Timi didn’t know what to expect. Heck, he didn’t even know why he’d agreed to meet him in the first place. All he knew was that he was not about to get pushed out of the closet by some nineteen-year-old. No. He would do what he must to ensure the secrecy of his identity as a gay man.

Timi had known he was gay since he knew how to differentiate between black and white. The older he got, the more aware he became that he could not possibly ever live as freely as he might have preferred. Being the only child of his family meant he already had an obligation that living gay would not let him fulfil. Ever since his hypertensive mother was widowed fifteen years ago, her health had been an issue. He was not sure her poor heart could handle his truth.

So, what did he do? He got married. He stayed dutiful. Going to church and paying his tithes. And keeping his affairs strictly in the dark. He could be a good husband, but he was too gay to be a faithful one. After two years of marriage, he was even surprised his wife hadn’t caught on to his proclivities. What with him always checking guys out, their dick prints, ass, physique and all of that.

One sunny day, after a glorious Sunday service, he was feeling fresh and refined with the Holy Spirit, when Bami, the cute usher, asked to see him. Bami was a bona fide definition of a twink – cute, lithe framed, with plump lips and a pert ass. He would definitely tap that if the boy wasn’t so young.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Ayomide,” Bami greeted cheerily, causing Timi to marvel, not for the first time, at the boy’s purity. He had a cuteness that was fresh-faced and almost innocent.

“Good afternoon, Bami,” Timi greeted. “Shey I have told you to stop calling me Mr. Ayomide. It makes me feel old. Just Timi is okay.” He smiled at the young usher.

“Aren’t you old already?” the boy sallied, and Timi laughed.

Bami was the church’s golden boy, the boy every parent chastised their children to be more like. Consistent in the serving of the Lord and brilliant in school, he was currently processing his admission into the university.

“So, what did you want?” Timi asked, glancing at the nearby parking lot where his wife, Bimbo, was chatting with some other parishioners.

“I was hoping we could talk,” Bami said. “I would like to discuss something with you. If you’d give me your number, I’d be very grateful.”

At first, Timi couldn’t think of any reason why he would ask him got his number. Then his mind flashed on the thought that Bami was preparing for the university. Maybe he needed some help with his admission.

Shrugging, he said, “Sure.” And reeled out the digits for him as the boy typed them into his phone.

From church, he first drove his wife home, then to the airport where she would catch a late afternoon flight to Lagos. Bimbo was almost never around. They’d been married for two years and she was a busy career woman, who had made it clear from the start that she didn’t want to have kids anytime soon. Timi couldn’t have asked for a more perfect woman to share his life with.

He returned home that afternoon, and prepared to lounge at home, while idly considering the prospect of getting one of his regulars over for a leisurely Sunday shag.

It was around 6 PM when Bami pinged him on WhatsApp. After he gave him his number, he’d been of the mind to help the boy with whatever financial assistance he intended to ask him for. He was too cute and Timi was nice like that.

What he saw when he opened the message however made his heart skip three beats into certainty that this would have nothing to do with Bami’s admission.

The message read simply: So, are you TB?

He read and re-read the message several times in a space of a few seconds, trying to understand if this was in the same context as he was thinking or if it was some typographical error.

Are you TB?

Why would a nineteen-year-old be asking him this?

He’d always been very careful with his hookups. He didn’t make use of dating apps. He made sure any new person to get into his bed was someone who his close friends had vetted by themselves shagging the person. And he kept regulars to minimise his exposure to the gay community in Abuja.

He finally decided to act like he didn’t know what Bami meant, and had begun to type his response when a second message got in.

Before you deny not knowing what that means, just know that I know that you know what it means.

Timi was reading this with mounting consternation when a third message dropped in.

I have a very active gaydar. I can sense a red-blooded homosexual from a mile away. So, you have to be gay or at least bi, since you’re married.

At this point, Timi had been shocked into silence. Was this the same cute, sweet-faced Bami who was everybody’s favorite usher in church? How was he able to sound so…so…worldly? And how did he find out about him? Timi wasn’t buying his gaydar bullshit.

‘What do you want?’ he finally replied.

He had agonized for several minutes before sending that response. A part of him had wanted to shut down the conversation and block Bami, bearing in mind that he would cease any communication with him in church henceforth. Another part of him, the eternally adventurous part, wanted to see where all of this would lead to.

‘Don’t worry, I’m gay too. I won’t out you,’ Bami responded.

And Timi found himself releasing the breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. The last thing he needed was somebody out to blackmail him.

‘How do you even know? And don’t give me that gaydar bullshit! Are you stalking me?’ he typed back.

‘Okay. You’ve hooked up with three of my friends,’ Bami confessed. ‘When they first told me it was you, I was like, that’s a lie. You’re like the straightest guy I know.’

Timi couldn’t help the chuckle that rumbled through him when he read this.

‘So, what was your intent when you asked me for my number?’

‘I want a piece of that too,’ Bami promptly responded.

Timi laughed at that. He should have seen that coming.

‘Yeah, no thanks,’ he replied. This was very tempting, but the kid was just 19. Even though he was just 30, he didn’t feel right sleeping with teenagers – something he knew his friends had no qualms about doing. Whatever friends Bami was talking about couldn’t be anyone his age.

‘Why won’t you have sex with me?’ Bami typed.

‘Because you’re a kid.’

‘I’m an adult.’

‘A very young adult, if that.’

‘You have no choice though.’

‘What do you mean?’ Timi typed, instantly feeling the warm feeling of moments ago vanish to be replaced by a stirring of something uneasy.

‘You know, screenshots and all,’ Bami responded.

Timi stared dumbstruck at the message. In a few minutes, he had learned that the sweet boy whose cuteness he thought was pure was not only very sexual, but also quite unscrupulous.

‘So, you’re trying to blackmail me? You realize how funny that sounds, right?’ he asked.

Even as he typed the words, he was chuckling without mirth. It was all so bizarrely funny. A small boy trying to blackmail him to sleep with him. What was the world turning into?

Bami was taking time to respond, and Timi was starting to think he had finally snapped out of his nonsense, when his phone beeped and the chat window was flooded with screenshots. As Timi clicked them, one after the other, his dread intensified. These were chats, conversations he’d had Sucre, a wild twenty-four-year-old he’d imported into his bed from the University of Abuja. They’d sexted a few times and there’d been exchange of nudes – and those messages were what Bami had apparently screenshot.

‘How did you get these?’ he typed, trying to tamp down the sudden fury he was feeling. He couldn’t believe Sucre would hand over these conversations to someone else to use against him. But then, he hadn’t believed Bami was capable of blackmail, had he?

‘LOL. I got you, didn’t I?’ Bami replied. ‘I wouldn’t have gone this far if you’d just agreed to fuck me.’

The nerve of this boy! Timi fumed. ‘What do you want?’ he foolishly typed, not knowing what else to say in the face of this brand-new situation he’d found himself in.

‘To be at your place in the next twenty minutes. I know your wife is not around. Then we can talk.’ A beat passed, and he added, ‘Or we don’t talk at all.’ This he accompanied with a wink emoji.


Written by Ariana

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The room was spinning, my eyelids felt heavy. I could hear someone pacing in the room. “Who is in my room?” I asked lazily. My voice sounded like a drowsy


  1. Mandy
    July 20, 08:39 Reply

    I know this if fiction, but it is exactly the kind of recklessness that some of the gay teens in Nigeria indulge in. how do you basically threaten a grown man with exposure of his sexuality, and still want to go ahead to meet him at his place with the impression that he will be focused on possibly shagging you to forget you threatened him? People are dangerous o. If you are reading this story, on no account should you think this is acceptable behaviour please!!! Neither the blackmailing nor the reckless intent to hook up with random people.

    • michael
      July 20, 08:53 Reply

      someone will go for a shag and return in body bags.

  2. michael
    July 20, 08:51 Reply

    A classical case of your village witches turning
    their attention to your matter.

    July 20, 09:57 Reply

    Wow wow wow….. Actually waiting on the remaining part of the story… *rubspalms*

  4. Black Dynasty
    July 20, 10:16 Reply

    ?? I’m imagining myself in Timi’s shoes and the boy still wants to come to my house?

    No wahala…. as you enter the compound, i will lock the gate and open the kennel doors of all 8 rottweilers to have their way with you.

  5. Jaya Anand Kumar
    July 20, 11:23 Reply

    If i were Timi, “Well Lord, forgive me for the murder I’m about to commit” Bami will be buried in my motherfucking back yard and a tree planted over his stupid ass.

    • Kristo
      July 21, 22:47 Reply

      How to get away with murder enthusiast!!!

  6. Delle
    July 20, 12:24 Reply

    Delicious story. Fiction that doesn’t read like fiction; best genre ever!???

    Is this a series?
    Is this going to be updated weekly or what?
    I need the continuation ASAP!

  7. Higwe
    July 20, 14:22 Reply

    I would so fuck the little shithead and proceed to give him the beating of his life .
    He’ll be on life support for a year .

    Nonsense and Ingredient ?

  8. Mitch
    July 20, 15:20 Reply

    I won’t waste time.
    I’d invite you over, kill you and toss your body into a ravine. People think they have a monopoly on madness? They’ve obviously not met people like me.

  9. Bussy
    July 20, 15:24 Reply

    Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!! what the fuck ?,swear to God if i was Timi ,once bami is naked and ready to get fucked,I’ll seize his phone then use the same medicine to treat his fuck up?
    video of saying he’s gay and how the devil pushed him to come seduce me ,then give him serious beating of his life with my leather belt
    someone got to know who the real adult is and a teen adult ?,nonsense and blackmailing me for sex
    waiting for the part 2 though and i hope Timi doesn’t sex that stupid kid ,fiction or not ?

  10. Lyon
    July 20, 16:44 Reply

    This is exactly the way Nigerians behave. You find out that we’re in the same kind of shit together and you decide to go all righteous on me. You make me the headlines of your paper, sit back and watch my life crumble while you continue in the same kind of shit. That is the Nigerian version of wickedness, stupid as it is.

    Sadly, this bitch of a behaviour has found its way into the Nigerian gay community, taking advantage of the hypocrisy-based anti-gay laws to mess up the beauty of the ?.

    I wish our teens and young adults would think beyond the present and, at least, understand that this rare gift of homosexuality is not a flaw to be used for some meaningless exploits.

    I’d love to see how this ends.

  11. Mike
    July 20, 18:13 Reply

    Been there, the boy got a few slaps in the middle of the night before handing him over to someone to be his mother. Young, clueless and reckless. How can tell someone older than you, you should go into a public school in the middle of the night and fuck. Most of this teens just need proper guidance, luckily I had a friend who had the time to mentor.

    I know its friction, if it weren’t I would say. when he comes, lock the doors, close the windows airtight, collect his phone and give him the beating of his life.

  12. Lopez
    July 20, 18:59 Reply

    Y’all are potential murderers be that. killing someone is not a joke. Nice story

  13. Tman
    July 20, 20:46 Reply

    Teen and blackmail aside, I really enjoyed this read. Choi, Bami with the guts. See his perfect constructions, he even winked. ?

    • Delle
      July 20, 21:15 Reply

      I know right? Only a well-written piece will incite such provocations from its readers.

  14. Lyanna
    July 21, 08:25 Reply

    Didn’t know it was fiction. This is the kind of fiction I like to read as I don’t like- never read fiction.

    July 21, 08:25 Reply

    All the comments are just hilarous ???
    But in all our outrage and anger towards Bami (he deserves all of it of course), let’s reserve some for his friend who ousted Timi to him. I mean why do a lot of guys feel the need to kiss and tell? We know when someone wants to be discrete so why not oblige them that courtesy? In my opinion, he has a big share of blame in all of all this sha.

    • Francis
      July 29, 19:17 Reply

      I feel they kissed and told but this idiot took things to the next level by grabbing screenshots when they weren’t paying attention

  16. Rex
    July 22, 00:25 Reply

    What a wawuuuuuuu!!!!!!!
    Come over and cross over to meet ya creator stupid usher boy!

  17. Sworld
    July 22, 11:03 Reply

    ??, so Nice.
    But the truth is some of us were even worse as teenagers fulfilling our fantasy.

    How do we help them?, take advantage of them?, fuck shit out of their life?.

    I don’t blame anyone using age restriction to hook up but another bitter truth is that some older are fucked up.

    pls let’s be a good guide to the upcoming KINGS

  18. theGee
    July 05, 13:57 Reply

    It’s the audacity for me.
    Like, that’s so f_ing crazy!

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