Happy Married Life, Bisi Alimi

Happy Married Life, Bisi Alimi

They say that a good beginning makes a good ending and today is a great day to celebrate as the beginning of a new family.

Bisi, all of us here at Kito Diaries wish you and Anthony the most amazing years to come in harmony and filled with joy and happiness. Congratulations on your wedding, lots of love and a happy married life! #LoveWins 14907232_10154174899408719_6988387603364424347_nbisi2

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  1. Peak
    November 05, 17:48 Reply

    Congrats on the nuptials Bistony.

    Wishing you guys a union of longevity and happiness.

  2. Pankar
    November 05, 18:26 Reply

    Oh gosh, Im reminded of what rights I don’t have. Sad.

  3. Andrevn
    November 05, 19:29 Reply

    Happy married life to you, Bisi and Tony. May the joys of matrimony forever be yours. #Yes!LoveWins

    PS: Anthony’s mole looks so adorable on him.

  4. Khaleesi
    November 05, 22:24 Reply

    Yasss! Aunt Bisi got hitched!! Wish u peace and happiness, you deserve all that and more!!

  5. bruno
    November 06, 07:35 Reply

    happy for how his story turned out. wish there could be a nollywood biopic about him someday. just to inspire the local gay community. hml

  6. Bain
    November 06, 12:28 Reply

    happy married life….the fight isn’t over…

  7. peaches
    November 06, 12:44 Reply

    Happy married life to both of them. My heart gets molten when I see these.

  8. peaches
    November 06, 12:48 Reply

    Happy married life to them. my heart gets tender when I see these.

  9. Delle
    November 06, 13:55 Reply

    Happy Married Life, Bisi!
    Keep being fierce. Love you loads and your white pumpkin ?

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