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Gallery 31 Comments

Photo: Morning Humour V

LOL! I am not the one going to hell for this. Chestnut is.

Gallery 32 Comments

Photos: It’s The Bulge Craze!

So after that deliciousness that is Keith Carlos’ bulge that titillated more than half the population of Kito Diaries, I was made to understand that there are other bulging crotch

Gallery 47 Comments

Photo: Let Them Eat Cake

This is exactly the kind of ass that is capable of making a straight man gay. Aswear!


  1. yazz soltana
    February 07, 21:27 Reply

    There’s no way in hell that those two do not swing the other way once in a while ,maybe not with each other
    Ewww,that’s gross ..
    I can’t shake the image out of my head

  2. Andre
    February 09, 14:53 Reply

    Lol Seriously guys? #Smh

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