Kito Alert L
He is reportedly named Goodluck, but operates several accounts of Facebook, notably Repented Ageless and Davis Alvan.
His number is 07088248845.
He resides in both the East (Owerri) and Lagos.
He is a broke-ass scumbag who uses his access to the community to get with guys online, who he will in turn terrorize with exposure if they don’t give him financial benefits of their association with him. in other words, if he has assessed you as someone who has money or affluence, or really just has something to lose, he will get belligerent with you when asking you for money. And if you don’t comply, he splashes all the chats he’s had with you that outs you as a gay man.
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Kito Alert!
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This story is a narrative of what happened to me in December. It’s been a battle of the mind over the decision to share or not to share, but I
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December 24, 07:37Mere looking at these kito dudes, a person with standard should know that they are irresponsible fellows. Please and please, try to raise your standard in what you look out for in a partner and maintain it. It will reduce the rate we interact with these scumbags.
December 24, 08:48And to even think that he is gay too and acting this way is just too disgusting.
Like shouldn’t he know better than out a fellow community member cos of money or even any other thing? Their own money for that matter! Tụfịakwa! What happened to hustling for yours no matter how small and giving yourself small respect.
Someone should arrange and kụọ ya ihe tinka kụrụ pan, then seize his phone, plan with a community friendly police officer and lock up till after new year. Sense might just spring up like a thrombus in that his head that looks like a badly used mop.
Chukwu ajụ!
Mmadụ abụrụ ogbenye ma bụrụkwa amuosu!!!
December 24, 09:13This guy that the first thing he does when he chats you up is ask what you do for a living and when you tell him off, he blocks you or hurls insults at you. I’m not surprised at all that he’s this despicable. Check the Twitter post of this update, and see the things people are saying about him. He’s apparently also a thief and a rapist. Scum of the lowest order. Tufia
December 24, 09:39Thunder from the pit of hell will design his destiny for him. The useless bat.
Shuga chocolata
December 24, 09:40Wow, and to think I’ve had fun with him when he visited my state of residence.
Don L
December 25, 05:03Thanks goodness he didn’t out or extort you.
Dude is damn crazy
Don L
December 24, 09:43He is handsome. To even think that he is a member of the community.
Oppps, terrible. Real scumbag
He has no dignity.
December 24, 14:43This is similar to my kito story
Pinky I think I’m ready to share
December 24, 20:12isn’t it time we start making these guys disappear?
December 25, 02:32Lol. This ashewo. He is popular na. Dude started vexing and hurling insults at me cos I simply said “No” to his fluctuating love offering. Don’t give him any attention. He belongs to the sewer.
December 25, 18:44Note that his pendant is a crucifix. I am too miffed to type further.
December 26, 11:02Sometimes I just feel sorry for many of these guys. Some of them don’t realize these people they harass can also turn their hearts around and do them serious hurt. It’s just funny how people think they are invincible or have monopoly on wickedness
December 28, 17:21I have like 19 mutual friends with this nigga, my question is, should I mind my business or I should inform our mutual friends?.
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