Man Crush Monday: Gio
I’m not one for stalking Instagram celebrities, but ever since I discovered Gio of The Gio Experience IG account, the dude has had me all over his account, liking pics, laughing at his humour and salivating over his incredible good looks. Plus he’s a HUGE unapologetic fan of Jennifer Lopez. I am a fan of JLo too, but I struggle with my fan-ship because, well, I’m a Beyhive member too.
But back to Gio please, he’s also openly gay, at least on Instagram, and with his succulent ruby lips, well-structured body of a god, and biting sense of humour, he’s quite simply the man of my dreams. (sigh) But since I already have Idris and Tyson, I’ll just leave him as my man crush for today. 🙂
January 11, 06:09All hail everyone’s favourite metrosexual…..those muscles are killer! and that bum too #salivates
January 11, 09:51Please, don’t generalize. He is your favourite and not everyone. Enjoy your man alone.
January 11, 17:33Lol…word!
Max 2.0
January 11, 06:38Too much muscle… Pass
Dennis Macaulay
January 11, 07:31Thank God you are finally seeing the light!
Rev; Hot
January 11, 06:46when my pastor said “Women cannot only be referred to as beautiful, but men as well…” I didn’t believe until NOW!
Pinky, I’m sorry but you’re inclined to share…
January 11, 07:06He really is BEAUTIFUL. Gaddemn! Those pink lips of his are not joking at all. They look like small gateways to heaven.
Dennis Macaulay
January 11, 07:11Too much muscle!
But his page is Hilarious!
I am an avid stalker
Marc Francis of Chelsea
January 11, 08:23I don’t think he’s too muscular. It’s the ones that compete in body building competitions that has too much. He’s very handsome and that ass is magical but I find his views putrid. He’s a Donald Trump supporting Republican and writes some of the most ignorant shit on IG. I just try not to read and enjoy the view.
January 11, 08:32Muscular and in leotards…biko, I’ll pass. That shii always reminds of lopsided tutu wearers
January 11, 08:55Sista pinkie come an gimme GIO Ice Cream please don’t let DM know oooo
Dennis Macaulay
January 11, 09:46What are you going on about?
January 11, 08:58Don’t like so much muscles and he isn’t Channing Tattum kind of gorgeous so I’d pass.
His pink lips reads anyway…#okbye
January 11, 09:13Sexy!! Would do that ass!!?
OAN @Delle, how now? Just thought I should shout out.
Seems your statement about Sam Smith few weeks back, which you “vehemently stood by” on Friday, is coming to pass o!
Did you hear about the tragedy that befell Sam Smith lat night at the golden globes?. Sad, very sad??
Dennis Macaulay
January 11, 09:45Very tragic what happened at the globes!
Pink Panther
January 11, 10:23LMAO! Yes o. I heard about the tragedy. Such a shame. When he won’t sit still and not let his sexuality take the shine out of his career.
January 11, 11:19Lmao y’all ain’t serious
January 11, 17:29*pauses make-up session*
What’s wrong with y’all? Huh? Why yes, it is sad how you would go on about something in a different path from what it was originally meant to be.
Since you’ve all turned an ‘I wish Sam Smith would just be that wonderful singer rather than that wonderful ‘Gay’ singer’ to an ‘I hate Sam Smith with a passion’ charade, I’d just raise my hands and throw in the towel with my dignity intact. I’m done with this.
I actually love the song ‘Writings on the Wall’, I have 5 versions of it…just so y’all know!
January 11, 10:13Too light skinned and semi Caucasian, and way too muscular. Not my cuppa tea, however that ass is gold!… But I can bet its as hard as a bag of Dangote cement.
January 11, 11:55****screams**** omg!!! What a sweet milk-caramel-olive-with a tinge of chocolate glaze yummy creamy juicy man!! ***in Rihanna’s voice**** “where have you been all my life …”
January 11, 13:47*gasping…dry throat…can’t breathe…those lips…faints with a hard on*
January 11, 14:26How is the one sexy na? With all these muscles
January 11, 15:09He is indeed sexy, hilarious and I follow him on instagram. But he doesn’t like beyonce or Nicki Minaj and he has lots of nude picture online. I’ll put it up later at night. Just check by 7pm
January 11, 18:19So many hateful cynical bile-filled bi***es here! Smh
Both the ones with potbelly and cellulite stretchmarks will be talking. If he’s not ur type, fine. But dont bring down a brotha just cos of ur sexual appetite!
January 11, 18:21..or lack of sexual appetite in most cases…??
Brian Collins
January 12, 04:21Phew *fans self* Thank God I am not on Instagram. I would a made a fool of my self.