Bests Of Online Hookups: When Osho-Free Is Not An Option
It takes a special kind of konji to make a man start a sex proposition by asking you your price.
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Bests Of Online Hookups V
Well, the ensuing family discussion that’s coming up won’t be pretty.
Photo: When you get it… lol
LMAO! I just can’t deal.
Tweet Of The Day XXIII
Gus Kenworthy, the American who made Olympic history when he kissed his partner Matt Wilkas on live TV, had the perfect clapback for a homophobe on twitter.
September 11, 09:45I’m beginning to get very close to that point. VERY VERY close
September 12, 11:25What point is that?
September 12, 11:25This one sounds like a kito person. ??
September 20, 18:58Na them