Gay Man Gives The Best Response To Troll Who Chats Him Up On Grindr With An Insult

Gay Man Gives The Best Response To Troll Who Chats Him Up On Grindr With An Insult

A gay man shared a tweet that went viral, a clear indication that many others could identity with it.

Jono Mitchell is an Atlanta-based filmmaker and actor, who has used the last few months to lose weight and tone up. Having lost 70lbs, he’s feeling great about himself. So, when a guy messaged him on Grindr to inform him that he shouldn’t describe himself as muscular, he was not having it.

Mitchell took a screenshot of the exchange and posted it to Twitter. At the time of writing, it’s had over 6,000 likes and prompted several comments.

“Holy crap I can’t stop laughing you actually think your muscular LOL,” was the Grindr user’s opening message.

Jono Mitchell

Mitchell replied, “I’m sorry things are hard right now. I hope you find happiness, man. Things will get better and you won’t need to go out of your way to try and be rude to strangers on the internet. Have a better day, friend.”

On his tweet, Mitchell accompanied the screenshot with a caption: “It’s 2020. I’ll be whatever the fuck I wanna be.”

Most of those commenting expressed sympathy with Mitchell and applauded his response.

Mitchell confirmed to Queerty that he’d had no interactions with the other man before receiving his message. He reportedly said, “My assumption is he reached out after searching for ‘muscular’ profiles. I have that listed in mine because I recently lost 70lbs and am in the best shape of my life.”

Did the other man respond to Mitchell’s message?

“After my initial message, he chided me for ‘misleading people’ by listing that I was muscular when I wasn’t and then repeated how laughable it was before blocking me.”

Mitchell says he was surprised the tweet went viral: “But I guess it just goes to show how prevalent this sort of behavior is for everyone. I wish we were in a place where we could stop commenting on one another’s bodies altogether, but insecurity in all of us won’t allow that to happen. I worked in the public eye for many years and am no stranger to dealing with trolls. People tear each other down to make themselves feel tall.”

Another recent tweet from Mitchell detailed his weight loss journey.

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