Woman Anxious Over Husband’s Admission Of Bisexuality

Woman Anxious Over Husband’s Admission Of Bisexuality

A desperate housewife recently wrote in the advice column Annie’s Mailbox seeking help about her hot bisexual husband.

“I met my husband in college,” the letter begins. “He was outgoing, handsome and a star athlete. We now have two beautiful babies and, I thought, a perfect marriage.”

But, as is often the case, not everything is it seems.

The letter continues: “A month ago, we had dinner with a couple we’ve known for years. One of them said something about ‘bisexuals,’ to which I replied, ‘There is no such thing. You are either gay or straight.’ Everyone looked uncomfortable.”

It wasn’t until the next day when the woman realized why the people are her dinner table had responded the way they did.

“The next day, my husband told me that he is bisexual,” the woman says. “He said he’d had a relationship with another man in college before he met me. But he reassured me that I had nothing to worry about because he loves me and has no desire to be with anyone else of either sex.”

The woman goes on to say she found her husband’s confession deeply troubling and she wishes he had never told her.

“I’ve been upset ever since,” she writes. “I believe my husband when he says he is not interested in anyone else, but I have to ask, is there really such a thing as ‘bisexual’? My sister says that is just what people claim before they come out as gay. And second, how can I trust my husband when he kept this secret from me for so long?”

She continues by saying she does not want to go to couple’s counseling for fear that her husband may decide to leave her.

“What if we go and then, just like my sister says, this bisexual stuff is all bogus and he decides he is gay?” he asks. “I don’t want to end our marriage. I just want to turn back the clock so I can think of my husband the way I did before.”

The letter is signed, “Confused Wife.”

The good folks at Annie’s Mailbox get right down to business with their response.

“Your sister is giving you damaging and incorrect information,” they said. “Decades ago, people may have believed that one was either gay or straight, and that bisexuals were simply hiding their true selves, but this is no longer considered accurate.”

The response continues: “We have come to understand that sexuality is more complicated and that some people are attracted to both sexes. And one’s sexual orientation has nothing to do with remaining faithful to one’s partner.”

“Your husband is the same man you fell in love with. If you trust him, your marriage is solid,” the response concludes. “But if you find that your marriage is floundering over this, consider counseling from someone who specializes in LGBT marriages and can address your specific concerns.”

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  1. Kenny
    January 26, 08:15 Reply

    Try as much as you may, you can never please people. He came out to her albeit late and assured her he isn’t going to step out on her yet she’s worried. If their marriage ends, it’ll be her worry that killed it.

  2. ken
    January 26, 08:33 Reply

    She is right to be worried. Relationship is all about trust and if he hid this for u for so long, then she might be wondering what else he is hiding.
    But that fact is there is no guarantee in life. Even if he was perfectly str8 as a ruler, it doesnt guarantee he wont cheat. So no point stressing over nothing when the did hasnt been done yet.

    I have to say, that guy got some HUGE balls! Lol

  3. Max 2.0
    January 26, 08:53 Reply

    “Can I trust my husband when he’s kept the secret from me for so long”?

    Yes you can sistergurl. He probably didn’t tell you because of the moronic attitude you’re portraying now. Oh and sometimes its best to leave some things unsaid, until the right time. He kept it from you because its nothing serious, its not like he murdered anyone. He’s still the same man you fell in love with.

    • Jon Snow
      January 26, 09:34 Reply

      wait… what???
      who are you and what did you do to Max???

    • Peak
      January 26, 11:28 Reply

      Seriously WTF is going on? Are you sure you are fine? “Moronic attitude”? **sigh** The end time is indeed near.

  4. Delle
    January 26, 10:10 Reply

    I actually stopped reading at, ‘…there’s no such thing as bisexual. You can either be gay or straight’. This goes to show her level of ignorance and with such, it’s not surprising she’d be so insecure of her husband.
    She really is a confused being.
    Like someone here would say, GOOGLE! Google is a pretty reliable friend unlike one’s ‘sister’!

  5. Peak
    January 26, 11:44 Reply

    “Decades ago, people may have believed that one was either gay or straight, and that bisexuals were simply hiding their true selves, but this is no longer considered accurate.” Lol, who ever made this comment clearly doesn’t know how the average Nigerian gay man thinks.

    Going by the outcome of this reveal, I would like to ask the proponents of ” all MGM and MBM must CONFESS to their wives”, if they have ever stopped and considered the multiple negative OUTCOME of these CONFESSIONS?

  6. Promise4all
    January 26, 12:36 Reply

    Dear confused wife, If you have been able to trust & love your husband all these years, I don’t see why that trust should shake now just because of a coming out story. I.M.H.O, just carry on trusting him for his words, so you don’t push him through the phase of sexual life proposed in your sista’s thesis/theory, Because KD and the sistas she has all over the world will open wide her pearly gates and make sure the BI is christened HOMO thereby leaving you with the sexuality of the court case. And trust me, we can import him to Nigeria to see the wonders of God in the life of black people.#Chocolates &#Cofee

  7. bruno
    January 26, 14:09 Reply

    I didn’t know it was ok to keep this type of secret from someone you want to spend the rest of your life with

    • MagDiva
      January 27, 07:09 Reply

      But it’s not a secret though. Calling it that implies it’s something he is or should be ashamed of. You don’t go listing every sexual tryst you’ve had to your current partner do you? you don’t draw them a list so they know what you’ve done in your past.

      A lot of people shout and go on about how one should be completely honest without thinking about the consequences of their ‘confession’. And how it would affect the recipient or the ripple effect of said confession. Not everyone can handle the truth and sometimes, some things are best left unsaid especially if they have no bearing on ones present life. The past is the past and some things should be buried there for good reason too. As long as you’re not living a lie or when it comes out, lie about it.

      Being gay, bisexual, lesbian is not a character flaw and shouldn’t be treated as one just because someone has done something in his/ her past that is alien to another’s simple mind.

      • Francis
        January 27, 08:25 Reply

        Thanks for this. It completely pushed me out of that “full disclosure is the best policy” boat. ?

      • Peak
        January 27, 11:32 Reply

        @MadDiva that is one sound comment you have up there.

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