Morning Humour II

Morning Humour II

BvwpAhRCUAAQFLSLMAO! That’s it! I just can’t.

PS: Khaleesi, Iluvmua, you both should just know that Dennis (who gave me this picture) told me in the strictest confidence (which I’m about to betray) that the Drag Queen pen best suits you. There, my amebo work is done. #dropsmic #sauntersoff

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  1. Chizzie
    September 03, 06:17 Reply

    so in the gay context, Haram is a top and several bottoms? *scribbles down on note pad viciously*

  2. sensuousensei
    September 03, 06:19 Reply

    I laughed out loud when I got to the pedophile one. LOL!

  3. Dennis Macauley
    September 03, 06:26 Reply

    @Iluvuma and Khaleesi, erm In my defence I had a few drinks when I said that!

    @Pinky I shall deal with you in due course

  4. Fabb
    September 03, 06:30 Reply

    Morning humour indeed.

  5. chestnut
    September 03, 06:36 Reply

    Oh Lawd!!!! Dis is fucking hilarious! LMAO. Dennis and pinkie, u both are so wrong for dis…y’all are definitely riding to hell on big black unicorn! The “over-sized”, “pedophile”, “morning-after pill” did me in! LWkmd. “The orgy” nko?…*dead*

  6. Ruby
    September 03, 06:37 Reply

    *singing in princess Jasmine’s Voice* “A whole new world… A new fantastic point of view… But from way up here, its crystal clear… That Sex has got a new meaning with ƔU̶̲̥̅̊

  7. Ruby
    September 03, 06:40 Reply

    Btw @Pinky n @Dennis, thanks 4 showing ♍e̶̲̥̅̊ a new perspective to sex. I’m reallyy grateful… Mwah

  8. chestnut
    September 03, 06:42 Reply

    Now when I get to work today,I’ll be looking at all d pens in d office with “side-eye”…I won’t even be able to put two (or more) pens together without feeling like a pervo-creepo…lol

    • pinkpanthertb
      September 03, 06:44 Reply

      Lmao. My eternal apologies for ruining what your penis…sorry, pen is to you, Chestie

      • chestnut
        September 03, 07:42 Reply

        Hahaha…I see what u did there *wink*

  9. Remy Dubois
    September 03, 06:51 Reply

    Hahahahha…OMG…I need a blue pen right now…

  10. King
    September 03, 07:10 Reply

    Oooh I do so love the minajetua pic….Ah…what pleasure memories flooding back!!!

    • chestnut
      September 03, 07:45 Reply

      I’m guessing u mean 3 BLUE pens? Cos all I see in d menage a trois pics above are two blue pens and one red, or two red pens and one blue,lol.

    • Neon
      September 03, 20:07 Reply

      Menage a trois… You mean?

  11. john
    September 03, 07:26 Reply

    Pink u will not kill me, lmao..

  12. trystham
    September 03, 07:28 Reply

    Errr…can someone kindly explain the drag queen part???
    The undersize is so not fair. It was like a color pencil playing at being an adult

  13. Khaleesi
    September 03, 09:57 Reply

    hahahhahahahaaaa, Pinky!!!! The bisexual pen got me rolling on the floor
    @Dennis, bitch!!! that drag pen is ugly nau, even if i were to drag it would be in fabulous, silky, long, flowing premium peruvian hair … of course with a tight short skirt to show off my legs and the tallest pair of bright red heels i can find … duh!!

    • pinkpanthertb
      September 03, 10:51 Reply

      Hahahahahahaa! How…em, bright and brazen of you Khaleesi 🙂

  14. lluvmua
    September 03, 12:07 Reply

    *cat walks into dennis office withs red hills , indian hair,macro skirt and crop top* *chewing bubble gum* dennis lol * I love been a drag queen for u dear* *winks* #crush

  15. Vikany
    September 03, 20:01 Reply

    LMAO…..yall ain’t alright…..that bisexual pen is so on point.

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