Talk About ‘Coming Out’: David McIntosh ‘Unveiled’

Talk About ‘Coming Out’: David McIntosh ‘Unveiled’

So yes, if you haven’t already heard, you may read it here. The nude photos of actress Kelly Brook’s hottie ex-fiancé, David McIntosh have hit the internet. And boy! That dude is packing as much heat under there as he is packing everywhere else.

Following the leak, Kelly lashed out at David on Twitter, after he publicly accused her of being responsible for naked photos of him being leaked online. The 34-year-old model blasted her ex-fiancé’s ego on Twitter and urged him to “be a grown-up” after he publicly accused her of being responsible for the leak, as the private pictures were stolen from her iCloud account by hackers.

The brunette beauty tweeted the former ‘Gladiators’ star and told him to call her after she found pictures of his “k**** online.” He responded: “silly me for sending pictures to someone I thought I could trust but then would leak them #byaccident.”

An outraged Kelly then hit back: “Your Ego is beyond. David all my US iCloud pics are online not just of you. Be a grown up,” To which he replied: “yes very grown up tweeting ‘ur knobs online’ how about use email thanks x (sic).”

Twitter followers of the two ex-lovers watched with avid interest as the spat went, taking sides and dropping their own tweets in favour of either of the two. As I was going through these tweets, that of one tweep caught my attention. This fellow tweeted: “who cares when you’re stacking a python? LOlz”.

And he is. Yup, David McIntosh has quite the endowment. Wanna see? Click below.




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    • gad
      October 12, 11:35 Reply


  1. R.A
    October 11, 16:32 Reply

    I have a father that will never ever fail me!!!! Abasi Mbok!!!!!! See them goodies behind! Now I’m horngry

  2. Khaleesi
    October 11, 16:35 Reply

    iesu Nazarerum, Rex Iudorum!!! Jeeezussss!!! how can one man be this hot?? **faints and falls to the ground, remembers that dick & that gorgeous ass, revives mid fall& grabs uzi-submachine gun & brandishes it@iluvmua, Pinky, Kryss & Dennis – yea bitch hands off/faceoff those cakes!!!!
    haaa!! am ready to declare nuclear armageddon on any bitch who crosses me#

    • pinkpanthertb
      October 11, 16:38 Reply

      Lol. Look at Khaleesi get all commando for the first time. Damn! This must be ‘love’. 🙂

    • enigmous
      October 11, 22:46 Reply

      Singing *fuck me pumps* by Amy Winehouse as I construct our (Me and David’s) altar of love. Suddenly remembers I have some sisters who are spoiling my prayer…Khaleesi! Khaleesi!! Khaleesi!!! Am singing *Jolene* by Dolly Parton for you ooo, Pinkie is my witness. David hun, please come home, am done making the bed. Returns to singing *fuck me pumps*

  3. Lanre Swagg
    October 11, 16:44 Reply

    That’s an Oyinbo python, not the African variety, so all I’ll pass on behalf of all the size queens.

    Butt, pun intended, as for the view I saw when David was well, taking in the view on his balcony, well, yes, that’s shall I say, worth looking forward to ?

  4. Rapu'm
    October 11, 16:49 Reply

    To look or not to look, that is a question. Pinky, shebi that other celeb woman the other day come dey complain say no be only leakers but lookers she dey vex for. Shebi she said, “I didn’t say you could look at my nudes!” Okay oh. *the devil is a liar, Pinky. Bye*

    • pinkpanthertb
      October 11, 17:04 Reply

      Heheheee!!! Rapum, think about what you are missing by not looking. He is endowed. He has cakes that are a perfect flavour of chocolate and vanilla. And he got Khaleesi all hot and bothered. You sure you still don’t wanna check out the goodies?

      • Rapu'm
        October 11, 17:11 Reply

        Ah, Pinky, I hate lap dances. So, this one will pass. Lol. *sprinkles obara Jisos as I read your comments, you evil tempters* hahaha

    • chestnut
      October 11, 18:10 Reply

      Already having a knowledge of who David Mcintosh is (and what he looks like in his underwear), if u can resist d temptation to look at his nudes, then u are truly gifted…d force is strong with you.

  5. artionis
    October 11, 17:04 Reply

    Sorry, but this has made me lose a little faith in humanity. These intimate photos have been stolen, people, and you’re glorifying this horrible crime. This is a disgusting violation of privacy.

    • Dennis Macauley
      October 11, 17:15 Reply

      Relax and have some beer

      *hands you a bottle of franziskaner beer*

    • enigmous
      October 11, 22:35 Reply

      oga relax…these people knew for long now that some humans have been on rampage on the cloud, looking for celebrities’ nude pictures to devour and yet they left it there, it means they want us to see it and see it we must…David has it perfect in all angles biko, looking at it from the 1st and 3rd angle projections silmutaneously

  6. Metrosexual
    October 11, 17:40 Reply

    Dayyyyyuummmmmm………!!!!!! I’m goina slug it out with Khaleesi this tym…. Back off bitch, this one is myn…* brandishes a Winchester MP4 rifle* (҂`_´)
    < ,︻╦̵̵̿╤─ ҉ ~~~ • • •

    ,/ ﹋╯. ..!!!! GET YOUR HANDS OFF…!!!!

  7. chestnut
    October 11, 18:24 Reply

    OMG, this man is totally blessed! How can u have hair like that and skin like tha and a height like that and a body like that and a cock like that and an ass like that? Is this really fair? *sobs* He’s fucking perfect, I tell ya!
    And pinky, that headline “…coming out”…u’re wrong for that! I thot of another kind of “coming out”…how u gon’ play with a brotha’s hopes and emotions like that? Not cool! Lol
    I will say this tho, I don’t think Kelly leaked those pics; she just seems classier than that to me,plus, if she was mad enuff to break up with him,I don’t think she’d want to “hype” him by showing his gorgeousness to d world. Somehow,I don’t think he’s too mad tho; he’s fine and he KNOWS he’s fine; he strikes me as an exhibitionist (not that I’m complaining…hehehe). But it was messy of him to get all catty with her on twitter; amma hav to give him a slap on the wrist b4 I forgive him for that…or on the butt (wrist,butt, doesn’t matter does it? A correctional slap is still a correctional slap,no matter where it’s administered,no?) #OkBye

    • pinkpanthertb
      October 11, 18:33 Reply

      Hahahahahaa!!! First of all, I’m a blogger. my business is to misdirect you with my catchy headlines. If your hopes climb along with the misdirection…well, that’s too bad. Sue me. 😛

    • pinkpanthertb
      October 11, 18:34 Reply

      Secondly, you’re right. I myself don’t think it was the handiwork of Kelly either. I mean, the dude is GORGEOUS. Why would she want the world to see that? In fact, some peeps on twitter were slamming David, insinuating that HE leaked the photos, not her. Anything to dial up the fame factor, I guess.

      • chestnut
        October 11, 19:00 Reply

        Oh u KNOW that niccur definitely leaked these himself…but if I say I’m mad at him for it,then I want u to send me to Yaba-Left!

    • Samaurai
      October 11, 20:22 Reply

      Lol. This chestnut sef. You can talk ehhn!!!

  8. Kryss S
    October 11, 18:44 Reply

    Ewoooooooooooo! Chimoooooooo e gbuo m! *faints, get up nd fans self*! Khaleesi!! I don’t care if u r d mother of dragons or dragon flies, get ur whoring hands off my man! I thought u never liked white! Talk of double standards! Yeye pikin! Swerve biko! Sex is usually a painful thing for me but wit dis hot piece of man………I don’t mind cha cha! He can get it anyhow he wants even hanging from a tree! And am very sure we would definitely need a Macintosh on dat bed cos it gonna rain cum all night! Choi!!! Is dis 4 real or am I dreaming *faint again*? He is perfect *drooling*!
    King dear, am so cheating on u wit dis man nd am unapologetic about it *grabs lube nd condom*!

    • chestnut
      October 11, 20:22 Reply

      Hahahaha! Kryss u’re a MESS! LMAO

  9. lluvmua
    October 11, 19:45 Reply

    Hmmmmm. Pinkie, I had already made up my mind to strangle u tonight if u hadn’t added those nudes !!! Buf thank goodness u did *takes anoda look @ nude* he does have nice cakes but I fink I would leave dis 1 4 khaleesi becuz my boo @dennis is much bigger down dia *winks* #runsaway

    • Kryss S
      October 11, 20:46 Reply

      *Whispering* Wake up! Wake up nd get dis memo oh! *clears throat* Ehen, this is a public service announcement! From today onward, dis legalkoboko’s koboko just turned illegal! D new Legal koboko in town now is my boo Davy bobo Macintosh! *whispers back* now u can die back!

      • Legalkoboko
        October 11, 21:00 Reply

        Sambarri wants to join me in the land of …

        ~Jboy my sweet, teach the wikid girl a lesson biko~.

      • xpressivejboy
        October 11, 21:27 Reply

        Kryss S, your name is synonymous to cry & crisis…je juo ajuju…ana ekwu maka ‘anu kporo nku n’eju onu’ nwata ntakiri di ka gi, na-efuchasibeghi eze, ekwesighi na-ekwu okwu. That said, he can be your DummyKoboko but leave my LegalKoboko out of this…and I mean every word.


    • xpressivejboy
      October 11, 20:52 Reply

      Enyia, berra be kiaful…*stirring a fry-pan full of heated ororo*

      OAN, for the first time, I had a boner to cakes…McIntosh, you have touched me @ the g-spot.

  10. tobbyjohnson
    October 11, 20:18 Reply

    can I get a bucket of water cos am about to faint.. dose cakes tho…

  11. Kryss S
    October 11, 20:39 Reply

    Ah! Chestie darling! With dis hot piece of man, I know I’d b a mess once he is done wit me! Infact, am a mess already *tears g-strings nd bra! Scatter my lace wig whilst eyeing Khaleesi* Choi!!! D tinz we would do eh, mouth cannot tell *singing Rihanna’s “S&M”*! Lol!

  12. #TeamKizito
    October 11, 20:46 Reply

    Chestnut can’t talk – type too much. He wants me to be like him.

  13. s_sensei
    October 11, 22:43 Reply

    hahaha! He is cute. But old age and experience has taught me not to allow myself get drowned by appearances. If the person living in the body is beautiful, then other things begin to appear beautiful. But im sure you hot-blooded children find me very boring. 😀

  14. T/
    October 12, 06:01 Reply

    Oh my gawd! Look at that butt!

  15. Constant
    October 12, 06:45 Reply

    Cakes Cakes Cakes on a Sunday Morning… Alhamdulilah I’m a Muslim no church for me… I’ve got all the time to make a movie of those cakes… Bless God Somebody….

  16. Ace
    October 12, 06:49 Reply

    At this point, I want to thank God for providing me with a large screen tablet device. I zoomed my soul into this pic and thank God it was not grainy. Every detail to make me have wet dreams was displayed. Chai!This kain of guy can do whatever he likes with me. The kind of guy I will empty my account for for just a night. Jesus this is too much on one person.

  17. Lothario
    October 15, 07:45 Reply

    Ahaaa! I said it…..definitely a grower. This breakup seems to be so huge. I really think there’s something more than we’re privy to.

  18. Lothario
    October 15, 07:47 Reply

    As for that yansh….. Biko nu! Lekwe ukwu

  19. Duncan MacLeod
    December 01, 21:18 Reply

    I wouldn’t mind licking that ass for lunch and then eating it for dinner. For a late night snack I would suck the oxygen out of his anaconda and leave him breathless as he cums like he never has in life.

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