Photos: Gay Art

Photos: Gay Art

As usual, I was perusing twitter, and I happened upon these pieces of gay art that I would love to share with y’all. I mean, it’s porn, but without the startling realness of pictures where real men are going at it with real men, these exposures hold a certain appeal. Check ’em out below.Gay Art 01Gay Art 02Gay Art 03

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Photo: Helen Mirren Wants To Die

All these females will just hiarandia and death will be hungrying them. They’ll just be looking for early retirement from this life. Let me just siddon and be looking at

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LOL! So, whose relationship here ended because he or his ex got a new job in this bank?

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Photo Of The Day XV

But I thought we were already wearing AMU… *flustered look at down below*


  1. Absalom
    July 07, 04:56 Reply

    I LOVE the first one! They look so happy. The other two pics can draw their energy from that. *trembly-sigh*

  2. lluvmua
    July 07, 05:40 Reply

    The first picture looks so real nd magical. I Like it

  3. Rapum
    July 07, 05:41 Reply

    I like the last one. *whispers: that’s my favourite position*

      • Rapum
        July 07, 06:12 Reply

        Lol. I’ve heard brodas say it hurts. But, ironically, it doesn’t for me. I like the control, and the angle. It hits the right button.

  4. trystham
    July 07, 06:52 Reply

    Is that bondage they are acting out in pic 2??? I can’t try that out for anything yet in this country

    • Rapum
      July 07, 07:48 Reply

      Lol, Anonymous. You’ve never met cute gay guys in Naija. Sorry oh. Them plenty!

      • anonymous
        July 07, 11:54 Reply

        Abeg where dem dey o, cus me nor see…I mean straight acting tho *no offense meant

  5. chestnut
    July 07, 07:51 Reply

    Hehehe. Cute pics.I like that they’re sexy,without being blatantly vulgar. Steamy but tasteful. D first and last pics are sooooo sexy!

  6. Lothario
    July 07, 17:04 Reply

    Nice pictures… I’m a fan of doggy style… Pity no picture depicts that

  7. Andrevn
    July 08, 16:19 Reply

    Nice collection….my pick wil always be pix III.Nothing beats going for a humpy horse ride.#BringsMyAlphaBitchTheToSurface.

  8. Mathieut88
    November 07, 19:37 Reply

    What is the name of the artist do the last one :)?

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