Random Questions: Your Sex Life In Three Words

Random Questions: Your Sex Life In Three Words

I once saw a Facebook update where the poster said something about how lack of sex makes one an FB comedian. Lol. So those three words would be: Konji, Facebook comedian, Nothing dey happen for here.

Oh wait, that’s more than three words. Lol.

Well, what about y’all? Are you having a lot of sex? With people or are you having it all with your right hand or your dildo? Are you having none at all, maybe keeping your body holy for Jesus Christ? Whichever is the case, what three words would you use to describe your sex life?


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  1. ken
    September 27, 12:55 Reply

    The obsession with sex is too much. Gay men simply cant get enough. Sigh1

  2. Daive
    September 27, 17:49 Reply

    Searching for boyfriend

  3. Lee
    September 29, 15:36 Reply

    Breakfast, lunch and dinner. ☺

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