After going on an anti-porn retirement, former adult film star, Markie More is now Regretful

After going on an anti-porn retirement, former adult film star, Markie More is now Regretful

Porn star, Markie More has retired from adult entertainment twice now. First, he left Next Door Studios in 2017, but returned a month later because, according to him, he was now comfortable with his own sexuality – even though, by the end of 2018, he refused to work anymore with Next Door Studios due to threats and abuse he was getting from directors there.

Then in May, he was again done with porn and went on a Twitter rant, where he talked about how he could “no longer promote lustful and deviant behaviour.”

Now, however, all those tweets have been deleted, and in their place are tweets that express his regret over the things he said.

But not everyone is ready to welcome him back with open arms. Fellow porn star, Derek Bolt also took to twitter to express his disbelief in More’s change of heart.

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  1. Mandy
    November 21, 17:21 Reply

    Lol. What a shocker. I hope no studio hires him back. It’s one thing to go through a bout of self hate, but to lash out on the community who has done nothing to you is just unacceptable.

    • ChubbyLover
      November 23, 04:16 Reply

      Thank God God no be man ooooo, if God be man, wahala for de oooo.

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