Homosexuality Is NOT Comparable To Rape. But a Nigerian Gay Man doesn’t seem to get this

Homosexuality Is NOT Comparable To Rape. But a Nigerian Gay Man doesn’t seem to get this

One of the problems that the queer community faces in the fight against homophobia is having to check the narrative that homosexuality is not comparable to violent crimes. Homophobes are constantly drawing parallels between the same-sexual orientation with stealing, rape, murder and pedophilia, fanning their disgust by decrying how accepting homosexuality is akin to being tolerant of those who commit such crimes.

And this is the narrative that members of the LGB community keep pushing back against.

But what happens when this ignorance comes from within the community?

Yesterday, a member of Nigerian Gay Twitter took to the social media to create a poll no doubt intended to arrest the hypocritical consciousness of the Nigerian society. Following the rape and murder of Uwa Omozuwa, a 22-year-old student of the University of Benin on May 30, the social media has been rife with outrage as Nigerians demand for justice for the victim. The hashtag #JusticeForUwa has taken on a life on social media, and there have been a furious backlash against the rape culture in Nigeria.

Against the backdrop of this outrage, a Nigerian Gay Man with the Twitter handle @Tylerporched made an incredibly tasteless tweet, a poll where he was asking Nigerians to pick between a “homo child” and a “rapist”.

The tweet of course raised the ire of others on Gay Twitter, who took to his mentions to call him out on the irresponsibility of his tweet. But either this person is truly obtuse or deliberately stoking controversy, because he didn’t seem to get it, as evidenced in his responses to those who were calling him out.

We have to be clear about something: homosexuality is NOT AN ALTERNATIVE to rape, thievery, murder, child molestation or any other type of crime that is out there.

Homosexuality is NOT A CRIME!

And as a community, we must RESIST any narrative that attempts to put us in any categories that seeks to make us anything other than HUMAN BEINGS who just want to LIVE.

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  1. Saucebutton
    June 02, 03:30 Reply

    These narratives are not one and the same, we’re humans and should be seen has one.

  2. Wonda Buoy
    June 02, 08:34 Reply

    I don’t see anything wrong in his tweet. He created a poll that will give us insight into how Nigeria will n choose the lesser “evil”. Bear in mind that average uninformed Nigerians see homosexuality as evil regardless of what you want them to believe.

    • Dillish
      June 03, 09:06 Reply

      If you can’t see what’s totally off with that tweet, Avoid us please!!!

    • Kofi Naija
      June 04, 05:39 Reply

      You don’t mend misperception by fueling it. The choices are 1. Unconditional love of your kid or 2. Not.

      Rape has no place alongside anything especially since most rape is men raping women probably followed by so called imam and pastors molesting children.

  3. OB
    June 10, 20:27 Reply

    Who the fuck is this mad fuck, and any other mad fucker that agrees with this bullshit…?
    That most Nigerians believe homosexuality is as evil as rape is a testament to the inbuilt stupidity of most Nigerians, and does not in any way mean they are correct…
    I’m so pissed rn, I wish I could bitch slap this fool all the way to S.A… What the hell…?
    First of all, rape is forced, terrible, often violent, and people die… That means it kills, directly…
    Rapists are murderous beasts who rape children, young women, old women, men, with no single concern for their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing… And most times, especially in gang rapes(most violent of all), these people die… It is an extremely excruciating, utterly painful and humiliating way to die…

    So, no motherfucker/cunt-headed bastard son of a thousand fathers should ever in their useless ass, miserable lives, compare homosexuality, an expression of love, to that twisted, demonic thing called rape!!!!!…
    What an idiot!!!!

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