Kito Alert: The Nigerian Police Is On the Prowl

Kito Alert: The Nigerian Police Is On the Prowl

A KDian sent me screenshots of the following conversation that took place in his Facebook inbox. Check it out.

It would seem that the police who arrested the young men partying in Egbeda has bulldozed their way into the Facebook accounts of some of the guys they arrested, and are then using the established familiarity to try and entrap friends of theirs who, from their interactions inbox, are believed to be gay.

The police are compounding an illegal arrest with an attempt to entrap Nigerians who have not been caught doing anything to break the law.

When I got these screenshots, I was very upset. For all our protestations that the SSMPA does not criminalize the homosexual identity but rather homosexual acts, it would seem that the people who are supposed to uphold the law are not keen on making that distinction. Heck, even the impression that you might be gay (with no real proof) is enough to get you arrested and arraigned. Young men are getting rounded up from parties whose only “gay crime” is that there are more guys than girls in attendance. According to a friend: “where a group of youths are gathered, and there are more men than women n said group, throw in a birthday cake and some music, and hey presto, they are gay! All you then need is for “intelligence” to report to the police.”

And on top of illegal arrests, we have shameless attempts at entrapment like this?!

This both breaks my heart and fills my insides with fury. However, while we are still trying to figure this thing out, my advice to every gay Nigerian reading this is the same one I’ve always been giving: BE CAREFUL. BE ALERT. MINIMISE YOUR TRUST IN EVERY SITUTATION.

If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. If a friend/acquaintance is on your case in your DM to come see him at whatever arranged place, think twice before going. Be mindful of the hookups you go out for. Even when these hookups are arranged for you and that guy you met online to see in a public place, be alert! There have been reports of how a guy arranged to meet a potential hookup at Ikeja Underbridge and when he got there and identified himself via phone call to the guy he was supposed to meet, a policeman emerged instead and began harassing him. He was lucky to escape getting detained because he didn’t have with him the smartphone where the “incriminating” chats between him and the “hookup” happened. He had stepped out to go to Ikeja Underbridge with another phone.


Previous Ugandan government cancels music festival over claims of nudity and gay sex, then backtracks after backlash
Next The Day My Class Of Law Students Talked About Homosexuality In Our Human Rights Class

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  1. Kaego
    September 07, 09:53 Reply

    This is…

    What are we even supposed to do?

  2. Bee
    September 07, 21:29 Reply

    The homophobia in Africa is utterly disgusting; it reeks of primitiveness. The inability most of us have to learn and unlearn certain principles, to actually have intelligent thought trains, is the main reason Africa is Africa today … WE ARE STILL IN BONDAGE! It’s not just homophobia sef, it’s mass stupidity.

    To those of you who are deviate and choose to be tolerant; you really are the hope of this continent.

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