‘How To Get Away With Murder’ star Jack Falahee and Shonda Rhimes call out Italian TV’s censorship of gay sex scene in show

‘How To Get Away With Murder’ star Jack Falahee and Shonda Rhimes call out Italian TV’s censorship of gay sex scene in show

When an Italian network cut a steamy same-sex scene from the pilot of How to Get Away with Murder, Shonda Rhimes, star Jack Falahee, and series creator Pete Nowalk had one response: We object!

Falahee, who plays openly gay law student Connor Walsh on the ABC series, heard from fans this weekend that Italian network, Rai Due, had edited out a scene in which Connor seduces his eventual boyfriend Oliver (Conrad Ricamora) to gain information for the defense.

Retweeting a side-by-side cut of the two scenes that a viewer had made, he drew attention to the discrepancy, writing, “Damn, this is crazy.”twit1

From there, he continued to speak out against the censorship, urging viewers to sign a petition against the network and asking one follower, “Do you really believe that audiences in Italia aren’t ‘ready’ for real life? Even Vatican has begun to open its eyes.”twit2

Falahee’s campaign caught the attention of HTGAWM producer Rhimes, who retweeted several of her star’s posts while issuing her own series of tweets: “Censorship of any love is inexcusable. … Question #shondalandfamily: have u noticed LGBTQ scenes censored on our shows in other countries before?twit3

Nowalk soon joined the conversation, too, writing, “I haven’t heard of this until now. Shocked and disappointed.”twit4atwit4b

After the social media uproar, Rai Due issue an apology (though Falahee initially considered them to be “dodging the issue at hand” and “assigning [blame]”); the network also ultimately aired the original cut of the episode.twit5

Both Nowalk and Falahee credited the fans for their part in the reversal, with Nowalk writing, “Good news, thanks to all the fans for making this happen,” and Falahee affirming, “WE ended censorship in this case. YOU ALL inspire me. Thank you for your voices!”

How to Get Away with Murder returns to ABC on Sept. 22.

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  1. Delle
    July 14, 10:27 Reply

    I’d shoot anyone for Jack Falahee!

    • Lorde
      July 14, 14:52 Reply

      Loool! You and me both! I’d even shoot you for jack falahee

      • Delle
        July 14, 18:47 Reply

        That’s if you’re not already in the pool of your own blood before you even think out where you kept your gun. Lol!

  2. Wiffey
    July 14, 11:41 Reply

    See me see trouble

    That hot ♨ scene

    Abeg let them reverse it, i can’t fit shout

    • Cedar
      July 14, 23:10 Reply

      As in ehn. Dat scene had me and one guy debating 4 mins, almost outed me.

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