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From The Net 12 Comments

Bests Of Online Hookups VIII

LMAO!!! Someone held in the clutches of konji will be jejely looking for a quick fix, and someone else from another universe will coman say Hi.

Gallery 4 Comments

Cristiano Ronaldo in those underwear photos though… sigh

Now in its 7th season, Cristiano Ronaldo‘s underwear collection CR7 is taking a turn towards all things tropical and toucan-toned. “I love summer,” he said at the launch, “so wanted

Gallery 11 Comments


*when you realize your future husband may actually be on Grindr*


  1. GOld
    May 03, 05:59 Reply

    Wonderful family there
    Daddy I hope ur proud of them

  2. Sinnex
    May 03, 06:50 Reply

    I can only imagine the look on the dad’s face….hehehehehehe

  3. kendigin
    May 03, 07:00 Reply

    Statistically its impossible that only one person is gay in the family. So before y’all start shining teeth, better starting looking at daddy and bros with corner eye…hehehe

    In other news, y is it that igbos are the most likely to be in denial or sexually confused. Pls I’m not being racist o. But almost all the gay guys in denial I have met are all igbos….

    • Max
      May 03, 08:30 Reply

      Because we’re not wayward like the other tribes

    • Mitch
      May 03, 10:39 Reply

      Possibly because we have stupid notions of upholding family honour and all that shii. Or maybe its because our socio-cultural structure makes the clime for gay men (both internally and externally) very unconducive.

      • MacArdry
        May 03, 12:04 Reply

        I wonder where you got that from,Mitch.
        @kendigin,you’re being a tribalist not racist.

  4. Eros
    May 03, 07:36 Reply

    Denial is not an ethnic thing. Believe me, I know. There is this gay dude who is my school. He is in denial so dark and deep that he can’t see the light of day. And so many others in my school too.

    BTW, They are all yoruba.

    • Chris
      May 03, 11:20 Reply

      One cant be from two particular tribes in Nigeria, that am not going to mention, and be comfortable being gay, we all know the reasons why. Being Bi doesnt even make it much better, it just enable easy intergration into the mainstream community.

  5. Eros
    May 03, 07:38 Reply

    So I came out to my best friend yesterday….

  6. Kenny
    May 03, 08:05 Reply

    Really Eros??? How did he/she take it? First time commenting here. Hi everyone.

    • pete
      May 03, 10:35 Reply

      hi, Kenny. welcome. hope you stick around.

      • Chris
        May 03, 11:27 Reply

        @Kenny, first time commenting here, and you ve already started displaying your investigative journalism skills? Just teasing you:) You surely welcome aboard, hope you have nice ride with us, the co blog readers.

  7. Khaleesi
    May 03, 08:19 Reply

    Looolzzz… funny … denial isnt an ethnic thing, it cuts across all ethnic boundaries ….

  8. Masked Man
    May 03, 09:28 Reply

    And your best friend asked you out afterwards? @Eros

  9. Dennis Macaulay
    May 03, 11:19 Reply

    Installs jacuzzi in closet, brings in persian rug and 150 inch LED Tv. Sets up airconditioning and instals 7 extra locks on closet doors.

    ***chills on sofa (in closet peacefully)***

    • pete
      May 03, 12:18 Reply

      locks can easily be picked

      • MacArdry
        May 03, 12:23 Reply

        That’s being subtle,Pete.I have a battering ram in mind

  10. Ruby
    May 03, 13:18 Reply

    1 or 2 would be ok!
    Anymore than that, I’m pretty sure I’d have a Heart Attack!

  11. Carl
    May 03, 13:47 Reply

    Lol. That’s a recipe for success heart attack, multiple strokes, and the onset of ALS.

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