“Being Gay Is Not A Career.” Nigerian Gay Man Sparks A Conversation on Twitter About the Choices of Gay Men in Nigeria

“Being Gay Is Not A Career.” Nigerian Gay Man Sparks A Conversation on Twitter About the Choices of Gay Men in Nigeria

Late Sunday evening, a Twitter user who goes by the handle @Debonairjay tweeted his “advice” to young gay men, a tweet which has gone viral in screengrabs that have been getting discussed in LGBT private spaces. (I myself first encountered the tweet in a WhatsApp group.)

“Being gay is not a career or a source of income,” @Debonairjay admonished. “Please focus on your study, graduate with good grades, and get a good job. The amount of young students dropping out, auditioning for modeling, traveling upandan for sex, becoming hairdressers and fashion stylists is overwhelming.”

Of course, this tweet sparked some outrage on Nigerian Gay Twitter, with different people taking umbrage with what appeared to be his dismissal of hairdressing, modeling and fashion styling as a legitimate career path. Others also had an issue with him making it a gay thing.

Education is of course very important. But is it meant for everyone? Should gay men – anyone really – who have an aptitude for vocational careers give that up for or let it play second fiddle to a formal education? What do y’all think? Let us know in the comments section.


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  1. Belifacream
    October 16, 06:49 Reply

    I freaking don’t get his point here. It’s just like telling a straight auto- mechanic man, that being straight isn’t a career also . If he pays his bills and take care of his families, who gives a fuck about how educated he his or if he’s straight. I just hate when people don’t value the ideal sense of entrepreneurship. Must everyone be a graduate ni ? So he will rather want me to spend four years in school, look for imaginary job that i won’t get anytime soon and then start to be apprentice again. #commonsense

  2. Francis
    October 16, 09:13 Reply

    Who formal education epp after secondary school? Some of us will just be carrying this university education on top head. Go school finish study medicine and turn business man or study mass communication finish and turn customer service rep for bank. The fact remains that Nigeria is moving in a direction in which your education only matters if you plan on leaving this country. Frustration everywhere.

    An education is good but some people are just not cut out for that classroom ish. Just like I know people who are over skilled in getting the job done in the field but to siddon read about am na war.

    • Black
      October 16, 15:29 Reply

      ” The fact remains that Nigeria is moving in a direction in which your education only matters if you plan on leaving this country.”
      The western world is even more focused on enterpreneurship than in Nigeria. People with vocational training from Africa are finding it easier to join the workforce and yes it includes those with the proper working permit. I.T and Health care are the biggest and fastest growing industries and they are gravitating towards online services. You can see your doctor without coming in to the hospital, tech workers are working from home….. Industries are needing less and less employees, the machines are taking over the world!!! Even the oldest profession is suffering i.e Prostitution. A robot brothel was opened in Houston last month. My brothers and sisters, please go and learn a craft o.

  3. Bells
    October 16, 09:23 Reply

    Well I think everyone should know where their onus lies period!!!

  4. Drew
    October 16, 09:23 Reply

    Education is for everyone but schooling is not. You can get an education without being in the four walls of a classroom.

  5. Mitch
    October 16, 10:42 Reply

    Getting an education is good.
    It’s actually very important.

    But finding your place in life, the space that you know for certain is yours, is more important.
    If your path lies in education, go ahead.
    If not, follow your path!


    • Malik
      October 17, 12:45 Reply

      Why would you miss an opportunity to use the word “importanter”??

  6. Dan
    October 16, 18:26 Reply

    I didn’t see anything wrong in acquiring a vocational skills or completing higher education. The most important thing is being the best you can. I studied mechanical engineering, but I taught myself programming and software development. I dumped the mechanic certificate and got my cool job in software engineer which I think is a dream job.

  7. J
    October 16, 20:40 Reply

    Having a certificate is good even if it’s a third class LOL It’s Nigeria darlings, with a good connection, you can get a good job anywhere.

    The man is totally right, young gays are now sex tourists(they travel round the country like a wall clock getting themselves used by so many dubious men), they are always on kitodiaries(writing lies and painting fake images they’ve never seen), instagram, facebook and twitter, only thinking about the present pleasures without planning for the future. It’s pathetic actually. Styling, makeup artistry, modelling are good side hustles, but they can’t afford us all the luxuries we can get from a well paid job. You must be well established and have good connections before you can excel with a handwork.

    I know that things are hard and not everyone is privileged… School isn’t easy, but having a certificate is very important. A constant monthly earning has a long way in reducing depression and total dependency. No one will control or disrespect you if you’re contented.

  8. Sworld
    October 16, 23:30 Reply

    Globalization took out blue collar jobs, Robot will take white collar jobs. The best thing to do for yourself is to be a CAPITALIST.
    Go to school, get good grades and get a good paying job is OBSOLETE, you will
    get Sacked anytime, No job security! that’s HISTORY!.
    Entrepreneurship and Technology shouldn’t be taken lightly. That’s the future

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