TIERs presents ‘UNTOLD FACTS’ by Moses Omoghena
The Initiative for Equal Rights (TIERs) is pleased to announce the launch of a new discussion series: “UNTOLD FACTS” moderated by TV host and media personality Moses Omoghena.
UNTOLD FACTS is a 20-minute discussion show developed and produced by TIERs and geared towards enhancing the visibility of human rights, particularly sexual rights and sexual health rights in Nigeria. It hopes to encourage the creation of an alternative narrative to shape public discussions on issues of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression. It promises to break boundaries and clarify myths and misconceptions around sexual orientation, gender identity and expression by addressing the issues with new faces and developing a fact-based generation that will challenge false narratives around the subject.
The show takes the form of a monthly YouTube Series disseminated through the TIERs YouTube Channel. From May 2016, new episodes will be uploaded every last Thursday of each month at 7pm.
The show will feature guests from diverse backgrounds including medical, legal, and social workers. The guests will discuss a variety of sexual orientation and gender identity issues in the context of a broader human rights discussion, including but not limited to discriminatory laws and access to services for LGBT persons in Nigeria, the impact of discriminatory laws on LGBT and non-LGBT persons in Nigeria, ideas on sexuality and spirituality, violence based on real or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity, visibility and coming out.
Audience participation is encouraged on social media platforms using the hashtag #UNTOLDFACTS as well as via comments on the TIERs YouTube Channel.
For further information about the programme and participation as a guest, please contact info@initiative4equality.org.
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May 12, 05:26Lovely.
Why is the host looking so serious, though?
Pink Panther
May 12, 05:32Hehehee. Becos revealing untold facts is serious business?
May 12, 05:41Abi?
September 28, 16:54Hey….I do hope you can guess who this is,we need to talk man,how can I reach you?
May 12, 05:27See? People doing things. People taking strides. People actually stamping their brand with the LGBT instead of skulking somewhere behind a keypad to be all about condemnation.
I’ll be tuning in for this. Sounds potentially enlightening.
Pink Panther
May 12, 05:33Lol. Still simmering from yesterday’s battle, eh?
May 12, 06:59Haba Mandy! Let day break first and sun come up before u begin cast another shade.
Big ups to all the men and women pulling and moving weights to steer us in the right direction.
May 12, 06:32Nigerian gays are fucked up. They don’t like themselves and they are too proud. Always walking with this aloofness that doesn’t even mean anything to an Ankara seller.
Has anyone met the Human right gay whatever convener guy in Asaba? Proud bitch. Don’t be like her. ‘She’ made me hate everything activism. Can’t even relate with the bitch. Always feeling on top of everybody. Fake morons. Venom!
Pink Panther
May 12, 07:11Hmmm
May 12, 10:06Hian. Oh church!
Mr. Fingers
May 12, 06:43These guys are doing good. Kudos to them once again.
May 12, 07:06????
Pink Panther
May 12, 07:09Hello Kenny. 🙂 I don’t remember seeing you during yesterday’s carnage.
May 12, 07:57I was watching from the sidelines jejeli. I didn’t have the energy to drag matters with the ‘alpha gays’
Pink Panther
May 12, 08:22LMAO @alpha gays. Please tell me you were sipping on lemonade while watching.
May 12, 07:46??Ah God please o! I hope this Moses guy, sent by you to deliver your chosen gay Nigerian people from slavery, through the red sea, into the promised land, is not an MGM?!??
Pink Panther
May 12, 08:21Hahahahahahahahahahahaaa!!! Oh Keredim.
May 12, 08:54Moses couldn’t save the Isrealites as an Egyptian darling. He had to be an Isrealite to do it. #FoodForThought
May 12, 09:25A bit of a stretch their darling, but i see where you were going. Fair point you make.
I will be sure to tell Brad Pitt to fuck off, next time he speaks up for gay rights, as he is not a card carrying member of the gay party.
May 12, 09:36Well, u make it sound like some pure-blood Egyptians (not Isrealites in Egyptian garb) didn’t support the anti-slavery movement even before the plague wired dem.
May 12, 09:49No.. I was making a simply play on his name “Moses” and how he led people away from oppression. It was methaphorical.
Na you wey go dey make am complicated, dey find another meaning.
Ngwa, keep looking.
May 12, 10:02Whatever it was. Sarcasm, Metaphor, just choose wisely and avoid these ‘complications’
May 12, 10:29Point taken.
Henceforth, i will write 2 versions of my comments: one for sapients and another just for you.
May 12, 10:43You needn’t. Half is just enough for those who have transcended sapient
May 12, 10:56???????????????
May 12, 11:41Looooool. You know u r not well.
Beta gaan ask what this translates to in English “gudugudu mi o fi igba kan tu ara le”
Max 10
May 12, 08:06YouTube? How many people have bandwidth for YouTube in Nigeria?
Most of the viewers are going to be gay people anyway, so it takes away some of the purpose. I’ve seen it happen several times.
They should try broadcasting it on something more mainstream.
Mr. Fingers
May 12, 09:48Max all u do is try to rubbish other people’s efforts without adding anything to the struggle. Get a life dude. Smh
Max 10
May 12, 10:25Lmfao ??? @Fingers, go finger yourself .
May 12, 10:05He has a point though.
May 12, 20:00Something more mainstream like what please? Any suggestion? Certainly not TV, no one will let us have this on TV, we have tried many times, and I mean many Times. I did an interview like two years ago for a TV station discussing the Subject, I only found out this year that they got a query from NBC and some have in the past gotten a sanction with a huge fee. This is Nigeria, non TV will risk their business. But we can’t fold hands if TV wouldn’t let us, we look for another option cheaper and straight forward. Also, TV is not cheap, you don’t want to imagine the cost. However, if you have a better suggestion of platform than Youtube and Vimeo, please share we are very much open minded to this.
May 12, 21:31I was afraid that wud be a reason. I also feared the safety of the anchor and discussants might be at stake. But sanctions??? The level of extremism.
May 12, 21:40You will be surprised. I remember the owner of KD and I about a month ago at the Radio station where we had to discuss LGBT related issues, the rule and regulation, what you can say and not say before the show started, it was endless and you know why? They feared their license and I understand this. As for the anchor, this was why we used someone already on TV and known as a TV persons, instead of using a new face. Most of the guests coming on the show are well grounded persons. Sometime the challenges can drive one crazy but we have to stylish find our voice in the noisy country. One step at a time but community also MUST understand miracle will not happen overnight but we would get there.
May 13, 10:26I am quite fascinated that barring the fear of revoked licences, they were willing to listen (or were they?) and it wasn’t cos of journalist curiosity (or was it?)
May 12, 09:05Awwwwwn. Thought TIERS wrangled a spot on TVC airtime to do this. Well, seeing as loads of Nigerians are two-timing, fat-faced liars and very good at googling gay porn sites, this shouldn’t take long to find.
May 12, 09:26Nice!
May 12, 10:05Encouraging development. I wonder how Nigerians would take it seeing as it would be on air. Hmm
May 12, 10:10*on just you-tube
May 12, 11:51Good luck to her.
May 12, 12:40It’s a good concept I just hope the execution is good. Nothing clichéd or uninteresting. Certainly not like that quasi – LGBT clichéd ridden and poorly acted movie that was featured here the other time.
Pink Panther
May 12, 13:03You talking of Hell or High Water? You’ve seen it?
May 12, 17:38So Moses is all out and proud now.. eehhh! issorait!
May 12, 20:07Nah, he is a professional TV person and that is how we should see this and as a TV person he should be able to moderate any discussion with open mind. Him doing this as nothing to do with is private life which I know nothing about.
May 13, 11:50LOL, this is KD, we know who Moses is. No need for the defensiveness. Tenk.
May 13, 13:24Mr Django, No am not defensive. Many people and anybody can read KD, just because they don’t comment doesn’t mean they don’t read. If people don’t officially come out themselves, we shouldn’t out them publicity. However, that also doesn’t mean I know anything about the host of the show but if we know things about them personally, let’s keep it out of their professional space. Thanks
Pink Panther
May 13, 13:36Lol. Olumide, Django is female. That’d be Ms. Django. 🙂
However your response is sound.
May 13, 13:59Ah, Darling Django am so very sorry for the unnecessary Mr title oo. No vex abeg. Much love
May 15, 07:28This is awesome! Pushing boundaries. Bravo to TIERS abeg.
YouTube sounds good to me. We can all take it mainstream by sharing the videos in Facebook and Twitter and IG. That’s the best we can do now.
I you have any (bright) ideas, do good to share abeg. I’m tired of hearing people who are experts at point it out what’s wrong with an initiative but not the solutions to those problems.