‘Hot mug shot guy’ Jeremy Meeks leaves prison and starts modeling career

‘Hot mug shot guy’ Jeremy Meeks leaves prison and starts modeling career

Remember Jeremy Meeks? The drop dead gorgeous felon with the mug shot that broke the Internet in 2014? He’s out of prison, all ready for the fashion world

Two years ago, Jeremy Meeks was arrested, in California, ‘for illegally possessing firearms and ammo, carrying a loaded firearm in public, and criminal street gang activity.’ After his mug shot was put online, many of us panted with rampant desire. Meeks’ chiseled model looks and piercing blue eyes, made #FelonCrushFriday a thing on Twitter.

Meeks was released from prison this past week. According to his agent and manager, Jim Jordan, the former viral star is “in great spirits. He’s delighted to be reunited with his family.” Jordan, an agent for White Cross Management, insists top designers and TV producers have called about Meeks. The manager coyly declines to say which television honchos are speed dialing him.

“We were bombarded by every news media outlet and production company out there,” Jordan said.

Apparently his client has been keeping buff by doing 500 sit-ups and push-ups in his cell every day.

“The world responds to beautiful things. Jeremy is a beautiful thing. His striking looks are the first thing we noticed. His appeal got the attention of the world,” Jordan said.

See what chance photographs can do? First Olajumoke, now Jeremy Meeks.

Next TIERs Presents Nollywood LGBT Film, Hell Or High Water

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  1. KingBey
    March 18, 05:55 Reply

    Jeremy Meeks, has real beautiful looks. Olajumoke is just there…..she’s not beautiful to me. She was just visited by luck. All that heavy make ups and make overs on her doesn’t change anything. Makes her look more ridiculous.

    • Mandy
      March 18, 06:03 Reply

      But modeling is not exactly about beauty. There just has to be something striking about your looks, enough for you to photograph well. And Olajumoke has it.

  2. Dennis Macaulay
    March 18, 07:01 Reply

    Life has handed him another chance, he had better not screw it up

  3. Kenny
    March 18, 07:11 Reply

    500 sit ups and push Ups daily? Pictures Pink Panther!!! Pictures!

    • Pink Panther
      March 18, 07:16 Reply

      I’m working to get them from his agent. Camdan. 😀

    • Max 2.1
      March 18, 07:42 Reply

      Now you’re just hating @Absie.. Even the worst sadists in the world would agree he’s a fine ass man. Have you seen his dick pics?

        • Max 2.1
          March 18, 11:49 Reply

          His estranged Gf released it to shame him..however it only made him more famous..KD ran the story Na.. PP gerrin here. @CostodianOfNudes

      • Novacane
        March 18, 20:55 Reply

        He’s cute… but not that cute. calm yourself bro.

  4. #TeamKizito
    March 18, 07:22 Reply

    * Buuuuuuuuy butter bread! Oni bread de ooo! Fine bread! Buuuuuuyyy butter bread! *


  5. Ruby
    March 18, 10:22 Reply

    Just Negodu!!!!
    Ps: His dick is thick!!!
    Ooops!!! I didn’t just say that.

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