Gay guys talk about what anyone with unlimited access to their phones would find

Gay guys talk about what anyone with unlimited access to their phones would find

Cell phones are a reflection or even an extension of us, so you could really get to know a person if you had his passcode.

A Redditor recently asked other gay people on the microblogging site what a person would find if they had unlimited access to their phones, and the responses were what you would expect.

Here are some of the responses:

“A lot of memes, nudes, and plants.”

“Some horribly debauched images, some of which involve me.”

“Memes, memes, and more memes.”

“A lot of porn.”

“Casual games, [visual novels], A Beatmania IIDX clone, Google Podcasts, tabletop stuff, school apps, job searches, a mega-ton of emails, a small amount of social media apps, some recording software, 3 cameras, SFW photos I’ve taken, NSFW photos I’ve taken, aesthetic art, memes, music, some documents, a few eBooks, Webtoon and Tapas, music-making software, and of course porn.”

“Not much fun. A bunch of audiobooks.”

“Some porn, thousands of pics of my dog, investment/banking/news apps.”

“Memes. Pictures of pets unwillingly wearing hats/costumes. Pictures of my husband and fur children. Pictures of succulents… And a well-curated, large collection of bookmarks to some really choice kink porn.”

“Disappointment and boredom.”

“A crap-ton of apps I don’t use more than, like, once a year. Photos mixed with memes. 20k unread emails. Lots of banal text messages. And a few filthy messages with my husband and some hidden photos for his eyes.”

“Other people’s nudes.”

“10,000 unopened emails. 500 unread texts. And several hundred unheard voicemails.”

“Porn — that’s a no brainer. Pictures of me my friends and family. Lame attempt TikTok vids. (Don’t judge me). Bunch of useless apps. And some notes about how to keep myself motivated to lose weight.”

“A small folder of saved nude/dick pics from guys, my PornHub account, and way too many Candy Crush clone games.”

What about you guys? If someone were to gain access to your phone, what would they find? 🙂

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  1. Mitchy
    June 30, 12:39 Reply

    Pictures, funny memes, lots of porn and explicit romantic chats and messages?

  2. Larry
    June 30, 15:44 Reply

    General Pictures, makeup pictures and videos, lot’s of porn,romantic chats and messages,dick pics from guys and romantic songs and some apps?

  3. trystham
    June 30, 16:54 Reply

    Lots of memes, pictures of me at work, pictures of family and random pics of “Do you know him” from grps I forget to delete once vetted, and my own home made porn

  4. Delle
    July 01, 08:30 Reply

    ‘Disappointment and Boredom’ had me???

    Me? Porn (you’ll have to find it) and messages from your boyfriends to me

  5. Anoni
    July 02, 09:42 Reply

    Everything about my phone and browsing history is straight(thank you incognito).. until you go to my twitter search history or ig following/followers

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