TUG OF WAR (Part 2)

TUG OF WAR (Part 2)

Read the previous part of Tug Of War HERE


At the touch of Kevin’s lips, I stopped my scramble to get up and off him. I was stunned, and my lips stayed unresponsive as his slipped and slid sensuously over my mouth. Then he stopped and pulled away, staring at me. His breathing was heavy like he’d been running for a while.

“Say something goddamnit!” he rasped.

I couldn’t say a word. Instead, I slid back into a sitting position on the swing chair and stared back at him. I still didn’t say anything.

“Fuck!” He sat up and put his face in his palms.

And then, I snapped out of my trance. I didn’t need words. I just needed to show him. I reached for him. When my hands fell on his shoulders, he stiffened and lifted his face to me. I pulled gently at him, and he didn’t resist. His body followed my pull as I guided his head to my shoulder. He felt good next to me – better as he relaxed into me.

“Sorry,” he mumbled into my neck. “I guess I fucked up a perfect night out, huh? Donny Downer at your service.”

“Hey now,” I admonished softly. “Don’t say that. I’m just sorry it seems like you have quite a lot on your mind, that’s all. And you threw me a curve ball with the kiss. But I’m still here for you, no pressure, ok?”

He heaved a sigh.

“Let’s go back to your hotel,” I said. “We can sort things out there.”

He nodded his response, and I squeezed his shoulder a bit just to reassure him that everything would be fine.


The taxi ride back to the hotel was quiet and slightly tense, despite the fact that we held hands the whole time we were in the cab. I thought men in the army were a lot tougher than this, showing very little emotion and whatnot. Maybe life as a civilian had softened him up a bit, even though, from his grim countenance, it seemed as though he was trying to hold up what little stoic persona that was left from his military days.

It was about 3am when we got to his hotel and went straight to his room. I told him to go get a shower, that I’d shower afterwards. He didn’t dissent. I got out of my clothes and laid them neatly on the couch nearby, then watched TV while I waited for him to finish.

I did the onceover on him when he came out with a towel around his waist; there was still steam coming off his skin. Despite his somber mood, I still found him really attractive. I stood up and went to stand before him. He wouldn’t meet my gaze, staring instead down at his feet. I drew his head to mine and gave him a kiss on the side of his head.

“Get ready for bed. I’ll join you shortly,” I said.

I went into the bathroom, turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature to warm. And I let it wash away the sweat, dust, and drama of the last few hours. I needed some clarity and this wash would help give me some perspective. It did just that.

I dried off and joined him in bed. Kevin had his back to me. I reached out to him and turned him over, pulling him into me. He placed his head on my shoulder and arms on my chest. His eyes remained shut, and nothing was said.

“Can we talk about something else?” he asked quietly, as though to preempt any discussion of what had happened at the club.

“We don’t have to talk,” I told him, holding him tight. I felt him snuggle into me when I said that.

There was some more silence.

Kevin brought his hand up and rubbed my chest very gently, which both calmed my tightened gut and sent some sparks inappropriately, given the situation, right to my cock.

He chuckled. He appeared to know the effect he’d just had on me. “I like that,” he told me, rubbing again, his hand brushing the top of my pubes in his gentle, slow swipe.

My cock began to grow, and he hummed a short moan of appreciation. I pulled him tighter against me and brought my own hand up to still his.

“Talk to me. I’ve got plenty of time to listen,” I said, with a kiss to his forehead, still damp from shower. The taste and smell of him was enough to spur my cock’s continued growth.

He kissed my chest. “You have a really beautiful body. I didn’t know how long I could continue to ignore it every time you and were together at work. My imagination always went into overdrive whilst being next to you.”

I chuckled. “I’ve never wanted you to ignore it – not at all. But it can be the next thing we talk about, after what we should talk about, that is if you want to talk to me. I’m a great listener, and you’re safe here, Kev.” I realized too late that I’d shortened his name to an endearment, and it may be an unwelcome one.

Then, I felt what I knew was a tear, not a bead of sweat, from his right eye on my chest. No sobbing, just the tear.

“Every day, I come to the realization that I got married for the wrong reasons and stayed married for the wrong reasons…” he said in a voice weighted by quiet emotion. “I wanted to love someone and I wanted to be loved. But the problem was that growing up in my time and being this” – he gestured with his palm at his body and mine – “it was frowned upon immensely. Coming from a family such as mine didn’t make it any easier. We were what you’d consider upper class. Therefore I wasn’t free to choose who I married, let alone who to love. We had to keep the wealth from gold diggers and people who weren’t in our social circle. And we had to maintain the right kind of familial associations. Kelly was from the right kind of family. Our marriage was the perfect match both our parents sought.”

I didn’t say anything. Our chests lifted and fell with quiet breathing.

“I was lucky, you know, all things considered. We had our problems, Kelly and I… No matter how much our parents had wanted us together, we just simply weren’t suited for each other… We made the mistake of having children, thinking they would help save our marriage. But all the children did was keep us trapped in a loveless marriage. And I tried to love her, really did. But she was less inclined to keep up the charade than I was.

“And now our children are grown…makes it even harder to simply break out. You think about how messy ending it could be… bad for business, bad for the family image. My parents are gone, and I have become them…worrying about appearances.”

He sighed.

“So now you know who I am, and must be thinking about what kind of man you are holding.”

I wasn’t sure if it was bitterness I could hear leaking into his voice, or if I was inferring it.

“What kind of man you are?” I asked, not sure what he meant.

He answered, “A douche bag boss that wants your body and will move on at the end of the day when work is finished.” He finished saying that and began trying to get up and away from me, strong muscles straining against my hold.

“Relax!” I finally said, tired of almost struggling with him, and not letting go of my grip on him.

At the sharp tone of my command, he went completely slack with a sigh. He dropped back on the bed, on me.

“Kevin, I don’t think that at all. Give me some credit. I have worked side by side with you, and in that time, I have come to think of you as a wonderful man. And I’d like to think of myself as a good judge of character. This – you, admitting to attraction for me in spite of your marriage, and thinking it makes you a bad person… You have to stop. My impression of you hasn’t changed.”

“But it’s not a pretty reality,” he said grimly. “You don’t have to make any excuses for it.”

“Will you just stop!” I almost shouted, surprised at the intensity of my reaction to his self-deprecation. “I’m here, Kev. I came here excited to be with a hot, older man like you. And I’ve enjoyed every single thing we did leading up to now.”

“But you didn’t bargain on psychobabble baggage, did you?”

“What I didn’t bargain for was the incredible time I’ve had with you tonight. Maybe I am young and an over-romantic fool, but holding you and talking to you right now is like level 99.9 on the contentment scale for me, Kev.”

“You really mean that, don’t you?”

“Yes I mean it, Kev,” I said firmly, “one hundred and ten percent.”

“I can feel it,” he told me in a low tone of utter awe. “Fuck!” he said, almost inaudibly, clutching at me. And then, I felt his body tense against a shudder, and I knew he was fighting to hold back the sobs. “I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve you…” he choked out.

”I’m still not going anywhere, even if you try to force me.”

“You will never be happy with me…”

“Only time can be the judge of that,” I said, now getting exasperated. I lifted his head toward me and moved in to kiss him, our hands exploring each other’s bodies and moaning in pre-orgasmic bliss.

“Maybe we can – if we are careful and start out right and be mindful… maybe we can take this chance and see where it goes?” he said, breaking the kiss to stare deeply at me, his expression hopeful.

I smiled, my lips slowly stretching as the beam widened. “Maybe… Plus I don’t think we’ve wasted this chance altogether. In fact, I think we may be ending this tug of war that’s been going on in here” – I touched his forehead with my forefinger – “and in here.” I moved down to his heart.

“I hope so,” Kevin said, before drawing me close again.


Or Is It?

Written by JArch

Previous Kristen Stewart’s Mother Outs Her As Bi, Actress Dating Personal Assistant

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  1. pete
    June 17, 05:10 Reply

    & somebody was blackmailed into finishing this story. why do people think that soldiers are unemotional?

    • JArch
      June 17, 10:28 Reply

      Lol who blackmailed who Pete

      And yes that’s the perception out there about soldiers until you get to meet a few of them 🙂

  2. enigmous
    June 17, 05:14 Reply

    Loved it, tho shorter than the first one.

    JArch and daddies. Please I want some o.

    PP, Anon and the rest…how una dey?

    • JArch
      June 17, 10:29 Reply

      Hahaha Enigmous there are lots of daddies out there. You don’t need my help at all 😉

  3. KryxxX
    June 17, 05:42 Reply

    That scene in a movie that is so touching that even if u are in a naija cinema filled with homophobic bigots, boko haram, and OPC u just can’t help but smile like a mumu auditioning for colgate, squeal like a gal, dab away a few tears nd go…………..

    This is so sweet, I think I just turned diabetic!

    I actually think this story just painted what some MGM actually go through in life. Not all married by choice.

    Anyways, I love me my daddies/older men! They r everything! High 5 Jarch! Nd it better not b d end or I will stalk u down nd skin u Etekamba ass! Lol!

    • ruby
      June 17, 08:11 Reply

      Kryxxx Eteakamba Ass???
      Care to Elaborate???

    • JArch
      June 17, 10:30 Reply

      Hahaha my etekamba ass? Have you seen it before? :p

      • ruby
        June 17, 10:41 Reply

        Nope buh I know a certain someone who has an Eteakamba ass as well *ahem…me*
        Say why don’t we meet up and compare our knowledge of Eteakamba asses ova Palm wine with plantain n Bush meat *don’t worry there’s no Ebola*

    • Posh6666
      July 14, 10:43 Reply

      Lol easy tiger u dont wanna turn diabetic my dear.Lets be careful what we call upon ourselves even when joking.For those complaining about the new sites data consumption use operamini its less complicated and less data.

  4. KryxxX
    June 17, 05:46 Reply

    Isn’t it quite awkward when a love interest starts to tell u that they might not be good for you? Heartbreaking nd annoying too. Allow me experience u first!

    • Peak
      June 17, 06:55 Reply

      Awkward? Yes!

      Annoying? Why??

      Maybe he just wants you to have fond memories of him and save you both the pain of seeing each other get hurt. Cos he know he is going to hurt seeing/knowing he caused you pain. Maybe he is trying not to be selfish.

  5. Deola
    June 17, 05:48 Reply

    Well Written, short and sweet kinda like Marc Anthony.
    Hi Jarch.

      • Deola
        June 17, 06:03 Reply

        ***looks at PP with side eye, blows on mint tea and takes a sip***

        • pinkpanthertb
          June 17, 06:06 Reply

          I’m just asking o. You know, to clarify your comment. So…

      • Deola
        June 17, 06:22 Reply

        Sure, he is short, and i’d like to think he is sweet too.

        • pinkpanthertb
          June 17, 06:23 Reply

          Sweet isn’t exactly what leaps to my mind when I see Marc Anthony, Latin Lover label or not.

      • KyrxxX
        June 17, 06:23 Reply


        Mark is obviously short, definitely sounds sweet, but does he look sweet?
        Go find ur answer in J.Lo Kids!

      • Deola
        June 17, 06:38 Reply

        PP, perhaps you don’t see it, cause, you’re one if those people who have a thing against short men, but you know what they say…what they lack in height they make up for in…
        Let me put it this way, JLo dated affleck and we all know what he’s packing down there( thanks Gone Girl) 🙂 yet its Marc she married and had kids for. Enough said.

        • pinkpanthertb
          June 17, 06:42 Reply

          Are u serious? That man she married on a rebound. Are u the only one who doesn’t know how crushed Jlo was with the Affleck breakup. Seems even now the woman isn’t entirely over Affleck sef. mbok rest. Marc was just the besotted next available man she saw, who she decided could double for a baby making machine. I mean, hello, they finished making babies and it was ‘Bye Felicia’.
          Enough said.

    • JArch
      June 17, 10:31 Reply

      Hi Deola
      I’ve missed you and you mint tea

  6. simba
    June 17, 06:05 Reply

    Jarch…. Ur a good soul, and knows how to get a man… Fall for u deeper.. wishing u bliss…. What of ur ex,the one with de airport drama? And the white dude promised to u in the airplane..

    • pinkpanthertb
      June 17, 06:07 Reply

      Simba, you do realize there’s something called Fiction, right? 🙂

      • simba
        June 17, 06:48 Reply

        Haba.. fiction kwa… Hmmmm where is my bata moi moi?? Off to read James non fiction

    • JArch
      June 17, 10:34 Reply

      Awww thanks Simba

      Don’t worry you must land your man this year… Say amen

  7. Mitch
    June 17, 06:06 Reply

    Awwwwwwww! This is so sweet I could get diabetic over it. Some MGMs do go through hell keeping up the charade. But the thing is, I believe that for a rational, right thinking human being, one should be able to sit down, examine what he’s about to do and also postulate the short and long term effects of his decision. Truth is, if most MGMs do this before marriage, they’ll discover that the charade they’re about to enter isn’t worth the hassle and pain they’ll experience daily.

    • JArch
      June 17, 10:37 Reply

      You’ve captured the essence of this story 100% Mitch

      Don’t worry i have some insulin injections for your diabetes hahaha

    • Posh6666
      July 14, 10:49 Reply

      Like seriously guys stop with this diabetic jokes u might not mean it but theres power in our tongues.People get their legs chopped off for diabetes in some cases.

  8. Sinnex
    June 17, 06:14 Reply

    A story for those who love older men.

    Nice one…I guess.

    • pinkpanthertb
      June 17, 06:15 Reply

      It’s technically not just a story for those who love older men. It’s simply a story about love and struggles.

      • Chuck
        June 17, 17:25 Reply

        All these struggles that only apply to people without discipline. Forcing love where there is no connection, believing that every good hookup means you are an OTP.

  9. Peak
    June 17, 06:18 Reply

    JArch! Some of us like to enjoy our pain in peace, we don’t need you reminding us of what could be or what could have been.

    **Boiling with rage right npw**

    • JArch
      June 17, 10:55 Reply

      Biko, ejoor, abeg, si vous plait, mbok

      No vex

  10. pinkpanthertb
    June 17, 06:53 Reply

    *daintily dusting off my shoulder*
    You may own Hollywood movies and series, darling. But I own the celebrity circuit. Don’t ever come to my arena to battle. I’ll crush you. *sweet smile*

  11. Peak
    June 17, 06:59 Reply

    That moment when you are physically and emotionally naked and vulnerable to each other = cuddling and talking.

    • Mercury
      June 17, 09:05 Reply

      I swear, the feeling is almost heady.

  12. Peak
    June 17, 07:29 Reply

    Hahahahaah I swear this keredim guy na case

  13. efe
    June 17, 07:51 Reply

    awwwww!!!! nice ending tho.

  14. pinkpanthertb
    June 17, 07:57 Reply

    Keredim, don’t think I didn’t catch that shade you directed to us KD fiction writers. God is watching you for this eclipse you’re trying to create, y’hear?

  15. ruby
    June 17, 08:16 Reply

    Jarch… You Berra not be hending this story now oh! Ilf not, something’s will start to be doing you Tinini Tanana Bikobiko…
    I Loooooooooooove this story but sadly, all my experiences with daddies have always theft a sour taste in my mouth…
    So I’m eternally sworn off Daddies *no offence intended Daddy lovers*

  16. ruby
    June 17, 10:45 Reply

    Oh hey Keredim… Care to confirm if my mouth tastes like stale cum???

  17. ruby
    June 17, 10:50 Reply

    I’m an amazing test subject by the way

  18. ruby
    June 17, 10:50 Reply

    I’m an amazing test subject by the way

  19. ruby
    June 17, 10:57 Reply

    Pinky Mbok oh! I doesn’t know what thirst you are talk about…
    K’uda mi uka oh!
    K’ubiat ufok ndo owo

  20. JArch
    June 17, 11:02 Reply

    Hahahaha Kere has no chill

    Roll playback… Light…Action

    Seriously though, of all the characters you remember from dreamgirls, it’s Efe you loved the most

  21. ruby
    June 17, 11:03 Reply

    its up to u to decide when u r done @keredim

  22. JArch
    June 17, 11:04 Reply

    Kere and Ruby sitting on a tree.

    Deola please come with some of your tea blends let’s sit and watch these two hahaha

  23. ruby
    June 17, 11:09 Reply

    Jarch care. to join us???
    I love a tree way bidness… Gives you more things t graalb n fondle…. *runs away*

  24. Ace
    June 17, 11:20 Reply

    Cuddling naked in bed and laying out all your deepest thoughts then drifting off to sleep and waking up in the middle of the night to reengage the broken embrace with rain falling outside and the gentle him of the a/c or fan over your heads. Nothing kills me better that being cuddled up next to someone you really love, makes sex look like child’s play.

    • keredim
      June 17, 14:17 Reply

      Rain outside & a/c or fan on…. Dude you go catch pneumonia, one time

  25. Call me Morgana
    June 18, 04:29 Reply

    Jarch, I am the daddy type as well, I think I would be needing your tutoring on how to catch and hold. *twerks away with Cynthia Morgan’s German Juice*

  26. SimonAndal
    June 20, 03:04 Reply

    Nice! It’s like you went into my head and gave words to my fantasies.
    Quick question, is Kevin hairy? Please say he is. Hairy is love! Hairy is life!

  27. Freeman
    July 15, 23:26 Reply

    I love it here. Pinky, daalu rie nne. Ngwa, Nara nsusu muah!

    Since we all want it New and green, I, formally known as Virgin Morgana, wish to be addressed as Freeman. All comments and slander remain valid.

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