An Anniversary Message

An Anniversary Message

happy-anniversary-wishes-cardsA KDian is celebrating his love for his boo by penning something to mark the one-month anniversary of their relationship, which is today. So, if this boo is reading, this is for you.


Words are words and Talk is Cheap.

You hear me say this all the time – “Facta non Verba”…

But these words carry my heart.

I woke up to the touch of a morning

The thirst for your warmth left my heart

Susceptible to a great want, blazing like a flame

A flame which can only be stoked by your touch

A touch which I feel around me this morning

Your arms tightened around me

Your warm breath on my neck

The feel of your skin against mine

All of them sensations that shake me within

I am reminded of the first time we were together

At Room 109 at Jacob’s Plaza –

Ah, yes! I can’t remember to forget that night.

Since then, our Love has flourished

And today, we mark a month of this bliss

Each day happier in joy, pleasure, and fun – the good amidst the bad

I hold dear the memories of the last one month

Memories fostered by the mesmerizing effect of your aura.

Sometimes it feels too perfect

Then I get scared that I’d be scarred again

But Love gives itself out to all who seek it

Not for a fee, but for a feeling of want

Not satisfied by the climax, but for the total want of it.

It is already dear to our hearts, this thing we feel

It makes our imperfections beautiful, this thing we share

It is one month now, with many more milestones to mark.

And at the end of the day, I will say me a little prayer

A prayer, for this Love to last forever.

Written by Law

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  1. Max
    March 22, 05:04 Reply

    Nice piece… When am I gonna have this kinda thing written for me? *pensive*

    • Dennis Macaulay
      March 22, 05:32 Reply

      I will write this for you max! And hire a sky writer to write it in the clouds

      • pinkpanthertb
        March 22, 05:38 Reply

        *rolling my eyes from Ikorodu to Ikoyi* Your thirst is becoming messy, DM.

      • bobby
        March 22, 06:04 Reply

        Dennis u sef choose one!… Nor dey jam our heads together. Shuuuu?

      • trystham
        March 22, 06:46 Reply

        *retches* This line was bloody modern Skakespeare. Very sappy nd sickening in its sappiness. Who says gay men are not relentless toasters *retches some more*

      • Mercury
        March 22, 07:15 Reply

        Thank you Thrystam, sappiness at its peak……..this is sickeningly sweet…

  2. pinkpanthertb
    March 22, 05:10 Reply

    Thank you, D-boy. LOL! I had the same rejoinder in mind for him.

  3. bobby
    March 22, 06:03 Reply

    One month?…seriously?..have same sex relationships gotten that bad?

      • bobby
        March 22, 09:28 Reply

        Same sex relationship especially in Nigeria doesn’t last..we all know that… Never knew its was that bad for u to celebrate if u n ur boo make it tru a month.. Cheers!

  4. trystham
    March 22, 06:41 Reply

    @Max SMH Your pride is not of this world. I’ll pretend I do not see the pit in front of u.

  5. Rapum
    March 22, 06:55 Reply

    “Not satisfied by the climax, but for the total want of it.” That got me. Nice one, Law.

  6. MacArdry
    March 22, 07:22 Reply

    I pray you write more of this at the end of the sixth month,the first year.

    • mirage
      March 22, 10:19 Reply

      Lol I concur@Mac,@law if u still carry these lines by june would order a box of pizza and drinks for both of you!@bobby lol I tire oh seriously one month anniversary?*rolls eyes from rumuokoro to GRA 2*

  7. KryxxX
    March 22, 08:08 Reply

    Biakene Pinky! Is it one month or one year biko?
    One month cha! Issorright!

    Lemme me not b a bad belle this fine balmy Sunday that I feel like making breakfast 4 someone in here in just my sheer briefs!

    Happy anniversary Law! I pray u pen down something else in a year or two with same guy **stares @ d lions nd lionesses of d gaybourhood beggingly**

    Nice poem by the way.

    #NP Love to love – Lira

    • Colossus
      March 22, 09:52 Reply

      I’m waiting, make a sumptuous breakfast and you can be forgiven for hoarding the recharge cards.

      • KryxxX
        March 22, 10:21 Reply

        Ah! U r still bearing that recharge grudge? Wanted to send small oh but auto subscription reload took it.
        As for d breakfast, it is ready nd am serving it in bright royal blue thongs………..

  8. . Pete
    March 22, 08:17 Reply

    Another poem to a boo. Pray,tell me how the last poem somebody penned here to his boo ended *sips orijin*

    • Dennis Macaulay
      March 22, 09:40 Reply

      Not everything happens on KD pete, not everything.

      A lot of action goes on behind the scenes

  9. Max
    March 22, 08:39 Reply

    @Trystham, pride?
    Gay pride?

  10. Metrosexual
    March 22, 09:43 Reply

    This is so beautiful, Law…
    I pray your relationship lives to see more than 1month…..even more than a year…
    Happy Anniversary

  11. Colossus
    March 22, 09:51 Reply

    Law to his boo,
    “Look hun, skeptics. Skeptics everywhere. Let’s show them how it’s done and take this to one month and a half.”

    Nice poem, your boo is clearly dishing out some potent opium.

    • KryxxX
      March 22, 10:25 Reply

      Dark humanbeing!
      Wish them well joor! Do you think its like our own u dashed in 2wks!! Am still planning my payback!
      A month nd half? Seriously?! Smh @ u right now **in Rosemary’s voice**

  12. McGray
    March 22, 11:13 Reply

    Law ur poem makes tears drop from my eyes. I dunno wat’s wrong with me. If i like sum1 today, 2mrw i must definitely see a flaw in him dat would snd me to Donkey’s Ass for ever picking interest in him. Initially i tot z okay but now, i dunno maybe if m….. possessed or is it just natural. Either he is too dark, or too light, or brown teeth, or too slow, or he talks a lot, or small lips, or he is reticent, or his hairstyle, or his tummy, or too demanding….. Gosh! D list is endless. I really wish i can love someone so dearly. Pls God help me. Law can u pls give me tips on hw u still even like him for more than two days?

  13. Teflondon
    March 22, 11:52 Reply

    Take nothing away from the poem… Brilliantly written and explicitly discribes how you feel right now…

    That said
    I see no reason why someone will start writing a poem after just “ONE” month of a relationship… I mean! Is that really a milestone? Has the ‘Gaybourhood’ been deteriorated to this level.. That we celebrate one month of blissful relationship? Maybe I am wrong but I think the whole essence of this poem is a bit ‘Fickle’

  14. Vhar.
    March 22, 12:52 Reply

    Pure bliss.
    If you have your way, celebrate it everyday.

  15. Sinnex
    March 22, 18:14 Reply

    Although, when I saw anniversary, the first thing that came to my mind was…okay….maybe the person has been dating for a year or something…I saw one month and I was like WTH…

    Now, I am tempted to attack the OP, not because the piece is not good enough, but because this could have been me writing this. Why can’t I fall in love? It is not easy being gay in Nigeria sha. If I spend one quarter of the time I spend stalking guys online on girls, I could have gotten tons of girls.

    Anyway, I hope your relationship lasts for a longer time. I don’t want to come here and read ‘Oh, how I wish’, or ‘I knew you were trouble’…anyway, enjoy while it lasts…

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