Dating Show ‘Finding Prince Charming’ Premieres And The Reviews Aren’t Nice At All

Dating Show ‘Finding Prince Charming’ Premieres And The Reviews Aren’t Nice At All

The gay reality dating show, Finding Prince Charming, premiered on LogoTV on September 8th, and the reviews were brutal. Most people hated it. Some people really hated it. And other people really, really hated it.

Kevin Fallon at The Daily Beast called the show a “disaster” and a “snooze,” and wonders “how do you put a dozen gay men in a house together and make it boring?” (He also had some choice words for “Prince Charming” himself, 33-year-old Robert Sepúlveda Jr., who he called the show’s “fatal flaw” due to his “sheer lack of charisma.”)

Andy Swift at TVLand had a similar response, labeling Thursday night’s episode “pretty uneventful” and criticizing almost all of the guys on the show for being devoid of any redeeming qualities: “Of the 15 men featured in Thursday’s premiere, including Robert and host Lance Bass, approximately four of them have personalities. They all do, however, have a portfolio of immaculately filtered gym/beach selfies.”

Then there was Kevin O’Keeffe at Mic, who may have had the harshest review yet. He called the show “dull, poorly produced and not deserving of anyone’s time or energy” adding it’s “not worth even a hate-watch.” He called Sepúlveda “a dud of a leading man.” And he questioned if the show is really as “historic” or ground-breaking as producers would have you believe, pointing to the incident where one of the bachelors criticizes another for being too feminine and flamboyant. “This is where we are in 2016? A fight about not being ‘masc’ enough?” O’Keeffe asks.

There were also the folks on Twitter, who were slightly more forgiving, but not much. The show was actually briefly trending last night… in large part thanks to Britney Spears, who may or may not have been paid to tweet about it to her nearly 50 million followers. But that didn’t stop the onslaught of catty tweets and memes.

Check out what some folks had to say.tweet

And then there was this tweet from “Prince Charming” himself…tweet1


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  1. Tony Odekunle-Brown
    September 10, 07:24 Reply

    I don’t get to be honest what these folks are expecting from a reality show modeled after The Bachelor. It is not that deep! It is just reality TV. Folks should just watch and enjoy it for what it is.

  2. bruno
    September 10, 10:33 Reply

    ever since i had the misfortune of seeing that video of the prince charming dude jacking off while drinking who-knows-who’s cum from a used condom, i havent been the same.

    now excuse me while i go puke again.

    • Francis
      September 10, 10:38 Reply


      Coupled with the fact that I can’t relate with his face/persona at all, I’ll just sit this one out. Reality TV ain’t really my thing sef.

      • keredim
        September 10, 21:30 Reply

        “Reality TV ain’t really my thing sef.”

        Really??. You and Caitlyn Jenner with the Kardashians don quarrel? ?

        • Francis
          September 10, 22:49 Reply

          LOL. My reality TV no dey pass Kardashian-Jenners these days. Naomi’s The Face don pack and ANTM is boring these days (asin I no get strength to watch am). I tried Drag Race but e no gel. (Love Kimchi though)

  3. lluvmua
    September 10, 11:48 Reply

    hmmmm this show needs some drama, drama queens, dragon slayers and some self acclaimed Beyonces to make it slay…….. or it would just be a big bore…..

    • Delle
      September 10, 13:34 Reply

      With the gay bashing they are talking of, I doubt that would happen.

      Who else saw that the Robert guy clearly missed the memo? And ‘thx you’?! Talk about publicized blunder!

  4. Terra
    September 10, 23:06 Reply

    I’d dislike this show for the same reason I dislike most reality TV shows (except the competition shows where skills are involved), they don’t seem like real people. Reality shows are chock full of people that don’t seem like people. They seem like shape-shifting aliens that read books about how the perfect human looks before coming to earth

  5. Black
    September 11, 11:04 Reply

    I enjoyed watching it. Eagerly awaiting the next episode. ☺

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