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Cristiano Ronaldo marks his 30th Birthday by getting All Oiled Up

Happy Birthday, Cristiano Ronaldo! The Portuguese soccer stud turned the big 3-0 a couple of days ago, and to celebrate, he’s stripping down, oiling up, and showing off his rock

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The Gift John Stamos Gave Us For Christmas

Christmas has come a few weeks early in the form of Stamos’ latest photoshoot for Paper magazine. Asked what the “craziest” thing he’s done all year is, Stamos answered “Pose

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Photo: Does Such A Woman Exist?

Someone updated this on Whisper, and I had to wonder. Does such a woman (or man) exist?


  1. Obatala
    July 10, 06:07 Reply

    Lmao. The other day I was in church and the preacher man was preaching on Receiving and giving. I just kept laughing and squirming where I sat.

  2. Absalom
    July 10, 06:25 Reply

    *singing nursery rhyme*

    PUSSY cat, PUSSY cat, where are you going?
    I’m going to London to see the Queen!

  3. lluvmua
    July 10, 06:53 Reply

    Daddy really has a big cock!!! Lol rotfl

  4. Colossus
    July 10, 07:42 Reply

    O cmon, we had no idea. We sang along with all the child-like innocence we could muster while the adults snickered and the peadophiles offered candy

    • trystham
      July 10, 09:19 Reply

      I beg to differ o. They cooed and oohed and ahhed then. Na WE spoil these old people.

  5. trystham
    July 10, 07:43 Reply

    My Lawd!!! Y’all bin thinking of sex from the womb. Were u guys EVER innocent at all?

  6. Khaleesi
    July 10, 07:48 Reply

    lol very funny, and then @ Sista Pinky, dont tell me this is all you’re posting today!!! **throws down Prada bag,rips off pink shades and storms out of the room** #justlikechizzie#

    • pinkpanthertb
      July 10, 07:49 Reply

      Hahahahahahaa!!! I knew someone was going to throw this tantrum.

  7. Aproko Pikin
    July 10, 09:56 Reply

    We all sang nursery rhymes with glee not having a second thought of the actual meanings. @pinky when I did writing in Primary 2, cock only meant ‘male hen’….*even now*

  8. Legalkoboko
    July 10, 11:21 Reply

    indeed he had a big cock which we kept killing every Christmas. Lol!!

    • trystham
      July 10, 11:30 Reply

      Every year??? Na wah o. No rest for the pussy.

  9. Chizzie
    July 10, 11:35 Reply

    right, so where’s today’s main post? no one’s sending articles again? the unemployed one’s amongst us ( Trystham and co) put ur unemployment to good use and send in articles to keep employed individuals like myself entertained. …

    • pinkpanthertb
      July 10, 11:40 Reply

      LOL! Chizzie you’re such a modern day Maleficent. How often do you file those claws sef?
      PS: Writeups aren’t finished. I simply took a breather today.

    • trystham
      July 10, 12:52 Reply

      Please, just shut up there. When BETTER ppl bin dey write the kain job wey dem dey do, u no talk dia. Com here dey form “I am employed”. Please resume ur duty at La-La land make we hear word biko.

      • Chizzie
        July 10, 13:47 Reply

        Thrystham uve lived in substantial poverty for years that the idea of individuals having jobs or means of sustenance is something u cannot wrap ur brain around . You should be friends with me so I can hand u out little stipends every now and then dt u can use to feed urself and ur family. I mean,cause really, ugly and poor is a dreadful combination. ..

        Keeping u in my prayers, hope things improve for u and the family. Might reply u abit late so pls don’t panic ( I have to resume work) I know these our little catfights is the highlight of ur life.

      • trystham
        July 10, 14:41 Reply

        But Chizzie, I am ugly, n currently unemployed. You’ve bled my ears constantly repeating that. The question is what do you do? Knowing you, I expected righteous indignation at Obatala’s comment the other day but u didn’t say a word till everybody had slept. This one you’ve been shouting I’m employed up n down, whoever sells your weed has high quality ones. You even believe u have a job.

      • trystham
        July 10, 14:53 Reply

        Yeah, I do live for the posts on this site. It has its own permanent bookmark on my PC, with the refresh button only a click away. But I wouldn’t call whatever I’m doing to you ‘cat fight’. It demeans me, bringing me down to your level.
        I’ll be here on your next potty break when u wake from the nxt episode of your dream ‘work’. Try not to wet ur bed/couch or whatever u sleep on

    • lluvmua
      July 10, 14:44 Reply

      Unemployed kwa?????? @trystham don’t mind chizzie joor . U knw unemployed bitches make d loudest noise nd always look 4 attention!!!. As 4 me when ever d word pussy or cock is mentioned I still fink of a cat and a male hen . Sheikena

  10. Koteh
    July 10, 13:49 Reply

    Gone are those days when Cock = Male Fowl, Pussy = Cat, Dick = A name, Ass = An animal, Bitch = Female Dog…..WTF happened to this generation…all these things now have different meanings..God Save Our Soul

  11. Dennis Macauley
    July 10, 16:16 Reply

    Enters room with incense and holy water! We have to purify this space! Too much sluttiness!!! *brings out rosary*

  12. Dennis Macauley
    July 10, 16:19 Reply

    Meanwhile there is such a thing as “taking the high road”. Do not always dignify stupidity, even when it is chizzi-fied. Just saying

    • trystham
      July 10, 16:52 Reply

      I know that. But I can’t help it. I won’t stand for it. I actually took it quite personal when a couple guys declined dropping stories because of HIM. You know what that means? He killed them before they have had chances at life. I have a bad mouth too but u don’t see me use it…except in cases of chizzified stupidity. His attitude here is an indicator that he is one of the idiot cases that give being gay a bad name.

      • Dennis Macauley
        July 10, 19:01 Reply

        People who feel bad about themselves go about trying to make other people feel bad. They should be ignored!!!

  13. trystham
    July 10, 20:27 Reply

    I shall try. Anyway, I just downloaded this porn, which is not unusual in itself, but this is about the 2nd time I’d see d bottom creaming from the arse (and its not sperm…I think). I know there is mucus lining the anal walls, but what I don’t get is can it be produced in copious quantities like as female cum? Any physiologist???

    • Dennis Macauley
      July 10, 21:32 Reply

      I would like to think that something was applied. I know enough of anatomy and physiology to believe that isn’t possible. However I stand to be corrected! I believe there is a doctor in this place! Over to you

    • trystham
      July 10, 22:22 Reply

      Cynical me thot so at first, but then I realised friction on whatever lubrication u use is like heat on butter. You apply enough of heat n it will dry out. Apparently d reason why some guys need to lube up some more if they take a breather. This ‘cum’ was produced at the end of d whole show. In squirts n trickles…

  14. ace
    July 10, 21:30 Reply

    Hello pinky, how do I mail you something important I want to be discussed on the blog?

  15. sensuousensei
    July 12, 00:49 Reply

    Cream? Sperm? Cum?
    *sprinkling holy water on them*
    Children, your sins are forgiven you…

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