BEWARE! David Gold D is apparently still flourishing as a kito guy

BEWARE! David Gold D is apparently still flourishing as a kito guy

A kito alert was done of him here on Kito Diaries (check HERE).

But over some months now, I’ve been getting emails of victims seeking to expose him over recent kito experiences. I usually direct them to the post where he’s been exposed, and instruct them to pass the link along so other people will know he’s not a safe hookup.

But after I got mentioned on the tweet below, I have decided to do a re-post.kito

This person is dangerous to the gay community. He is on Facebook as David Gold D (check profile HERE).

He doesn’t mean you well. So when he buzzes you, looking all delicious with his irresistible fair complexion and fake doctor profile, resist and turn him down flat. To carry on with him is to endanger yourself and whatever you possess.13177128_807566819374932_8865799919525110942_n

Let’s all be safe out there, guys.

Previous That Piece About How George Michael Should Be Honoured For The ‘Filthy Gay Fucker’ That He Was

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Kito Stories 19 Comments


His name is Nnaji Chukwudi Michael, but he goes on Facebook as “Chuks Michel (Hakeem or Child)”. Numbers are 08149123634 or 08143040919. He lives in Gboko, Benue State, and masquerades

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I was born to a conservative Christian home. Right from about 8 years of age, I knew I was attracted to boys, but I thought I was the only one

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His name is Bobby Moses aka Poko, but is on Facebook as Amani Anderson. His number is 09070514874. From all accounts that have been coming to us, he is gay


  1. Mitch
    December 28, 07:28 Reply

    This same idiot that came on NoStrings where he was exposed to threaten to Kito Daemon and any other gay person who he catches? Kai!

    How much more can one take? No be to find better meat cleave butcher this animal?

  2. Façade
    December 28, 07:39 Reply

    That conniving Lil shrew who wouldn’t stop calling me telling me he has turned a new leaf. He even called last night asking to be forgiven for his wrong doing before the year runs out, the he has let go of the anger that made him set guys up

  3. Chizzie
    December 28, 07:53 Reply

    You lost me at irrestible fair complexion? What is irrestible about the complexion? The roasted plantain fingers or the sanguine skin? The problem is not just him, it is also the people that find such things irrestible that are contributing to this kito menace

    • Sinnex
      December 28, 08:39 Reply

      Mehn, I tire.

      I had to look at the picture again to look for the ‘irresistible fair complexion’. Since when does being fair become ‘irresistible’?

    • y
      December 28, 19:07 Reply

      But on the last story posted on this scum yours was the very first comment posted. And you were wondering what cream he what changed?

  4. Griffin
    December 28, 07:56 Reply

    Tell them ooooooo, wether they will hear, Some people even with the kito alert will still go and meet this one because their pulsating bugina won’t let em think straight.

    • Delle
      December 28, 09:48 Reply

      Even with my ‘sometimes’ pulsating bujayjay, I still think straight.
      What’s their excuse?

  5. Absalom
    December 28, 08:11 Reply

    A kito alert will be posted and some people will come in here to go off on a tangent.

    If this Gold D’s face had been posted as someone doing something nice for gay people now, you people would have found him cute and his fingers would not look very burnt then.

    Please stop with the victim-blaming; the dating environment for gay men is already potholed with a lot of dangers wherever you look and you’re not making things any easier by comments that are irrelevant to the matter.

  6. KryxxX
    December 28, 08:31 Reply

    And he still forces himself on victims unprotected despite the trauma he has caused them! As per they have to get a taste of the golden D at all cost! I just don’t get it at all! Why be mean to your own kind? What is your reason? Why? If only they could see the ripple effect of what their actions cause… … If only. A single action.

    And let’s be realistic here, dude is fine and his complexion is not that bad. Very sure a lot in here would fall hook, line and sinker if he was your regular guy on social media and not a kito distributor!

    • KryxxX
      December 28, 08:50 Reply

      I experienced kito this year. July 6th to be precise and my life has not been the same. I can never forget that day! A day that started off like every other day in my not so exciting life only for it to end and my world came crashing. After every thing, I thought it was all over but the ripple effect came to bite me in the ass and took a heavy chunk of my life with it. I still have to suffer the pain throughout 2017. But there is God.

      So please, I am begging. If you are a member of this community and you are reading this, yet you thrive in punishing your ppl, pls stop ✋. You will gain nothing in the long run.

      • Pink Panther
        December 28, 11:00 Reply

        Kryxxx, perhaps you can tell the story to enlighten the rest of us?

  7. Sinnex
    December 28, 08:44 Reply

    I wanted to ask who would fall victim for this Kito guy, but I don’t need to after reading the comments here.

    You guys should just be careful.

  8. posh666
    December 28, 09:23 Reply

    If he can be having unprotected sex with his victims without fear that means this guy is definitely sharing something to anyone that has the misfortune of meeting him and not just about kito.. Almost like he’s on a revenge mission.

  9. Delle
    December 28, 09:46 Reply

    Ewooo thank God for preference!


    OAN, how come I haven’t seen any kito dude that I can fall for? Do they have to be all drabby and unattractive (to me?). Thank God for my life shaa????

  10. Charliedetenor
    December 28, 13:09 Reply

    I met a young man in Kano who didn’t know I’m gay. He told me how he had set many gay guys up in Lagos. He is a Muslim cleric at Bayero University (old site) mosque. His name’s Aminu. I don’t think he’s on FB. He victims fall for his feminine gestures unsuspectingly.

  11. BIBI G
    December 28, 17:04 Reply

    Gay boys y are y’all always so horny

    Can’t u guys make relationships
    Must u travel cross country to meet men

    Y can’t you guys meet in public places

    Y must u guys make ure self victims

    Y must you guys be hoes

    Please be wise there is a lot of danger and disease out there

    From Kito
    To killers
    To hiv. To hepitites B AND C



    #i am so pissed

    • KikiOpe
      December 29, 09:57 Reply

      Waawu!!! Mr. Bibi G, I’m amazed at the level of your stupidity. (y) And to think that it’s your type of person that does the unspeakable. Please, don’t come here and form saint and be judgemental. And not everybody does what You think they are doing, besides every human being has the right to live their lives how they want/wish. And the part where You said they should “stop being horny” seriously? 😮 I didn’t even know that feeling has a ‘on/off’ switch that controls it. Kudos to your daftness, I respect it.

  12. y
    December 28, 19:12 Reply

    Well some of us manage to have professional lives AND still be hoes. And it’s careers*

  13. y
    December 28, 19:16 Reply

    Hepatitis* Accomplished* Your welcome!

    • BIBI G
      December 28, 22:50 Reply

      Uncle y my spelling errors don’t change the fact there are so many gay boys in nigeria infected with hepatitis
      Worst part they don’t even know

      We need to get smarter as a community and safer and begin to educate our selves

      Homosexuality is not about being hoes
      I’m not blaming victims

      But we need to change a lot about how we as gay people live in nigeria

      Stop with the cat fight
      Get wiser
      Get protected
      Get safer
      Get more empowered
      Change the system
      Stop hating each other
      Stop setting each other up

      Stop being messed up on social media
      Being gay is more than sex much more

      • Haiku
        December 29, 05:14 Reply

        Being gay is much more than sex, much more!!!!!!! Please, don’t put your life on hold for careless sex!!!

  14. KikiOpe
    December 29, 09:11 Reply

    To b honest, the picture is okay. Not irresistible, but okay. And the deal is just to be safe, ANYONE can fall VICTIM. Let’s be careful, please. What baffles and disturbs me is the fact that the still rapes You after the assault et al. So, I agree with that comment that says “he’s on a revenge mission”. The guy needs a lot of lectures, therapy, (and if possible) rehab session to accept what is and let go of the demon and hatred eating him up. And according to that other comment, I think this is a case o internalized homophobia.

    • Pink Panther
      December 31, 07:00 Reply

      You’re tripping for the guy who we are exposing as a kito person.


      • Net
        January 09, 20:41 Reply

        This was the BC message I passed around after my experience with “Christabel”

        It has come to our attention that there’s a girl by the name Osifor Adanna Christabel that parades herself as a lesbian just to entrap other people. She would lure you to come visit her at her “father’s” hotel (De Cool Hotel, 8 Balogun Street,Oshodi), she would also tell you she would send her staff to come pick you up, please please and please don’t be naive, don’t fall prey to such schemes. After the guy picks you up,  two guys will come meet u and they would tell you to take off your clothes and do a video stating that you are a lesbian, something they would use to blackmail you, they will search your phone and bag for whatever might interest them, they would also threaten to take you to the police station and then you would end up paying a huge amount of money to get yourself out of the mess.  My friend just lost 150k to pull herself out of this wahala, be careful of people you meet online and where you choose to meet them, don’t be deceived, do proper investigation and follow your instincts before you meet anyone, my friend was lucky to part with150k, What if they had done something worse? Please don’t be reckless!‎

        The girl’s Facebook account is Osifor Adanna Christabel‎
        Her number is 07010758909
        Her accomplice number is 08123707576, he goes by the name Austine, Augustine or Williams
        Her Tinder name is Osifor…
        Hotel used: De Cool Hotel, No 8 Balogun Street, Oshodi, Lagos…‎

        It is important that this information be passed round to your friends to prevent them from falling prey to the antics of these evil people. It could happen to anyone, so save a soul and pass this message, it’s real!‎”

  15. Sunny
    December 31, 00:46 Reply

    Dis David guy wear my friend kito, oversized kito sef ??. My friend left Port Harcourt and travelled to go see him in Warri…mehn it was terrible and sad! He took my friend’s iPhone, collected his money, wrist watch, gold necklace et al. Maybe he did rape my friend and my friend is just too ashamed to tell me, I dunno. He went further to collect his mama’s phone contact and sister’s as well threatening to call them if my friend didn’t send 50k to him after returning to Port Harcourt. Luckily, my friend saves my contact as “Bestie” which he gave him and lied that he calls his mum by that name; he also gave him our lesbian friend’s contact as his sister’s so that was cleared. O boy we insult am, curse him ancestors, curse him dick sef join. This happened last year December

    BTW, I’m on with this pale hippopotamus, he added me on Facebook since October and we’ve been chatting. I feign ignorance of not knowing that he is a kito man while he lies to his ancestors (of course not to me ) that he is a pharmacist based in Abuja. He tells me how much he loves me and would love to see me in abuja…how stupid! ?
    I told him my uncle in Canada just came back and he got me an apple laptop; the idiot even asked if he should get me an IPhone 6 as my birthday (today, December 31st ) gift, I told him “No baby, I have an IPhone already” . Finally, this ewure sent me 15k just yesterday that I should add it to prepare something for my friends on my birthday.
    In his mind, he’s hoping to take my spiritual apple laptop and iPhone ???
    Meeeeehn…I’ve been forming high class nigga and ajebutter; it’s all a game of lies so let’s see who will lose cause I’m not moving an inch to go see him ???

    • posh666
      December 31, 08:49 Reply

      Hahahaha my brother you wise oh! Oya dash ur brother Richard card money na out of the 15k at least in the spirit of the season???

  16. LadyGagaPussy
    December 31, 13:42 Reply

    This guy has been on my case since August. That he will meet me anywhere in Abuja. Preaching about love and also calling me every time asking what did he do to me. Thank God I didn’t pay him no mind. And he’s so convincing. Lord help us.

  17. Pankar
    January 01, 01:44 Reply

    It’s his birthday mahn..Happy to Birthday, Happy new everyone.

  18. henry
    January 02, 01:12 Reply

    Its only fool that will believe your stories’ as for you Sunny its so clear you dnt know David gold. 1, he will never send you 15,000 for anything, left alone promise you a Iphone 6. Be sure before you put up your comment here. And dnt lie about any that never happened. I think the 1st thing to do is to make a move by having a talk with this man and see how we can sort things out if not this can go on for a very long time babes and winning is something we cant be sure of at this point

    • Sunny
      January 03, 23:28 Reply

      Just listen to your pathetic self Mr Henry! I don’t have to brag about this but I’m considered to be handsome by everyone who sees me. I’m educated, intelligent, masculine, athletic, have got good wears, sexy with packs and a gym rat at that…I’m a classy guy. People have even done more than that for me so I’m too big to lie about this. Everything I put up there is the truth and nothing else so lock up those crappy fingers of yours that you used to type that shit up there buddy! Go back to kindergarten and learn how to use punctuations and correct spellings before quoting me!

  19. victor banks
    January 02, 01:37 Reply

    I know this said guy and have had the chance of meeting him twice. Its true his really angry at tbs but i asked him why and he said the reasons for his anger is because of 2 people who rubbered his house twice and they are btm. If you get to meet this David gold, his nice but powerful too but you can see anger in his eyes. He speared my life when he had a chance to destroy me. We should start by finding a way.out and lets all make peace for.once. its simple since people has been calling him kito guy till date but he still remained on fb with same name and that worries me too, lets all be very careful this guy must have serious guts we dnt know of yet . Strong people do strong things, lets find another way out than this war. It has gone on long enough. Lets be wise

    • Chuck
      January 04, 02:32 Reply

      You made me laugh out loud.

      Why are you attracted to this?

  20. Henry
    January 04, 00:24 Reply

    Sammy? You just talk as a child, who ever told you you are classy is lieing to you. Anyway am not here to fight with you ok, if he likes let him send you 1million or more,
    My question is simple, since his nice to you and has not hurt you why are you even here talking about him.? Be careful

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