WHORE Of BABYLON (Episode 16)

WHORE Of BABYLON (Episode 16)

Jide is already waiting for me in an ash-coloured Nissan Maxima.

His uncle must be rich, I think to myself with some spark of interest. I will have to research more on this.

His head is bobbing up and down to some upbeat sound blasting from the car’s stereo. I watch as he stretches his hand to alter something on the stereo, then sitting back and going back to nodding his head.

Such a guy.

I am almost twenty minutes late but I can’t help but want to intentionally keep him waiting some more. He clearly doesn’t mind waiting, as evidenced in the fact that he hasn’t bugged me with any “where are you” calls yet. And it doesn’t seem like he is impatiently waiting for me, the opposite of what I’d been hoping to achieve. With a defeated sigh, I move away from the stall I’m in and start forward to meet him again.

“Hello senorita.” He smiles at me the minute I slide in beside him.

Justin Timberlake’s Senorita is blasting from the stereo.

I chuckle, feeling a flutter of pleasure at the way he’d chosen to address me.

Careful, Sizi, clearly this one is as charming as they come. And you know you can’t let yourself be caught up in the charm.

“Good evening, Jide,” I say perfunctorily.

I eye him – and God, he is hot!

With ripped black jeans on, below an equally black polo shirt snugly fitted on his athletic torso, with a baseball cap to complete the casual evening look, he can make me rethink the thought of collecting money from him after sex.

His cum would taste like pineapple, I’m sure.

He gives me a once-over too, his smile never waning as he hits the ignition. I’m not looking bad. If there’s one thing I’m eternally grateful for, it is my effortlessly slim build. With it, I can slap on any good clothing and make it work. The bum shorts Ife recently gave me is obviously working some magic, and yes, I don’t go out without my fez cap.

Ife though… A little wave of sadness washes over me as I think of the hurt it might cause her when I finally deal with that idiot brother of hers. Even though I know she won’t mind so much (she’s cool like that) but at the end of the day, they’re siblings and the fact that I still haven’t let on to her the history I have with her brother makes a small amount of guilt eat away at me.

Gawd, Sizikora, where is your backbone? You and guilt do not belong in the same fraternity. Snap out of this self deprecation, osiso! Just one visit with Doctor Francis and –

“You are looking good, Sizikora,” Jide cuts into my thoughts, obviously attempting to start up a conversation.

I’m not usually this bad a company.

“I would have said the same for you but I’m not sure how true that would be, seeing as there’s nothing on you I want to take and possess for myself,” I sally at him with a shrug.

He laughs.

“You know why I like you?” The pause is lingering.

I turn to look at him, my forehead creased when it dawns on me he is expecting a reply.

“You want me to ask why you like me?”

He nods.

“Hian. But I don’t need to know na. I like me enough for me.”

He laughs again and then sobers up almost immediately. He has a frown on. I look ahead, beyond the windshield to see a cluster of cars.

Fucking traffic lights causing more traffic than a head-on collision! Mscheeww!

“I like you because,” he places a hand unceremoniously on my thigh, which causes a visible jolt of shock to run through me.

“I’m sorry,” he says, drawing his hand immediately away, “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“No, it is fine,” I say at once, tamping down on my flyaway emotions and turning on a smile at him. “I just like your hands where I can see them.”

He laughingly says, “Even when they’re grabbing for your cakes?”

“At least I’ll see them going around back there,” I rejoin.

We both laugh this time around. It feels good to be with him, good and easygoing. For someone I’d just met, this chemistry between us is quite something. I can’t help but imagine what the sex would be like.

You mean the way it was with Bryan?

Bryan was… Bryan is…

Another guy who took osho-free from you!

Well, there’s nothing wrong with having two friends with benefits.

Friends with benefits?! Since when did you start doing friends with benefits? You never have friends you shag? Never! Sex is always business for you, not something you do with friends.

I groan inwardly under the onslaught of my mind’s recriminations. This isn’t me. Is this what therapy with Francis will do to me – turn me inside out until I won’t recognize who I am anymore?

“Did you hear me?” I feel someone tap my knee and my mind clears.

That’s another thing. I’ve been thinking a lot since yesterday. All this introspection can’t be good for me, can it?

“I’m sorry. I zoned out for a second there.” I try smiling but all I can manage is a stiffened widening of my lips.

“Are you uncomfortable around me?” Jide creases his brow at me. “I don’t bite, you know.” He swings the car to the left. The traffic has eased.

“No no,” I object lightly. “Please bite. Biko bite o. Just don’t bite the wrong places.”

He laughs again. “And yet you were asking if we were going to fuck. Clearly you already had that in mind. I should be the one wondering at your intentions for me.”

“We’ll find out soon enough, won’t we?”

It is a few more minutes of sexual repartee before Jide begins to pull up before a small compound.

“We are here,” he announces.

We alight from the car and he leads me inside the compound. The place he leads me to is small, a self contained apartment designed for one occupant. It suddenly dawns on me that he may actually not be able to give me any money should we have sex.

Which we clearly will – and the thought of freely giving myself to him doesn’t cause me any dismay.

I mean, have you met his looks?

He is ahead of me, and takes a moment to fiddle with the padlock bolting the burglary in place. Then he pushes open the net door after the burglary that leads into his habitat.

There is a queen-sized mattress, a plasma TV, and a table-top fridge amongst other things.

It doesn’t spell poverty and it doesn’t say Alhaji either. It’ll have to do as it is though.

“Welcome to my humble abode,” he whispers into my left ear from behind, before nibbling gently on it.

His masculine scent blends beautifully with his cologne, sending me to instant arousal. I turn around and our lips lock in a tense sexual bond. He reaches for my derriere and lifts me up off my feet with a little too much ease and plops us both down on the bed.

I cry out a little when my head bumps against the wall.

“I’m sorry, love.” He looks distressed, like he thinks he has ruined the moment.

I smile reassuringly and reclaim his quivering lips.

It doesn’t take long for all our clothing to be disposed. We make out furiously and soon, I have his cock in my mouth, deep-throating his sizable member as he lies back. Apparently enjoying the pleasure I’m giving him as evidenced in his moans and the frequency with which he thrust his hips upward to meet my face, his cock jutting harder into my mouth, demanding more of the pleasure. Then he kneels upright and reaches over to feel my ass and finger my hole while I’m still blowing him. He wets his fingers with his saliva and takes the hand back to my ass, dipping the slippery digits into my hole, in and out, finger-fucking me with such skill, I find myself unconsciously moving my ass to meet the little bolts of pleasure.

Then Jide brings me up for a deep kiss, after which he demands for my hole. I promptly obey, getting down on my belly with my butt raised up for him to kiss, rim, and tease. But it isn’t long before he is feeding his cock to my mouth once again. And once again he brings me up to kiss me and huskily tell him, “You’re so fucking beautiful… Now give me that ass.”

The sex is mind blowing. Jide takes me from behind in several ways, his athletic body owning me with hard-driving passion. And I love every bit of it, working my hole right back on his cock.

Soon, as Jide pile-drives his cock inside me from behind, I begin to tremble, my body tensing as though it might explode from experiencing too much pleasure. This urgency communicates itself to Jide, and he grabs my cock and begins to work it furiously. His wanking of my dick makes me delirious with pleasure and I let out a long, harsh groan as I explode in a high-arching blast.

My jacking doesn’t slow down Jide’s fucking. With my cock still dripping and pointing north, Jide jams a few desperate thrusts inside me before he starts spasming his way to his own ejaculation.

Now spent, we drop onto the bed. I am resting on a pillow, my body stretched out close to the wall while he is on his belly, one leg dropping down over the bed to the floor.

“You never got around to saying why you like me.” I turn around to my belly, my hands propped on my cheeks.

God, I feel so fucked. In a good way, and it’s making me fish for compliments.

“Oh that.” He turns on his back so I can see the small smile on his bearded face. “I’ve always had a thing for sluts.”

The words hit me with a ferocity that takes my breath sharply away. They drop down, clatter to a stop and then explode right there in places I didn’t know existed in me.

For a full moment, I lie there, frozen in place, utterly speechless.

This is not the first time I’ve been called a whore or a slut. Heck, I’ll be the first to admit that about myself. But I was starting to like Jide, like really, really like him. Hearing him derogate me like that was something I can’t handle in my usual flippant manner.

When I unfreeze, I am shocked to feel the tide of tears rising inside me.

Oh no, you don’t!

He has seen my shock – he is already asking me “what’s wrong? Did I say something wrong?” – but Ill be damned if I’ll let him see my tears.

I jump up from the bed as I bolt my face into an expression of rigidity, and begin to gather my discarded clothing. I have to get out of here!

“Stop, Sizikora – Ikem, what is going on? Where are you going? What did I say?” Jide is protesting all around me, trying to get me to pause and look at him.

But I can’t. I won’t. I’m barely holding on to my self control. I cannot afford to break to pieces in front of the man who’d just called me a slut.

This is what you get for catching feelings.

“Ikem, stop please nau…” Jide is still protesting my clear intent to leave. He is trying to stop me. He is saying things like he didn’t mean it the way it came off. Saying he didn’t think I would mind either.

Fucking idiot! You go about calling people’s children slut. You should be ashamed of yourself!

Eventually I am dressed and fleeing through the door. He follows me outside the gate in his boxer shorts, still calling to me, still apologizing.

The last I hear as I desperately clamber on an okada is something about me at least letting him pay for my transport home.

What a douche bag! I’d have screamed “Fuck you” at him but I’d already done that.

Written by Delle

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  1. Ken George
    November 16, 08:30 Reply


    But why is it that sluts and whores always object to being tagged their proper title?? If u exchange sex for money with random partners and no strings attached, then you shld be proud to be called a prostitutr, ashawo, akwuna kwuna…lol

    • Mandy
      November 16, 08:54 Reply

      But that’s the thing. In earliest episodes, Sizikora has been called a whore and that didn’t bother him. Becos of course that was what he was doing. Whoring himself.
      But it becomes hurtful when it comes from someone you like. Someone you didn’t even see as a business transaction.

  2. Mandy
    November 16, 08:55 Reply

    Jide fucked up. It’s obvious he didn’t say what he said to be spiteful, but he could’ve been more tactful with expressing himself now

  3. Pjay
    November 16, 15:44 Reply

    I didn’t read the part where he wore a condom. Are you now whoring without protection, Sizi? I also didn’t think you would terribly mind being called a slut though. I mean, you wear it like a badge.

  4. Omiete
    November 17, 01:55 Reply

    That moment when someone you’re beginning to catch feelings for says the wrong thing and that just changes everything. A guy once asked me how sex was for me and when I told him I haven’t had sex he told me to stop lying that gay people can’t live without sex. Shockingly that didn’t bother me at all until after some arguments he said I tried to seduce him three times but I failed. I have no problem being called a seductor because it’s sth have done but the problem is when I never seduced you and you open your mouth to say I did.

  5. Foxydevil
    November 17, 08:12 Reply

    I don’t understand, the title of the story says “whore of Babylon ”
    And the writer has a problem with being tagged a slut ?
    I know my English is not that good yet but doesn’t whore and slut mean exactly the same thing?

  6. Johnny
    November 17, 08:26 Reply

    Whoreton and sluton . One has class

  7. Lopez
    November 17, 11:51 Reply

    Because you only read this episode that’s why you don’t understand.

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