Archie to be shot saving gay friend in comic book

Archie to be shot saving gay friend in comic book

229015f4796ce21b590f6a7067004a00This photo provided by Archie Comics shows Archie in his final moments of life in the comic book, “Life with Archie,” issue 37. Archie Andrews will die taking a bullet for his gay best friend. The famous freckle-faced comic book icon will die in the July 16, 2014 installment of “Life with Archie” while intervening in the assassination of Kevin Keller, Archie Comics’ first openly gay character.

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  1. trystham
    July 17, 07:25 Reply

    They continued with Archie??? Whoa!!! *shocked speechless* Anyway, Sabrina will do something about it.

  2. chestnut
    July 17, 19:02 Reply

    Hmmm…it’s quite obvious that we don’t even know how to respond to dis; we have been rendered totally speechless…

  3. JustJames
    July 17, 23:55 Reply

    If it was said that declan died at the end of sex and the city then everyone on here would comment… *rides power bike into the night*

  4. earl
    July 18, 07:30 Reply

    Are u kidding me….so Archie comics are still selling.???

  5. Lothario
    July 18, 13:35 Reply

    Oh dear! I’m so sad about this…I try to update my Archie library about twice a year. I guess the writers are tired….some of the old storylines had started re-running in newer editions. RIP Archiekins…we’ll miss you! Always hoped my kids would meet you.

  6. Bane
    September 02, 20:55 Reply

    Huge Archie comics fan here since I was a kid till date. Funny how this post got few comments tho lol… not many were exposed to the world of Archie…

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