal sex

Some more things to know about anal sex

Anal sex. It’s a thing that happens. Especially when you’re gay.

Bespoke Surgical, a private gay proctological and anal surgery practice with offices in New York City and Los Angeles, interviewed 300 gay men of various ages about their anal sex habits.

Here’s what they found:

13% of gay men have anal sex daily

39% of gay men have it a couple times a week

24% of gay men have it a couple times a month

5 in 6 gay men have it at least a few times a year

One in six has it less than once a year

The breakdown of guys who identify as tops, bottoms, or versatile was fairly even. 39% said they prefer topping, compared to 33% who said they are vers, and 29% who said they prefer being on bottom.

When it comes to hygiene, the vast majority of guys are very thoughtful. 78% said they think about hygiene always or most of the time during anal sex, compared to just 9% who never do.

Other stats about hygiene:

42% of men always or frequently use an anal cleanser prior to having anal sex, compared to 38% who rarely or never do, and 21% sometimes do.

When it comes to cleansers, 25% say they prefer a water-based enema, 20% use a saline enema, and 18% use a shower adapter.

61% say they feel “cleaner” if they used an anal cleanser post-coitus.

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