Speaking of Anderson Cooper’s Shade-Throwing…

Speaking of Anderson Cooper’s Shade-Throwing…

This one’s a bit way back. The typically well-tempered Anderson Cooper couldn’t let a snide remark from homophobic pundit Damian Goddard slip through the Twitter cracks, and just had to pull out the sassy Andy that I’m starting to relish.

First Cooper tweeted: ‘Watching @flash2gordon speak about being out and proud, he is incredibly courageous and inspiring.

Then: “Mr. Cooper, you seem a good man with a warm heart. But you are dead wrong on #homosexuality. #praying for you,” Damian wrote, practically begging for snark to come out of Anderson’s keyboard.

“@heydamo with that tie and pocket square combo I am praying for you too my friend”

LMAO! Oh dear, sweet Lord! I just can’t.

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  1. daniel
    December 01, 03:51 Reply


    Happy new month to u all…

  2. Legalkoboko
    December 01, 04:38 Reply

    I’ve taken several looks at the said tie and I’m yet to see snark. What the hell is wrong with that tie.

  3. Kryss S
    December 01, 07:36 Reply

    Can someone pls open d windows so the d atmosphere can jump in?! Shade is real nd a low blow!
    By the way, I didn’t see anything wrong wit d tie nd pocket square, maybe its my eyes shaa *scratches vigorously*.

  4. Adickan
    December 01, 07:49 Reply

    Anderson Cooper is a mean mean girl….LMAO!!!. Chai.

  5. Max
    December 01, 08:28 Reply

    Ok the guy get bad mouth sha.. Hahahahahahaha

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