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Bests Of Online Hookups XV

LOL. A friend of mine would cynically remark: “You claim top finish, but once we enter bed, you raise your legs and nyash for fuck.”

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Man Crush Monday: Mehcad Brooks

Khaleesi got me all hot and bothered yesterday when he introduced me to his man crush, Mehcad Brooks. I’d seen the dude just one time on the TV screen when

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Photo Of The Day LI

The hazards of online hook-ups… lol :'(


  1. Drone
    May 09, 07:39 Reply

    This happens quite a lot in clubs, even when there’s girls. No one even pays them any attention. Some guys will even dance up to any guy and get touchy feely and except if you’re the one, nobody else really cares (much).

    From my experience, they creep me out 🙁

  2. Ringlana
    May 09, 09:57 Reply

    I only need sheyi shay Right now ,in the mood

  3. Delle
    May 09, 09:59 Reply

    There was a guy that once fell me in the name of rocking at a party.

  4. Dennis Macaulay
    May 09, 10:59 Reply

    There is this bouncer here that feels you up completely before you enter the club, he presses your nyash, feels up your preeq and lingers a little there!

    Would I be weird if I admit that I like it? If you live in PH you probably know him

    • posh6666
      May 10, 08:37 Reply

      Lool seriously? And those silly homophobes allow a fellow man to squeeze their ass n grab their cocks all in the name of clubing? I guess there are exceptions then… But ermm wat is the freak looking for in guys ass and cocks? Sicko!

  5. façade
    May 09, 12:08 Reply

    What can I say? The host must be a feminist

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