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Gallery 48 Comments

Man Crush Saturday: Mr. Nigeria

I recently saw Emmanuel Ikubese at the airport, and – By God! – he is every bit as delicious-looking in real life as he is in pictures. Those lips on

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Previously on Instagram…

This is supposed to be motivational, but…

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Man Crush Sunday: Zac Efron and Denola Grey

After sifting through his vast harem of crushes, Dennis Macaulay was finally able to pick out two hotties he won’t mind going to gay heaven with. And he picked one


  1. ken
    January 19, 07:24 Reply

    Lol….i dont knw why people say two dads cant raise a kid. I was raised by no dad and a super busy-no-time-for-your-silly-cries mum. And I dare say I turned out right as rain………..well, mostly! 🙂

  2. shar
    January 19, 09:50 Reply

    Laff my gay ass off!!!!????

  3. Delle
    January 19, 12:30 Reply

    Ouch! Now that was deep! (No pun intended)

  4. Davitch
    January 19, 13:18 Reply

    perfect reply….. bougie ass kim

  5. Ok
    January 20, 01:43 Reply

    Maybe she used harsh words but let’s be honest, we all need a mum and dad! I can imagine y’all gonna disagree but try be objective for once.

    • Pink Panther
      January 20, 06:04 Reply

      We all need a mum and dad? Does this sentiment also apply to those who grow up in single parent households, or is this objectivity something we should try to have when it’s just gay parenting that is the issue?

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