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This is supposed to be motivational, but…
Man Crush Thursday: Gbenro Emmanuel Ajibade
Gbenro Emmanuel. Tinsel star. Sheer black beauty. And Kitodiariesian Iluvmua’s man crush. You chose well, darling. You chose well.
Morning Humour XXXII: What if Top-Shaming was a thing?
What if Tops felt the scourge of the gay community the ways Bottoms do?
June 05, 05:17Abi!
We r gay! We are queer! We r here! We’ve been here! We ain’t going nowhere! We r here to stay! WE R TAKING OVER THE WORLD!
They ain’t seen nothing yet! ITS Remaining naija! That national assembly building would collapse on d day they r having a joint section!
GIVE IT SOME TIME ND One idiot now would come with his own analogy that d sins of d gay community caused d flood just like in d days of Noah nd Sodom nd Gomorrah! And that the rainbow was man-made nd not natural! Smh! Afujugo m anya! Iberibe @ its peak!
June 05, 05:36Hahahahahahahaaa!!! National assembly Building collapsing… Chai! Kryxxx, you have no chill.
June 05, 06:44KryxxX onye oma m, I don miss you scarra!
June 05, 05:19All I Know is “There is God ooo”wink
Masked Man
June 05, 05:52***packing my bags***
Moving to Dublin.
June 05, 06:14YIMU
June 05, 06:15Lol. Who are you yimuing for abeg?
June 05, 07:20Countries are having double rainbows, others are flooding.. And he still haven’t got a single activity in his backyard… And you’re wondering why he’s yimuing..
Masked Man
June 05, 07:30Lol. Max
June 05, 06:46Wonder what Nigeria would be getting. Famine, drought, war, hurricanes or an earthquake!
June 05, 06:50Tufiakwa! Not while I’m still in this country biko
June 05, 06:59Me, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for an earthquake that’ll hit only that yeye House of Assembly.
June 05, 07:17Aswear this is is the best thing I’ve seen all week…
June 05, 08:50*totally dumbfounded*
June 05, 08:59Is this real???… hmmmm. What will happen to Nigeria
June 05, 11:23um…fire and brimstones!…lol
June 05, 09:28God? Ha! …or the Association of Gay Satanists world wide. We had to sacrifice a couple of ( straight) humans to get the Job done, and the results are what we expected. Nigeria is next…
June 05, 11:03Hahahahahahahaa @Nigeria is next. You sound so deliciously ominous, Diablo
June 05, 10:17Lmaoo ok this pics is soo wrong.Btw Korede Bello has suffered o eversince d release of his Godwin video the gay bashing is now unto anoda level,with d way he was dancing.Nigerians and dia hypocrisy so quick to label one gay when sucking dicks is dia own favourite hobby.
June 05, 11:27I can’t stop Laffing ,he wants to bring out. His own Style #Shoki
June 05, 11:35Lol me too lezbee honest dat dance sef get k leg abeg…the boi jus dey dance like say him jus receive finish
June 05, 10:35Its so great …and it gladens my heart to see dat picture up ….only God knows wat wld happy to Nigeria oooo…keeping my fingers crossed…
PS:Am new here ….good to be here
June 05, 11:05Welcome, Mr. Fresh.
Don’t mind the wolves. They bark but don’t bite.
Much. 😀
June 05, 11:25NOT quite true *keeps fingers crossed* get ready
Masked Man
June 05, 12:57Ronnie, well said.
June 05, 10:40Most likely I hope our National Assembly will experience a Landslide dat will only affect the Legislative chambers only should they revisit this matter.
June 05, 11:18lool… how apt!!! Does anyone else find it ironic that Ireland which for decades was renowned for its two major exports; potatoes and – – Catholic priests/nuns has granted full equality to gays? Day after day, any justification for homophobia is being erased and evaporated yet Nigerians (typically), still cling staunchly to their homophobic hatred … Good job Ireland! Now, where next? and … don’t hold your breath for Nigeria, its not happening anytime soon! sorry to burst your bubbles …
June 05, 14:06how can you forget Guinness?
June 05, 14:04Lmao! It’s a sign.