Get Your Designs At JSQ By DVOY

Get Your Designs At JSQ By DVOY

The collection ‘Bridged from paradise’ portrays the tale of a man who lives from the age of creation through to modern times. In every age, he finds himself fascinated by various elements akin to that age; the beauty of nature in creation, the dark nature of the Stone Age, the strength of the Iron Age and the mystery of the Modern Age. In this tale, these elements serve as a bridge linking the past to the present and presents an opportunity to explore everything held to heart by ‘The man who lives forever’.

The various elements are represented in the collection by the use of various floral prints, the use of dark colours, metal zippers and various other intricate details.IMG-20160617-WA017IMG-20160617-WA019IMG-20160617-WA021IMG-20160617-WA020IMG-20160617-WA018IMG-20160617-WA022IMG-20160617-WA023

You can place your orders for these designs by calling 070121910516 or emailing, or connect with the creations via Instagram @Jsq_by_dvoy

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    • Too clean
      July 01, 08:07 Reply

      Yes,they do Denis

      There is a fashion house that sends their male models to deliver outfits to their clients in Abuja…i can introduce you to them

      Erh….how far with that contribution to help some of our brothers who are in need na…?

      • Dennis Macaulay
        July 01, 08:24 Reply

        I tried to DM you on IG but you have not answered till today. Please send me an email, let’s talk


        • Too clean
          July 01, 08:37 Reply

          Lol,I am not sure its me o

          If I see such notifications,I would have replied back…
          I will send you a message on Facebook,guess you’re mistaken me for someone else o

  1. ambivalentone
    July 01, 06:58 Reply

    I found it hard linking the theme of the time periods with the designs tho. And I have never understood the reasons why pieces in a collection have to revolve round three diff patterns maximally.

    • Brian Collins
      July 01, 17:11 Reply

      Awon fashionistas I see you o. Me I can see flower petals on the clothes. That is enough pattern for me.

      • ambivalentone
        July 01, 19:42 Reply

        there is purple, that lilac-ish color and then brown and green pattern thing. I’m even surprised to see blue sef. Open ur eyes joor

  2. Chizzie
    July 01, 08:29 Reply

    I like the last one… But the zip thing… Sigh I dunno, Why??

  3. Kainene
    July 01, 09:55 Reply

    And that is how after ageees of admiring this jsq collection on facebook I got a pleasant shock this seeing it here. There is no right or wrong way to represent a collection, perspective is all dat matters *sips tea and enjoys collection*

  4. Sinnex
    July 01, 11:39 Reply

    I don’t mind ordering for the model.

  5. Uziel
    July 01, 16:51 Reply

    Biko, is the designer/model stays wherE I think thEy do? Hehehe.

    Biko, I like the designs I’ve seen…

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