Why Is A Threesome Involving Two Guys And A Girl A No-No For Heterosexual People?

Why Is A Threesome Involving Two Guys And A Girl A No-No For Heterosexual People?

The Best Friend rapper, Saweetie recently appeared on Respectfully Justin, a new show hosted by Justin LaBoy and P. Diddy’s son, Justin Combs. The show’s recent debut featured Chris Brown, and for the second episode, Saweetie dropped by. The rapper answered a series of questions posed by the hosts, including one about whether or not she’d have a threesome with her man, Quavo – who she’s being reported to have now broken up with.

And her response caused a bit of an uproar on set, and on the blogosphere.

She was asked that if she has a man who is respectful, loves her, and does all that she wants, would she have a threesome if he asked, and if so, who would she bring home. She appeared to be mulling it over as she said, “He’s doing everything right, shopping sprees, good communication, picking up the phone one ring”, while Justin LaBoy added a few more highlights that included paying all of her bills and toe-sucking to make it all seem more tempting to want to “make him happy” with a threesome.

And then, she dropped what appeared to be a bombshell: “Because he doin’ everything right, I’m gonna give him the honor of picking the nigga we havin’ a threesome with.”

To say that everyone in the room was shocked by her response, especially the Justins, is an understatement.

Watch that section of the show below:

From the clip above, Justin LaBoy can also be seen trying to clarify that a sexual encounter involving two guys and a girl is not a threesome.

Why is that though?

Why is a threesome involving two guys and a girl so problematic for heterosexual people (read, men)?

This same “scandalousness” can be seen in a past episode of Grown-ish, where the character Vivek engaged in a threesome with his girlfriend and another guy. And after revealing this to his friends – all of them heterosexual – suffered an onslaught of disbelief and doubts about his sexuality. In fact, after mentioning to his friends, Aaron and Doug, that he had a threesome, the other boys initially assumed outrightly that the other person in the threesome was a girl. Imagine their horror when he clarified that it was a guy!

So, why is it okay for a threesome to be a guy and two girls, but not a girl and two guys? Let us know what you think in the comments section.

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  1. McDuke
    March 20, 10:13 Reply

    Well look at this way…as a gay guy, you ask your partner for a threesome and he’s like “well you pick the girl”, how will you react??? I guess your reaction won’t be much different from that of a straight guy if the tables are turned. But for the females…it’s a different ball game. I guess girls are generally more sexually fluid than guys. That’s why it’s easier to see more lesbians that still fuck with guys compare to gay guys with females (I’m talking about younger unmarried ones not the older married ones that have limited choices).

    • Shuga
      March 21, 09:03 Reply

      You’re talking in the nonsense 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. Delle
    March 20, 11:38 Reply

    Toxic masculinity could be one.

    Not wanting the possibility of their girl falling for this new guy could be another

  3. Thanos
    March 20, 12:10 Reply

    Let me explain this in the simplest way possible.
    While technically, it’s a threesome if three people are involved, practically, it’s a threesome if you’re having anything sexual with the two people there.

    That means three gay men meeting is a threesome since they can touch the other two men (the weirdness of strict tops permitting).
    With two Bi men and one woman, it’s a threesome because they can touch each other and the woman.
    With a straight man and two women, he can touch the two women.
    With two straight men (who cannot/ will not touch each other) and a woman, it’s functionally not even a threesome but a halfsome because instead of having twice as many partners as you would normally have, you literally have half (since you’re sharing the time you spend on the partner with someone else you can’t touch sexually).

    Technically, it’s three people, but functionally, the only way to see this as a threesome is if one of them has a voyeur fetish (likes to see the girl take dick from other men).

    • Shuga
      March 21, 09:05 Reply

      You left out the woman who can comfortably touch both men.
      That’s a threesome period.


      • Gay Pastor
        March 27, 20:31 Reply

        Great more discussions on Tv like these are needed …By talking about polyamory people are loosening up to the idea meaning people are maturing up when it comes to sex…Encore

    • Black Dynasty
      March 21, 16:55 Reply

      I’m confused, so the woman who can touch two men is not human or just the man matters @ sex?

      Toxic masculinity right there, i.e. everything should revolve around the man and what suits him.

  4. Ken
    March 20, 14:35 Reply

    I hate threesomes. It’s just weird and silly to me

  5. Rudy
    March 20, 22:37 Reply

    Quite simple.

    Sex in the minds of most straight guys is a form of grandiose gesture where they alone are the beneficiaries of the pleasure.
    Hence they try their darnedest even in lesbian sex to tweak and make the central focus suitable to please the average straight man.
    To them, women seem to be mere receptacles.

    If not, you wouldn’t get this presenter asking which “girl” will the lady invite into their bedroom for the threesome.

    You realise the question was asked with a clear intention & motive dismissing the right of choice of the female. This is a common practice amongst most straight guys, whenever the female sexuality is discussed, they completely ignore the wants of the female and make everything about them.
    I guess they finally met their match this time cos it takes a very smart girl to have given that answer.
    One who takes pride in the ownership of her own feelings and sexuality.

    The sexuality of a female mustn’t/shouldn’t be a subject for male policing!

    • Shuga
      March 21, 09:08 Reply

      Your heart be blessed.
      You said it all.

      If you ain’t in all through, don’t suggest.
      You want to sex your girls Bestie but don’t want your girl to sex your bestie too?

      World people and their one side thinking

    • Francis
      March 21, 09:24 Reply

      ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Nailed it

    • Chime
      March 21, 17:35 Reply


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