Tweet of the Day: About Straight People’s “Concern”

Tweet of the Day: About Straight People’s “Concern”

Usually, whenever a gay person starts living more boldly, starts getting more public about his experiences on the social media, there are always the straight people – friends, family and mere acquaintances – who seek them out privately to express horror at their audacity. Sometimes, it isn’t even private. They could simply just react on whatever post the gay person has made with a reminder about how Nigeria is not safe for them to be this gay this openly.

And sometimes, you have to wonder: is this concern genuine? Are the people who try to remind you (as if you don’t already know) that there’s a risk in being openly gay in Nigeria being truly concerned for your safety or just uncomfortable with your truth?

And at the end of the day, when you are expressing concern over a gay person’s decision to live more purposefully, what are you trying to accomplish?

Previous SCRUBS AND CROCS (Episode 5)
Next Johnnell Terrell Speaks Powerful Words About all The Ways He Is A Gay Man

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  1. Colossus
    February 07, 08:19 Reply

    Well said.

    Make those straight guys uncomfortable. Press them, press them hard.

    • Demi
      February 07, 17:07 Reply

      Hahahahahha.. My wild mind is just reading things into this your comment.. Lmfao

  2. Ken
    February 07, 08:56 Reply

    Actually not all straight people are homophobic, and yes people actually express concern out of love not always homophobia

    If I had a friend or brother who I know will get into trouble for speaking truth, I am bound to be concerned. Not because I don’t agree with his nature or truth, but I won’t be happy seeing him hurt.

    We shld learn to accept love when it is offered. Not everybody is an enemy or has ulterior motives. And even if they are actually showing concern out of their own prejudice, try to be patient with them. Even u didn’t accept u at first

    • The Witcher
      February 07, 11:45 Reply

      Im pretty sure the person was cognizant of the dangers involved in being visible before he went ahead with it,silence doesn’t enable liberation so instead of faux concern why not offer support.
      I wanna add that it comes across as condescending and patronising when people profer their concern like saviours not taking into consideration you’ve weighed the risks before trudging down that path.

    • Tristan
      February 07, 11:54 Reply

      Even you didnt accept you at first. THIS! ( in Mitch’s tone)?

      On the other news, Phillip Schofield just came out as gay and it isn’t news?

      Good luck to him.

    • Flexsterous
      February 08, 01:19 Reply

      Thank you very much ken, my thoughts exactly, people looking for enemies where there are none. How is showing concern now a problem?

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